Manuel Sánchez Pérez
Selected Publications
§ Sánchez-Pérez, M.; Marín-Carrillo, M.B.; Segovia-López, C. & Terán-Yépez, E. (2025). "Bibliometric articles in business and management: Factors affecting production and scholarly impact". Journal of Business Research, 186 (January), 114950. [Download]
§ Gimeno-Arias, F.; Santos-Jaén, J.M.; Valls-Martínez, M.C., & Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2023). "From trust and dependece commitment to B2B engagement: An empirical analysis of inter-organizational cooperation in FMCG". Electronic Research Archive, 31(12), 7511-7543. [Download]
§ Sánchez-Pérez, M., Marín-Carrillo, M.B., Illescas-Manzano, M.D., & Souilim, Z. (2023). "Understanding the illegal drug supply chain structure: a value chain analysis of the supply of hashish to Europe". Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10, 276. [Download]
§ Terán-Yépez, E., Jiménez-Castillo, D.,
& Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2023). "The role of affect in international
opportunity recognition and the formation of international opportunity
beliefs". Review of Managerial Science, 1-43. [Download]
§ Illescas-Manzano, M. D.,
Martínez-Puertas, S., Sánchez-Pérez, M., & Torres, A. M. (2023).
"Look before you leap: Comparison and profiles of hotel price
determinants in four European markets". International Journal of Hospitality Management, 109, 103401. [Download]
§ Terán-Yépez, E., Jiménez-Castillo, D.,
& Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2023). "The effect of international opportunity
recognition processes on problem-solving competence: how does past
negative entrepreneurial experience matter?". Oeconomia Copernicana, 13(2), 541-579. [Download]
§ Illescas-Manzano, M.,
Martínez-Puertas, S., & Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2022). "The Power of Price
and Quality to Explain Customer Satisfaction Through Spatial Analysis".
In Contemporary Approaches Studying Customer Experience in Tourism Research (pp. 245-265). Emerald Publishing Limited. [PDF]
§ Terán-Yépez, E., Jiménez-Castillo, D.,
& Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2022). "The Role of Different Types of Previous
Experience in International Opportunity Recognition: Evidence from
Spanish International Entrepreneurs". In Latin American and Iberian Entrepreneurship: New Perspectives on Culture, Traditions and Heritage (pp. 123-146). Cham: Springer International Publishing. [Download]
§ Sánchez-Pérez, M., Illescas-Manzano,
M. D., & Martínez-Puertas, S. (2022). "Online review ratings: an
analysis of product attributes and competitive environment". Journal of Marketing Communications, 28(5), 487-505. [Download]
§ Illescas-Manzano, M. D.,
Martínez-Puertas, S., & Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2022). "The moderating
effect of agglomeration on horizontal differentiation and online
reviews: the case of Paris hotels". European Journal of Management and Business Economics, 31(2), 141-159. [Download]
§ Sánchez-Pérez, M., Terán-Yépez, E.,
Marín-Carrillo, M. B., Marín-Carrillo, G. M., & Illescas-Manzano, M.
D. (2021). "The impact of the COVID-19 health crisis on tourist
evaluation and behavioural intentions in Spain: Implications for market
segmentation analysis". Current Issues in Tourism, 24(7), 919-933. [Download]
§ Sánchez-Pérez, M., Terán-Yépez, E.,
Marín-Carrillo, M. B., & Rueda-López, N. (2021). "40 years of sharing
economy research: An intellectual and cognitive structures analysis". International Journal of Hospitality Management, 94, 102856. [Download]
§ Sanchez-Perez, M., Rueda-Lopez, N.,
Marin-Carrillo, M. B., & Teran-Yepez, E. (2021). "Theoretical
dilemmas, conceptual review and perspectives disclosure of the sharing
economy: a qualitative analysis". Review of Managerial Science, 15(7), 1849-1883. [Download]
§ Terán-Yépez, E., Jiménez-Castillo, D.,
& Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2021). "International opportunity recognition: A
comprehensive bibliometric review". Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 19(1), 18-52. [Download]
§ Sánchez-Pérez, M., Illescas-Manzano,
M. D., & Martínez-Puertas, S. (2020). "You’re the only One, or Simply
the Best. Hotels differentiation, competition, agglomeration, and
pricing". International Journal of Hospitality Management, 85, 102362. [Download]
§ Sánchez-Pérez, M., Illescas-Manzano,
M. D., & Martínez-Puertas, S. (2019). "Modeling hotel room pricing: A
multi-country analysis". International Journal of Hospitality Management, 79, 89-99. [Download]
§ Estrella-Ramón,
A., Sánchez-Pérez, M., Swinnen, G., & VanHoof, K. (2017). A model
to improve management of banking customers. Industrial Management &
Data Systems, 117 (2), 250-266. [Download]
§ Estrella-Ramon, A., Sánchez-Pérez, M.,
& Swinnen, G. (2016). "How customers’ offline experience affects the
adoption of online banking". Internet Research, 26(5), 1072-1092. [Download]
§ Estrella-Ramón, A., Sánchez-Pérez, M.,
Swinnen, G., & Vanhoof, K. (2016). "Estimating Customer Potential
Value using panel data of a Spanish bank". Journal of Business Economics and Management, 17(4), 580-597. [Download]
§ Sánchez-Pérez, M., Estrella-Ramón, A.,
Segovia-López, C., & Marín-Carrillo, M. B. (2014). "Multichannel
Retailing and Consumer Behaviour: Strategy Design and Implementation". International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics (IJABE), 3(4), 17-39. [Download]
§ Estrella-Ramón, A. M., Sanchez-Perez,
M., Swinnen, G., & VanHoof, K. (2013). "A marketing view of the
customer value: Customer lifetime value and customer equity". South African Journal of Business Management, 44(4), 47-64. [Download]
§ Jiménez-Castillo, D. & Manuel Sánchez-Pérez, M.. (2013). Nurturing employee
market knowledge absorptive capacity through unified internal
communication and integrated information technology." Information & Management, 50 (2-3), 76-86. [Download]
§ Jiménez-Castillo, D. & Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2013). "Market knowledge absorptive capacity: A measurement scale". Information Research, 18(4) paper 593. [Download]
§ Jiménez, David & Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2013). "Integrated market-related internal communication:
development of the construct". International Journal of Market Research, 55 (4), 563-585. [Download]
§ Hernández-Espallardo, M.; Sánchez-Pérez, M. & Segovia-López, C. (2011).
