
I work as Full Professor (Prof. Catedrático de Universidad) at the University of Almería and as a mobile robotics consultant for the industry. Member of the ARM TEP197 group, formerly (<2012) member of MAPIR lab at the University of Málaga (Spain), where I also received the European PhD and the M.Sc. Electrical Engineering in 2009 and 2005, respectively.


My research interests include robotics, computational dynamics, estimation theory and computer vision. Check out some past and current research projects. I also had the pleasure of visiting MRG lab (Oxford, 2008) and LIM lab (La Coruña, 2013).

Complete CV here.

Robotics software development

Lead developer of MRPT (350+ references in Google Scholar, 89k+ downloads) since 2005. See the complete list of software projects.

Editorial activity


Despacho 1.05, Edificio CITE IV

Ctra. Sacramento, s/n
Universidad de Almería - Edificio CITE II-A
04120 La Cañada, Almería (Spain)

(+34) 950 21 42 33 (Internal ext: 84233)


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