This project presents a unified methodology for dead-time process control combining theory from a recent book with a interactive tool specially developed for this purpose. The unified approach is based on a modified structure of the Smith predictor that allows to decouple the disturbance and set-point responses in order to tune the controller for a compromise between performance and robustness, being able to cope with unstable processes. Simple models normally used to represent the behavior of chemical processes around an operation point are used to tune the controller structure and to illustrate the principal concepts associated to performance-robustness analysis and the limitations on the closed-loop dynamics imposed by unstable dynamics and dead-times. Several examples and a final case study are used to illustrate the proposed tool and the methodology.
@ Copyrigth (J. Normey-Rico, J.L. Guzmán, S. Dormido, M. Berenguel and E.F. Camacho)
Prof. José Luis Guzmán
System Engineering and Automatics area
Ctra. Sacramento s/n
04120, Almería
Building CITE III, Planta: 2, Office: 2.16.3
Phone: +34 950 21 4133