José R. Ibáñez is a Lecturer in the Department of Philology, English Studies Division at the University of Almeria. He studied at the University of Murcia, where he earned his licenciatura in English Studies in 1991. In 1999, he received his Ph.D. in Modern Languages from Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. Upon return to Spain, he joined the University of Almeria where he has taught English language and American literature courses since October 2003. He also taught courses in the Master’s Degree in Secondary Education and has taught courses in the Master’s Degree in English Studies at the University of Almeria since 2011.

   He has published articles and book chapters on Comparative Literature, short fiction or the presence of British residents in Andalusia. He has also translated fiction and non fiction works into Spanish. He is co-editor of the volume Contemporary Debates on the Short Story (Peter Lang, 2007) and, together with Blasina Cantizano Márquez he edited and translated a thirteen-short story anthology, Una llegada inesperada (Encuentro Ediciones, 2015), by Chinese American writer Ha Jin (1956). This translation was winner of the 29th AEDEAN Translation Award in 2015. His most recent publication is a volume, Retrospective Poe: The Master, His Readership, His Legacy (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023), that he co-edited with Santiago Rodríguez Guerrero-Strachan. He is currently working, with Santiago Rodríguez, on the edition of the Handbook of the Short in the World, which is scheduled to be published by Brill in 2025.

   His field of interest is Southern literature, with an emphasis on the short fiction of Edgar A. Poe, Flannery O’Connor, Andre Dubus, Tim Gautreaux or Moira Crone; he has also an interest in the works of hyphenated American writers, such as Ha Jin, Jhumpa Lahiri, Nathan Englander and Aleksandar Hemon.

   One of the founding members of the Edgar Allan Poe Spanish Association (EAPSA), he serves as the secretary of this Society—he was its vice-president from 2020 to 2022. In April 2021, he was appointed as Treasurer of the Spanish Association for American Studies (SAAS). He also serves on the editorial board of the Edgar Allan Poe Review. In 2020, he organized the 2nd International Conference of the Edgar Allan Poe Spanish Association (EAPSA), which was held in Almería on 5-7 February.



"Anthologies as Tools of Literary Hospitality. The Case of Edgar Allan Poe in Spain (1850-1936)." Journal of World Literature, vol. 8 (2023): 313-336. [In collaboration with Santiago Rodríguez Guerrero-Strachan].

"'What the son wishes to forget, the grandson wishes to remember:' Intergenerational Issues in Jhumpa Lahiri's The Namesake." Nuevas investigaciones y perspectivas sobre literatura, cultura y pensamiento. Coord. Salud Adelaida Flores Borjabad, Inmaculada Respaldiza Salas y Romina Grana. Madrid: Dyckinson, S.L., 2023. 488-509. To view or download document, click here.

"Introduction: Re-assessing Poe's Seductive Art". Retrospective Poe: The Master, His Readership, His Legacy. Ed. by José R. Ibáñez and Santiago Rodríguez Guerrero-Strachan. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. xxi-xxxii. [In collaboration with Santiago Rodríguez Guerrero-Strachan]. To view or download document, click here.

Retrospective Poe: The Master, His Readership, His Legacy. Ed. by José R. Ibáñez and Santiago Rodríguez Guerrero-Strachan. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.

"Identity and Religious Traits in Jewish Literature–A Hansenian Reading of the Short Fiction of Bernard Malamud and Nathan Englander." Brno Studies in English, 47.2 (2021): 69-86. To view or download document, click here.

"(In)hospitable Languages and Linguistic Hospitality in Hyphenated American Literature: The Case of Ha Jin." The Poetics and Politics of Hospitality in US Literature and Culture. Eds. Amanda Ellen Gerke, Santiago Rodríguez Guerrero-Strachan & Patricia San José Rico. Leyden: Brill/Rodopi, 2020. 77-93. To view or download document, click here.

"'Although the sparrow is small, it has a complete set of organs': literatura de contacto y creatividad bilingüe en los relatos cortos de Ha Jin." Vertere. Monográficos de la revista Hermēneus, 21 (2019): 173-193. To view or download document, click here.

"In the Footsteps of the ‘Goldsmith of Magical Wonders.’ Revisiting the Popular Poe in Pío Baroja’s Early Tales.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 20, no 1 (Spring 2019): 96-109. To view or download document, click here.

"‘Such as might have arisen only out of hell': A Note on Poe's Hellenic Motifs in ‘The Black Cat.’” Complutense Journal of English Studies, 26 (2018): 111-120. [In collaboration with Dimitrios Tsokanos]. To view or download document, click here.

"Poe's Unity of Effect Called into Question: Revisiting Cortázar's Translation of 'The Tell-Tale Heart'". The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 19, no. 1 (Spring 2018): 76-87.To view or download document, click here.

