- Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT, 2005-present)

- ROS packages:
- See all MRPT ROS packages. Some examples:
Other Open-Source projects

- Mechplot (2013): MATLAB library (toolkit) to render structures and mechanisms..

- CMake build system for StuiteSparse+METIS (2013-14): Allows using these libraries from Visual Studio or any other compiler supported by CMake.

- Denavit-Hartenberg GUI tutorial (2013): A didactic tool for learning, teaching or designing robotic arm kinematics.

- Maxwell-Boltzmann simulator (2012): A graphical simulator, with didactic purposes, which illustrates the Physics behind the kinetic theory of gasses and its relationship to probability distributions. Part of a Spanish Science blog article.

- The Recursive World Language (RWL) toolkit (2011-2013): A language definition and an interpreter for creating vast simulated worlds within which to simulate SLAM datasets.
- mooxygen (2009-2010): A tool which scans a directory tree containing MOOS modules and generates documentation about the variables that each module publishes or subscribes to, pretty much like doxygen does with functions and classes.
- Eigen linear Algebra C++ library: Really, really recommendable library. I made insignificant contributions there but don't want to waste the opportunity to recommend it.
- UTF-bom-utils (2009): Two small tools for adding and removing the UTF8 BOM marks to text files.
- Particle filter resampling routines in MATLAB (2009): This package has been published in the MATLAB Central web.
- The wxMathPlot library: This is a set of classes to allow the easy representation of scientific 2D graphs in GUI applications developed with the cross-platform wxWidgets framework. I made small contributions to this project. Visit the wxMathPlot main webpage at sourceforge.
- OpenCV: I made some small contributions to this C/C++ library well known in the field of computer vision. Visit the project website for more information and downloads.
- syncpath (2007): A cross-platform, open-source, lightweight command-line tool for synchronizing a source and a target directory. It can be used to synchronize two local directories in a machine, for example, a working directory and a backup in a removable device. Visit the sourceforge website to download the code or compiled versions.
- "Open-cv bots" (2009): Fancy computer vision-based programs that learn how to play to Facebook games autonomously. Web: