
Publicaciones de interés

Novedades  -  Manuales
Evaluación del diseño ambiental  -  Evaluación del diseño de aulas
La ciudad  -  Miedo al delito y diseño urbano
Criminología ambiental y prevención del delito a través del diseño urbano


·        Vivas, P., Mora, M., Vidal, T., Rojas, J., López, O., Valera, S., Pol, E. y García, N. (2005). Ventanas en la ciudad. Observaciones sobre las urbes contemporáneas. Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

·         Duncan, J.S. y Duncan, N.G. (2004). Landscapes of Privilege: The Politics of the Aesthetic in an American Suburb. Nueva York: Routledge.

·        Winter, D.N. y Koger, S.M. (2004). The psychology of environmental problems. 2nd edition. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

·        Bounds, M. (2004). Urban social theory. City, self, and society. South Melbourne: Oxford University Press.


  • Aragonés, J.I. y Amérigo, M. (2000). Psicología ambiental. Madrid: Pirámide.
  • Bechtel, R.B. y Churchman, A., eds. (2002). Handbook of environmental psychology. Nueva York: Wiley.
  • Bell, P.A., Fisher, J.D., Baum, A. y Greene, T.E. (1990). Environmental psychology. Fort Worth, TX: Holt, Rinehart y Winston.
  • Bonnes, M. y Secchiaroli, G. (1995). Environmental psychology: A psycho-social introduction. London: Sage.
  • Gifford, R. (2002). Environmental Psychology: Principles and practice. Colville, WA: Optimal Books.
  • Holahan, C.J. (1996). Psicología ambiental. Un enfoque general. México: Limusa.
  • Proshansky, H.M., Ittelson, W.H. y Rivlin, L.G., eds. (1976). Environmental Psychology: People and their physical settings. Nueva York: Holt, Rinehart y Winston.
  • Stokols, D. y Altman, I., eds. (1987). Handbook of environmental psychology. New York: Wiley.
  • Jiménez Burillo, F. y Aragonés, J.I. (1986). Introducción a la psicología ambiental. Madrid: Alianza.
  • Wapner, S., Demick, J., Yamamoto, T. y Minami, H., eds. (2000). Theoretical perspectives in environment-behavior research. Nueva York: Kluwer/Plenum.

Evaluación del diseño ambiental

  • Cherulnik, P.D. (1993). Applications of environment-behavior research: Case studies and analysis. Nueva York: Cambridge.
  • Corraliza, J.A. (1990). Metodología de los programas de intervención ambiental. En Castro, J.I. Aragonés y J.A. Corraliza (Eds.), La conservación del entorno. Programas de intervención en psicología ambiental (pp. 15-38). Sevilla, Agencia de Medio Ambiente.
  • Corraliza, J.A. y Fernández-Dols, J.M. (1987). La evaluación ambiental: Hacia un modelo de enfoques múltiples. Evaluación Psicológica/Pychological Assessment, 3(2), 191-210.
  • Craik, K.H. y Feimer, N.R. (1987). Environmental assessment. En D.Stokols e I.Altman (Eds.), Handbook of environmental psychology (pp. 891-918.) Nueva York: Wiley.
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  • Hubbard, Ph.J. (1992). Environment-behavior studies and city design: A new agenda for research? Journal of Enviornmental Behavior, 12(3), 269-79.
  • Kaplan, S. (1983). A model of person-environment compatibility. Environment and Behavior, 15(3), 311-32.
  • Moore, G.T. y Marans, R.W., eds. (1997). Advances in environment, behavior, and design, Vol. 4. Nueva York: Plenum. 
  • Preiser, W.F.E. (1994). Built environment evaluation: Conceptual basis, benefits, and uses. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 11(2), 91-107.
  • Preiser, W.F.E., Rabinowitz, HZ. y White, ET. (1988). Post-occupancy evaluation. Nueva York: van Nostrand Rinehold.
  • Preiser, W.F.E. y J.C. Vischer, eds. (2004). Assessing building performance. Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
  • Shibley, R.G. (1985). Building evaluation in the main stream. Environment and Behavior, 17(1), 7-24.
  • Zeisel, J. (1981). Inquiry by design: tools for environment-behavior research. Monterey, Ca.: Brooks/Cole.
  • Zimring, C. y Wener, R. (1985). Evaluating evaluation. Environment and Behavior, 17(1), 97-117.
  • Zube, E.H. (1980). Environmental evaluation: Perception and public policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Zube, E.H. y Moore, G.T. (1987). Advances in environment, behavior, and design. Vol. 1. Nueva York: Plenum.
  • Zube, E.H. y Moore, G.T. (1989). Advances in environment, behavior, and design. Vol. 2. Nueva York: Plenum.
  • Zube, E.H. y Moore, G.T. (1991). Advances in environment, behavior, and design. Vol. 3. Nueva York: Plenum.

