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Campus de Excelencia Internacional

Department of Informatics/ Automatic, Robotics and Mechatronics research group

Interactive Tools

i-pIDtune: An interactive tool for integrated system identification and PID control

i-pIDtune is an interactive software tool that integrates system identification and PID controller design. The tool supports experimental design and execution under plant-friendly conditions, high-order ARX estimation, and control-relevant model reduction leading to models that comply with the IMC-PID tuning rules. All these stages are depicted simultaneously and interactively in one screen. Thus, i-pIDtune allows to display both open- and closed-loop responses of the estimated models and important control-relevant validation criteria, what enables the user to readily assess how design variable choices, control performance requirements and model error can impact the achievable closed-loop performance from a restricted complexity model estimated under noisy conditions.

@ Copyrigth (J.L. Guzmán, D. Rivera, S. Dormido, and M. Berenguel)

Version 1.0

Version 2.0


Contact data

Prof. José Luis Guzmán

Department of Informatics

System Engineering and Automatics area


Ctra. Sacramento s/n
04120, Almería

Building CITE III, Planta: 2, Office: 2.16.3
Phone: +34 950 21 4133
joguzman@ ual.es joseluis.guzman@ ual.es

Actualizado por: José Luis Guzmán Sánchez


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