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Campus de Excelencia Internacional

Department of Informatics / Automatic, Robotics and Mechatronics research group

Interactive Tools

This section provides different links to Interactive Tools that can be used for control education. Interactive Tools are very powerful educational resources as support to learning and teaching. Theory and graphical results are connected by interactive simulations to facilitate the understanding of the underlaying concepts.

[PID] [Identification (ITSIE, ITCRI, i-pIDtune, ITCLI) ] [MPC][Delay][Robotics]

Interactive Learning Modules for teaching Feedback Fundamentals by means of PID Control
Automatic Control with Interactive Tools
ITSIE: An Interactive Software Tool for System Identification Education

ITCRI: An Interactive Software Tool for Control-Relevant Identification

i-pIDtune: An interactive tool for integrated system identification and PID control

ITCLI: An Interactive Tool for Closed-Loop Identification

SISO-GPCIT: Generealized Interactive Tool for SISO Systems

MIMO-GPCIT: Generealized Interactive Tool for MIMO Systems

Filtered Smith Predictor Interactive Tool: An Unified approach for Dead-time Process Control

MRIT: Mobile Robotics Interactive Tool

Contact data

Prof. José Luis Guzmán

Department of Informatics

System Engineering and Automatics area


Ctra. Sacramento s/n
04120, Almería

Building CITE III, Planta: 2, Office: 2.16.3
Phone: +34 950 21 4133
joguzman@ ual.es joseluis.guzman@ ual.es

Actualizado por: José Luis Guzmán Sánchez


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