"Márgenes en la 'literatura de traducción': La creatividad bilingüe en la narrativa breve de Ha Jin. Superando límites en traducción e interpretación. Edited by Carmen Valero Garcés y Carmen Pena Díaz. Geneva: Editions Tradulex, 2017. 120-127. To view or download document, click here.

“'All the Guns Must Have the Same Caliber': A Kachruvian Study of Ha Jin's Chineseness in 'Winds and Clouds over a Funeral.'” Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, vol. 42, 2 (September 2016): 195-220. To view or download document, click here.

"Review of Translated Poe." Edited by Margarida Vale de Gato and Emron Esplin. International Journal of English Studies, 17.2 (2016): 109-116.

La globalización, sus consecuencias y su presencia en los países de habla inglesa. Almería: Universidad de Almería, 2016.

Una llegada inesperada y otros relatos, by Ha Jin. Edited & translated with an introduction by José R. Ibáñez & Blasina Cantizano Márquez. Madrid: Encuentro Ediciones, 2015. [321 p.] To view or download the introduction to this short story anthology, click here

“De la ruptura de los formalismos a la experiencia fenomenológica de la ficción. La poética del relato corto sureño: Porter, Welty y O’Connor”. Fragmentos de realidad. Los autores y las poéticas del cuento en lengua inglesa. Santiago Rodríguez Guerrero- Strachan, coord. Valladolid: Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid, 2015. 45-61. To view or download document, click here.

"War and Exile in Aleksandar Hemon's The Question of Bruno (2000). Verbeia. Revista de Estudios Filológicos, vol. 0 (2015): 221-234. To view or download document, click here.

"Writing Short Fiction from Exile: An Interview with Ha Jin". Odisea. Revista de Estudios Ingleses. Volume 15 (2014): 73-87. To view or download document, click here.

"Review of Short Story Theories: A Twenty-First Century Perspective." Ed. by Viorica Patea. The Grove. Working Papers on English Studies, 21 (2014): 137-145.

Al sur de Granada de Gerald Brenan, o la transposición de cultemas semíticos en el ámbito cultural y gastronómico andaluz.” La Andalucía rural vista por viajeros extranjeros. Campos, posadas y tabernas. Edited by Vicente López Folgado y Mª Mar Rivas Carmona. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 2013. 203-231. 
To view or download document, click here.

“A Voice from the ‘Northern Capital of the Caribbean’: An Interview with Moira Crone”. Odisea. Revista de Estudios Ingleses. Volume 13 (2012): 62-72. To view or download document, click here.

“A Storyteller from the Bayou: Introspection and Self-Redemption in Gautreaux’s ‘Welding with Children.’” At a Time of Crisis: English and American Studies in Spain. Edited by Sara Martín Alegre, Melissa Moyer, Elisabet Pladevall & Susagna Tubau. Barcelona: AEDEAN 2012. 125-131. To view or download article, click here.

A View from the South: Contemporary English and American Studies. Proceedings of the 34th Internacional AEDEAN Conference Almeria 2010. Edited by José R. Ibáñez Ibáñez & José Francisco Fernández Sánchez. Almería: Editorial Universidad de Almería, 2011.

"Reseña de 'Dossier: Edgar Allan Poe' en Barcarola: Revista de creación literaria", ed. Margarita Rigal-Aragón. ES. Revista de Estudios Ingleses, vol. 23 (2011): 347-354.

“Killing the Beast at Home: Destroying Maternal Bonds in Moira Crone’s ‘The Ice Garden.’” A View from the South: Contemporary English and American Studies. Proceedings of the 34th International AEDEAN Conference Almeria 2010. Edited by José R. Ibáñez & José Francisco Fernández. Almería: Editorial Universidad de Almería, 2011. 355-360. To view or download document, click here.

“Represión y contrarrevolución en la China maoísta. La ficción breve de Ha Jin”. A View from the South: Contemporary English and American Studies. Proceedings of the 34th International AEDEAN Conference Almeria 2010. Edited by José R. Ibáñez & José Francisco Fernández. Almería: Editorial Universidad de Almería, 2011. 361-367. To view or download document, click here.

"Panorama del relato corto norteamericano: autores y obras." Distancias cortas. El relato breve en Gran Bretaña, irlanda y Estados Unidos [1995-2005]. Edited by Blasina Cantizano Márquez et al. Oviedo: Septem Eds., 2010. 225-287.  [In collaboration with Blasina Cantizano Márquez]

“Génesis, desarrollo y auge del cuento norteamericano.” Distancias cortas. El relato breve en Gran Bretaña, Irlanda y Estados Unidos (1995-2005). Edited by Blasina Cantizano Márquez et al. Oviedo: Septem Eds., 2010. 189-203. To view or download document, click here.