Evaluación del diseño de aulas

  • Ahrentzen, S. y Evans, G.W. (1984). Distraction, privacy, and classroom design. Environment and Behavior, 16(4), 437-54.
  • Bennett, N.n Andreae, J.n Hegarty, P. y Wade, B. (1980). Open plan schools. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities.
  • Cohen, S. y Trostle, S.L. (1990). Young children's preferences for school-related physical- environmental settings characteristics. Environment and Behavior, 22(6), 753-66.
  • Cotterell, J.L. (1984). Effects of school architectural design on student and teacher anxiety. Environment and Behavior, 16(4), 455-479.
  • Corraliza, J.A. (1987). La experiencia del ambiente. Percepción y significado del medio construido. Madrid: Tecnos.
  • Fernández-Ramírez, B., Rebolloso, E. y Cantón, P. (2004). La estructura ecológica de las aulas. Bases cognitivas de la evaluación ambiental. En M. Amérigo, B. Cortés, V. Sevillano y F. Talayero (Coords.), Medio ambiente e interacción humana. Avances en la investigación e intervención (pp. 69-72.) Toledo: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
  • Giaconia, R.M. y Hedges, L.V. (1982). Identifying features of effective open education. Review of Educational Research, 52(4), 579-602.
  • Gump, P.V. (1987). School and classroom environments. En D. Stokols e I. Altman (Eds.), Handbook of environmental psychology (pp. 691-732.) Nueva York: Wiley.
  • Killeen, J.P., Evans, G.W. y Danko, S. (2003). The role of permanent student artwork in students' sense of ownership in a elementary school. Environment and Behavior, 35, 250-263.
  • Küller, R. y Lindsten, C. (1992). Health and behavior of children in classrooms with and without windows. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 12(3), 305-317.
  • MacPherson, J.C. (1984). Environments and interaction in row-and-column classrooms. Environment and Behavior, 16(4), 481-502.
  • Rebolloso, E., Fernández-Ramírez, B. y Cantón, P. (2002). Criterios de calidad ambiental para la evaluación de aulas universitarias. Medio Ambiente y Comportamiento Humano, 3(1), 35-62.
  • Rebolloso, E., Fernández-Ramírez, B. Pozo, C., Hernández, S. y Peñín, R. (1998). La evaluación ambiental de las aulas en los entornos educativos superiores. En J.M. Sabucedo, R. García-Mira, E. Ares y D. Prada (Dirs.), Medio Ambiente y responsabilidad humana. Aspectos sociales y ecológicos. (pp. 499-506.) La Coruña: Tórculo.
  • Stone, N.J. (2001). Designing effective study environments. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 21(2), 179-190.
  • Wong, C.Y., Sommer, R. y Cook, E.J. (1992). The soft classroom 17 years after. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 12(4), 337-43.


La ciudad

  • Allen, J. (2000). On Georg Simmel. Proximity, distance and movement. En M. Crang (Autor), Thinking space. (pp. 54-70.) Londres: Routledge.
  • Borja, J. (2003). La ciudad conquistada. Madrid: Alianza
  • Corraliza, J.A. (1991). Ciudad, arquitectura y calidad de vida: notas para una discusión. En R. de Castro (Comp.), Psicología ambiental: intervención y evaluación del entorno. Sevilla: Arquetipo.
  • Corraliza, J.A. y Aragonés, J.I. (1993). La psicología social y el hecho urbano. Psicothema, 5, 411-426.
  • Corraliza, J.A. (2000). Vida urbana y experiencia social: variedad, cohesión y medio ambiente.
  • Dear, M.J. (2000). The postmodern urban condition. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
  • Fernández-Ramírez, B. (2000). El medio urbano. En J.I.Aragonés y M. Amérigo (Coords.), Psicología Ambiental. (pp. 259-280.) Madrid: Pirámide.
  • Fisher, C. (1976). The urban experience. Nueva York: Harcourt, Brace & Jovanovich.
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Miedo al delito y diseño urbano