"Exploitation- and exploration-based innovations: The role of knowledge
in inter-firm relationships with distributors", Technovation, 31 (2), 203-215. [Download]
§ Hernández-Espallardo, M.; Rodríguez, A. & Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2010). Inter-organizational governance, learning and performance in supply chains”.
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 13 (2), 101-114. [Download]
§ Segovia-López, C. & Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2010). "Towards and appropiate comprehension of innovation sources in agrifood
cooperatives". Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 10
(1), 123-135. [Download]
§ Gázquez, Juan C. & Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2010). "Poder competitivo, preferencias
del consumidor y posición competitiva". Revista Europea de Dirección y
Economía de la Empresa, 19 (1), 65-184. [Download]
§ Gázquez, Juan C. & Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2010). "Consumer brand choice behaviour: National brands vs. Store brands". Journal of Marketing Trends, 1 (April), 53-68. [Download]
§ Gázquez, Juan C.
& Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2009). "Factors Influencing Olive-Oil Brand
Choice in Spain: An Empirical Analysis Using Scanner Data".
Agribusiness, 25 (1), 36-55. [Download]
§ Gázquez, Juan C. & Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2009).
the deal-proneness of consumers by analysis of price sensitivity and
brand loyalty: An analysis in the retail environment". International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 19 (1), 1-28. [Download]
§ Gázquez, Juan C. & Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2009). "How store flyers affect consumer choice behaviour?: National brands vs. Store brand". European Retail Research, 23 (1), 1-20. [Download]
§ Sánchez-Pérez, M.;
Sánchez, Raquel; Marín, Gema M. & Gázquez, Juan C. (2007). "Service
Quality in Public Services as Segmentation Variable". Service Industries Journal, 27 (4), 355-369. [Download]
§ Sánchez-Pérez, M.; Gázquez, Juan C.; Sánchez, Raquel & Marín, Gema M. (2007). "Effects of service quality dimensions on behavioural purchase intentions: A study in public sector transport". Managing Service Quality, 17 (2), 134-151. [Download]
§ Gázquez, Juan C. & Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2006). "Price
Promotions and Store Flyers: Complementary promotional techniques",
European Retail Digest, 49
(Spring), 19-21. [Download]
§ Sánchez-Pérez, M. & Iniesta, María A. (2004). “The Structure of Commitment in
Consumer-Retailer Relationships: Conceptualization and Measurement". International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15 (3), 230-249. [Download]
§ Sánchez-Pérez, M. & Iniesta, María A. (2004). "Consumers Felt
Commitment Towards Retailers: Index Development and Validation".
Journal of Business and Psychology, 19, Nş 2 (Winter), 141-159. [Download]
§ Iniesta, Maria A. & Sánchez, Manuel (2003). "Client Commitment Relations Towards Financial Entities". International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 31 (4-5), 203-213. [Download]
§ Iniesta, Maria A. & Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2002). "Retailer-Consumer Commitment and Market Segmentation". International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 12 (July), 261-279. [Download]
§ Cervera, Amparo; Mollá, Alejandro & Sánchez-Pérez, M. (2001). "Antecedents and Consequences of Market Orientation in Public Organizations". European Journal of Marketing, 35, Nş 11/12 (November), 1259-1286. [Download]
§ Sánchez-Pérez, M. & Mollá, Alejandro (2000). "Insights into Closeness of Relationship as Determinant of Trust Within Marketing Channels". Journal of Marketing Channels, 7 (1/2), 29-51. [Download]
§ Mollá, Alejandro & Sánchez-Pérez, M. (1997). "Interfirm Influence Strategies in Marketing Channels". International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 7 (3), 249-262. [Download]
§ Sánchez-Pérez, M. (1996). "A Strategy for the Assessment of Overall Model Fit in Structural
Equation Modeling for Business Economics". Estudios de Economía
Aplicada, 6 (Diciembre), 183-210. [Download]
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