“Imitadores de Edgar Allan Poe en España: Dos cuentos fantásticos de Fernández Bremón y Ferraz Revenga.” Edgar Allan Poe (1809-2009). Doscientos años después. Edited by Margarita Rigal Aragón y Beatriz González Moreno. Cuenca: Servicio de Publicaciones de Castilla-La Mancha, 2010. 185-193. To view or download document, click here.

“Mixed Marriages Are a Doomed Enterprise: A Taxonomical Approach to Family Units in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Short Fiction.” On the Alien Shore. A Study of Jhumpa Lahiri and Bharati Mukherjee. Edited by Jaydeep Sarangi. Delhi: Gnosis, 2010. 27-42. [In collaboration with Blasina Cantizano Márquez]. To view or download document, click here.

Applied Linguistics Now: Understanding Language and Mind. Edited by Carmen Mª Bretones Callejas, et al. Almería: Servicio de Publicaciones, 2009.

“Poe’s Maison de Santé Revisited. A Spanish Imitation of ‘The System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether’”. The Edgar Allan Poe Review. Volume X, no. 2 (Fall 2009): 63-69. To view or download document, click here.

“Imagen de la política regional y municipal en la prensa británica en Andalucía." Observando a los nuevos vecinos. Imágenes de Andalucía en la prensa de habla inglesa en la Comunidad Autónoma Andaluza by José Francisco Fernández, José R. Ibáñez, Mª Elena García Sánchez and Carmen Mª Bretones. Sevilla: Fundación Centro de Estudios Andaluces, 2009. 37-61. To view or download document, click here.

“Silencios y significados en 'The Sisters' de James Joyce. Paralelismos literarios en la narrativa española”. Burgos, Corazón de Castilla. XXV Asamblea General de ALDEEU. Burgos: Fundación Instituto Castellano y Leonés de la Lengua, 2008. 237–52. To view or download document, click here.

Contemporary Debates on the Short Story. Edited by José R. Ibáñez, José Francisco Fernández and Carmen Mª Bretones. Bern: Peter Lang, 2007.

La escritura reivindicada. Claves interpretativas en los ensayos de José Jiménez Lozano. Valladolid: Junta de Castilla y León, 2005.

"Alterirad y anámnesis en 'The Artificial Nigger' de Flannery O'Connor". Lenguas modernas y sus literaturas. Hacia un nuevo milenio, vol. 3. Edited by Juan José Torres Núñez. Almería: Universidad de Almería, 2005. 75-92.

"Análisis estructural de The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde de Robert L. Stevenson". Lenguas modernas y sus literaturas. Aplicaciones prácticas, vol. 2. Edited by Juan José Torres Núñez. Almería: Universidad de Almería, 2004. 121-140.

"Reflexiones a propósito de la traducción de Dreamworld and Catastrophe: The Passing of Mass Utopia in East and West de Susan Buck-Morss". Contribuciones interdisciplinares a la traducción. Edited by Nobel A. Perdú Honeyman. Almería: Universidad de Almería, 2003. 51-64.

"José Jiménez Lozano, Premio Cervantes 2002: Acercamiento a sus ensayos historiográficos". Lenguas modernas y sus literaturas. Filologías y sus didácticas, vol. 1. Edited by Juan José Torres Núñez. Almería: Universidad de Almería, 2003. 213-231.

Mundo soñado y catástrofe: La desaparición de la utopía de masas en el Este y el Oeste, by Susan Buck-Morss. Translated by José R. Ibáñez Ibáñez. Madrid: Antonio Machado Libros, 2003.

"La escritura relegada: Aproximación taxonómica a los ensayos de José Jiménez Lozano". José Jiménez Lozano: Una narrativa y un pensamiento fieles a la memoria. Anthropos, vol. 200 (julio-septiembre 2003): 233-243.

"Dubliners de James Joyce y La voluntad de Azorín: Concomitancias intertextuales». Irish Landscapes. Edited by José Francisco Fernández Sánchez & María Elena Jaime de Pablos. Almería: Universidad de Almería, 2003. 309-317.

"Reseña de A Manual for Writing Research Papers: With a Guide to Using Internet Sources, de María Eugenia Díaz Sánchez & Aida Márquez Pérez. Odisea: Revista de Estudios Ingleses, vol. 2 (2002): 219-223.


Position/ status

University Lecturer

Email address

Phone no.

(+34) 950.015.404

Academic institution address

Department of Philology/ English Studies

Humanities Building II 2.26, University of Almería

José Ramón Ibáñez Ibáñez