  • Baba, Y. y Austin, D.M. (1989). Neighborhood environmental satisfaction, victimization and social participation as determinants of perceived neighborhood safety. Environment and Behavior, 21(6), 763-780.
  • Baumer, T.L. (1985). Testing a general model of fear of crime: data from a national sample. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 22(3), 239-255.
  • Brower, S., Dockett, K. y Taylor, R.B. (1983). Resident's perceptions of territorial features and perceived local threat. Environment and Behavior, 15(4), 419-437.
  • Fernández-Ramírez, B. (1995). Lugares peligrosos. Psicología Ambiental y miedo al delito. Madrid: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
  • Fisher, B.S. y Nasar, J.L. (1992). Fear of crime in relation to three exterior sites features. Prospect, refuge and escape. Environment and Behavior, 24(1), 35-65.
  • Kennedy, L.W., y Silverman, R.A. (1984-85). Significant others and fear of crime among the elderly. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 20(4), 241-256.
  • Kennedy, L.W., y Silverman, R.A. (1985). Perception of social diversity and fear of crime. Environment and Behavior, 17(3), 275-295.
  • Kenney, D.J. (1987). Crime, fear, and the New York city subways. The role of citizen action. Nueva York: Praeger.
  • Lawton, M.P. (1982). Competence, environmental press and adaptation of older people. En M.P. Lawton, P.G. Windley y Th.O. Byerts (Eds.), Aging and the environment: Theoretical approaches. Nueva York: Springler.
  • Lewis, D.A. y Mansfield, M.G. (1980). Fear in the neighborhoods: An investigation of the impact of crime. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 17, 160-189.
  • Nasar, J.L. y Fisher, B. (1993). 'Hot-spots' of fear of crime: A multi-method investigation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 13, 187-206.
  • Perkins, D.D., Meeks, J.W. y Taylor, R.B. (1992). The physical environment of street blocks and resident perceptions of crime and disorder: Implications for theory and measurement. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 12, 21-34.
  • Pollack, L.M. y Patterson, A.H. (1980). Territoriality and fear of crime in elderly and nonelderly homeowners. Journal of Social Psychology, 111, 119-129.
  • Rohe, W.M. y Burby, R.J. (1988). Fear of crime in public housing. Environment and Behavior, 20, 700-720.
  • Skogan, W.G., Maxfield, M.G. y Podolefsky, D.A. (1981). Coping with crime: Individual and neighborhood reactions. Beverly Hills, Ca.: Sage.
  • Taylor, R.B. (1987). Toward an environmental psychology of disorder: Delinquency, crime, and fear of crime. En D. Stokols e I. Altman (Eds.), Handbook of Environmental Psychology. Nueva York: Wiley.

Criminología ambiental y prevención del delito a través del diseño urbano

  • Brantingham, P.J. y Brantingham, P.L. (1991). Environmental Criminology. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland.
  • Brown, B.B. y Altman, I. (1983). Territoriality, defensible space and residential burglary: An environmental analysis. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 3, 203-220.
  • Felson, M. (1986). Predicting cirme at any point on the city map. En R.M. Figlio, S. Hakim y G.F. Rengert (Eds.), Metropolitan crime patterns. Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press.
  • Georges-Abeyie, D.E. y Harries, K.D., eds. (1980). Crime: A spatial perspective. Nueva York: Columbia University Press.
  • Hope, T. (1988). Community, crime and environment. En D. Canter, M. Krampen y D. Stea (Eds.), Environmental policy, assessment and communication. Newcastle: Athanaeum.
  • Kennedy, L.W., y Forde, D.R. (1990). Routines activities and crime: An analysis of victimization in Canada. Criminology, 28, 137-151.
  • Lurigio, A.J., Skogan W.G. y Davis, R.C., eds. (1990). Victims of crime. Problems, policies and programs. Newbury Park, Ca: Sage.: 
  • Merry, S.E. (1981). Defensible space undefended. Social factors in crime control trough environmental design. Urban Affairs Quarterly, 16(4), 397-422.
  • Newman, O. (1973). Defensible Sapce: crime prevention trough urban design. Nueva York: McMillan.
  • Normoyle, J.B. y Foley, J.M. (1988). The defensible space model of fear and elderly public housing residents. Environment and Behavior, 20(1), 50-74.
  • Taylor, R.B. (1987). Toward an environmental psychology of disorder: Delinquency, crime and fear of crime. En D. Stokols e I. Altman (Eds.), Handbook of Environmental Psychology. Nueva York: Wiley.
  • Taylor, R.B. y Gottfredson, S.D. (1986). Environmental design, crime and prevention: An examination of community dinamics. En A.J. Reiss y M. Torry (Eds.), Communities and crime. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Taylor, R.B., Gottfredson, S.D. y Brower, S. (1980). The defensibility of defensible space: A critical review and a synthesis of work for future research. En T. Hirshi y M. Gottfredson (Eds.), Understanding crime. Beverly Hills, Ca.: Sage.
  • Taylor, R.B., Gottfredson, S.D. y Brower, S. (1984). Block crime and fear: Defensible space, local social ties and territorial functioning. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 21, 303-332.
  • Stark, R. (1985). Deviant places: a theory of the ecology of crime. Criminology, 25, 893-909.


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Baltasar Fernández Ramírez
última revisión: 18 de Mayo de 2006

Universidad de Almería
La Cañada de San Urbano, s/n
04120 Almería