Selección de artículos recientes de los profesores del Área de Tecnología de Alimentos DE lA UNIVERSIDAD DE ALmERÍA (2001 / 2007)
Guil-Guerrero, J.L, López-Martínez, J.C., Campra-Madrid, P. Gamma-linolenic extraction from seed by SCF and several solvent systems International Journal of Food Science & Technology (OnlineEarly Articles)doi:10.1111/j.1365-2621, 2007.
Guil-Guerrero JLStearidonic acid (18:4n-3): Metabolism, nutritional importance, medical uses and natural sources. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 109, 1226–1236, 2007.
Guil-Guerrero JL, López-Martínez JC, Rincón-Cervera MA, Campra-Madrid, P. One-step extraction and concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids from fish liver. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 84, 357-361, 2007.
Guil-Guerrero JL, López-Martínez JC, Campra-Madrid, P., Rincón-Cervera, M.A. GLA purification from Echium fastuosum seed oil in a two-step process: simultaneous PUFAs extraction/concentration and selective enzymatic esterification. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 31, 386-398, 2007.
Guil-Guerrero, J.L., López-Martínez, J.C., Campra-Madrid P., Gómez-Mercado F. Gamma-linolenic and stearidonic acids from Moroccan Boraginaceae. Journal of Lipid Science and Technology. 108, 43-47, 2006.
López-Martínez, J.C., Campra-Madrid, P., Ramírez-Fajardo, A., Esteban-Cerdán, L., Guil-Guerrero, J.L. Screening of lipases for enzymatic concentration of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) from seed oils. Journal of Food Lipids, 13, 362-374, 2006.
Guil-Guerrero, J. L., Martínez-Guirado, C., Rebolloso-Fuentes, MªM., Carrique-Pérez, L.A. Nutrient composition and antioxidant activity of 10 pepper (Capsicum annuun) varieties.European Food Research and Technology, 224, 1-9, 2006.
Guil-Guerrero, J.L., López-Martínez, J.C., Navarro-Juárez, R., Gómez-Mercado, F. Gamma-linolenic acid from Cape Verdian Boraginaceae. Natural Product Research, 20, 9-12, 2006.
López-Martínez, J. C., Campra-Madrid P., Rincón-Cervera, M. A. Guil-Guerrero, J. L. Ecological and simultaneous seed oil extraction/saponification/gamma-linolenic acid concentration. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 107, 180-186, 2005.
Guil-Guerrero, J. L., Delgado, A. D., González, M. C. M., et al. Fatty acids and carotenes in some ber (Ziziphus jujuba Mill) varieties. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 59, 23-27, 2004.
Rodriguez-García I, Muñoz-Dorado M, Gómez-Mercado F., García-Maroto, F. and Guil-Guerrero, J.L. Essential oil composition of Sideritis pusilla (Lange) Pau ssp. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 16, 535-538, 2004.
Guil-Guerrero, J. L., López-Martínez, J. C., Navarro-Juarez, R., et al.. Gamma-linolenic acid from Caryophyllaceae seed oil. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 81, 659-661, 2004.
López-Martínez, J.C., Campra-Madrid, P., and Guil-Guerrero, J.L. γ-Linolenic acid enrichment from Borago officinalis and Echium fastuosum seed oils and fatty acids by low temperature crystallization. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 97, 294-298, 2004.
Guil-Guerrero, J.L., Navarro-Juárez, R., López-Martínez, J.C., Campra-Madrid, P., and Rebolloso-Fuentes, M.M. Functional properties of the biomass of three microalgal species. Journal of Food Engineering, 65, 511-517, 2004.
Guil-Guerrero, J.L., García-Maroto, F., Vilches-Ferrón, M.A., and López-Alonso, D. "Gamma-linolenic acid from fourteen boraginaceae species"
Industrial Crops and Products, 18, 85-89, 2003.
Guil-Guerrero, J.L., Rebolloso-Fuentes, M.M. and Torija Isasa, M.E. "Fatty acids and carotenoids from Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica L.)" Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 16, 111–119, 2003.
García-Maroto, F., Garrido-Cárdenas, J.A., Gómez-Mercado, F., Guil-Guerrero, J.L. and López-Alonso, D. "Natural hydridisation and phylogenic position of Saxifraga trabutiana (Saxifragaceae) inferred from ISSR markers and ITS sequences" Ann. Bot. Fennici 40, 5-13, 2003.
Campra-Madrid, P.and Guil-Guerrero, J.L. “High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Purification of Gamma-Linolenic acid (GLA) from the Seed Oil of Two Boraginaceae Species” Chromatographia 56, 673-677, 2002.
Guil-Guerrero, J.L. “Occurrence of Gamma-Linolenic Acid” In: “Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants” Vol. VIII, eds. D.K. Majundar, J.N. Govil and V.K. Singh. Sci. Tech Publising LLC, Texas, USA, 467- 487, 2002.
Guil-Guerrero, J.L., and Torija-Isasa, M.E. “Edible Wild Plants” In: “Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants” Vol. VIII, eds. D.K. Majundar, J.N. Govil and V.K. Singh. Sci. Tech Publising LLC, Texas, USA, 431-466, 20002.
Guil Guerrero, J.L., and Belarbi, El-Hassan ” Purification Process of Cod Liver Oil Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids” JAOCS 78, 477-484, 2001.
Guil Guerrero, J.L., and Belarbi, El-Hassan ” Fatty acids purification from Porphyridium cruentum biomass” Bioseparation 9, 299-306, 2001
Guil-Guerrero, J.L., F. F. García Maroto and A. Giménez Giménez ” Fatty Acid Profiles from Forty-nine Plant species that are Potential New Sources of Gamma-linolenic Acid” JAOCS 78, 677-684, 2001.
Rebolloso-Fuentes, M.M,. Navarro García, A., and Guil-Guerrero, J.L "Biomass nutrient profiles of the microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum” Journal of Food Biochemistry, 25, 57-76, 2001.
Guil-Guerrero, J.L, Giménez-Giménez, A., Robles Medina, A., Rebolloso-Fuentes, M.M., Belarbi, El-Hassan, Esteban-Cerdán, L. and Molina-Grima, E. “Hexane reduces peroxidation of fatty acids during storage” European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 103, 271-278, 2001.
Guil Guerrero, J.L.,* Campra Madrid, P., García Maroto, F. Rodríguez-García, I. and Gómez Mercado, F.: ”Occurrence and Characterization of Oils Rich in gamma-linolenic acid (III): the taxonomical value of the gamma-linolenic acid in Boraginaceae” Phytochemistry, 58, 121-127, 20001.
Rebolloso-Fuentes, M.M., Camacho, F., Navarro García, A., and Guil-Guerrero, J.L “Biomass nutrient profiles of the microalga Nannochloropsis spp.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 49, 2966- 2972, 2001.