Jesús Isaías Gómez López

Master's Programme in English Studies: Professional Applications & Intercultural Communication

Position/ Status

Senior Lecturer

E-mail address

Phone number

(+34) 950 214 461


Humanities Building II, 2.75


Ph.D. in English Philology  (University of Granada)

Licenciatura in English Philology (University of Granada)

Membership of Academic Associations

Aldous Huxley Society (AHS)

Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos (AEDEAN)



Jesús Isaías Gómez López is a Senior Lecturer of English literature in the Department of Philology at the University of Almeria. He graduated from the University of Granada with a Ph.D. in Philology (1998). A special role in his academic upbringing was played by the renowned Joycean scholar and founder of the Spanish James Joyce Society, Professor Francisco García Tortosa (University of Seville).

    Dr. Gómez López  has published articles on James Joyce, Aldous Huxley among other twentieth-century British and American writers. He is the author of two monographs, Aldous Huxley, poeta de paraísos perdidos (Síntesis, 2016) and El último hombre de Europa (Síntesis, 2018), a study about George Orwell's career as a dystopian writer. He is also the author of numerous translations: Aldous Huxley. Poesía completa (Cátedra, 2011), Un mundo feliz (Cátedra, 2013), a new translation of Huxley's Brave New World, George Orwell. Poesía completa (Visor, 2017), and, most recently, Jack London, el sueño socialista y otros poemas (Visor, 2019) and El talón de hierro (Cátedra, 2020), a translation of Jack London's novel The Iron Heel considered one of the first dystopian political novels written in English. He is also senior researcher of the research group 'Lenguaje y pensamiento: relaciones de significación entre el léxico y obras literarias'. He organized the Sixth International Aldous Huxley Symposium, 'Almeria, you have the light for lover' held at the University of Almería in April 2017.

Research Topics

20th century poetry in English

Aldous Huxley

Dystopian Literature

Origins of science fiction

Translation Studies

Courses taught in the Master's Programme

English Language as an Intercultural Vehicle: Literature and Society   (Module 1)

Methods of Linguistic Research   (Module 2)

Oral English for Professional Communication  (Module 3)

Latest academic publications

Bradbury, Ray. Crónicas marcianas (critical edition). Madrid: Editorial Cátedra, 2020.

Mansfield, Katherine. El pájaro herido y otros poemas (critical and bilingual edition). Madrid: Ed. Verbum.

London, Jack. La peste escarlata (critical edition). Madrid: Visor Libros, 2022.

Davies, W.H. Poemas vagabundos (critical and bilingual edition). Vigo: Academia del Hispanismo.

Galsworthy, James. El páramo Gaulzery y otros ripios. Critically edited and translated by Jesús Isaías Gómez López. Madrid: Ed. Verbum, 2021.

López Gómez, Jesús Isaías. "The Socialist Dream of a Young Poet". Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, vol. 24 (Diciembre 2020): 93-112.

London, Jack. El talón de hierro. Edited and translated by Jesús Isaías Gómez López. Madrid: Cátedra, 2020.

London, Jack. El sueño socialista y otros poemas. Introduction, translations and notes by Jesús Isaías Gómez López. Madrid: Visor Libros, 2019.

Amis, Kingsley. Poemas antirromáticos. Edited and translated by by Jesús Isaías Gómez López. Madrid: Visor Libros, 2018.

Jesús Isaías Gómez López


950 214 461

      Humanities II,

      Office no. 2.75
