MRPT got accepted into GSoC 2018!

Posted on 15 February 2018 in misc

We're delighted to announce that MRPT has been selected to participate into Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2018!

As you probably know, this program aims at consolidating communities around open-source projects by allowing skilled students to devote ~3 months to a project of his/her interest. In turn, students receive an stipend that depends on the country of residence but should be roughly equivalent to 6000 $ (USD).

Feel free of spreading the word among friends who may be interested! ;-)

Important points:

  • Being selected is a very competitive process.
  • It's required to ensure that the interested student will have spare time to devote to the project (June-July-August), i.e. this cannot be simultaneous to another full-time job. Having to take exams may be acceptable if a realistic working plan is approved by mentors.
  • Although a decent C++ knowledge is required for all our projects, for the first time in MRPT history in GSoC we also offer projects for JavaScript experts! ;-)

Make sure of studying the official timeline and our list of proposed ideas, list of mentors, etc. here.

Interested candidates are encouraged to open a thread in our mailing list to introduce themselves and discuss about their proposed project or ideas.

You can also checkout the archived pages with past projects: