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  UAL Crop Nitrogen and Irrigation Lab

Rodney B. Thompson

(Full Professor/Researcher)

Foto Throughout my career, my research work has focussed mostly on optimising the management of N in fertilisers and manures, and also on optimising irrigation. Currently, my work is focussed on reducing nitrate leaching from intensive vegetable production systems.  In this context, we have worked with or are currently working with a number of approaches such as the use of different monitoring techniques (optical sensors, sap and soil solution analysis) to evaluate crop N status, the use of simulation models to assess crop N and water requirements, and the use of both soil water and plant sensors for irrigation scheduling.  In recent years, we have also been actively working on regional studies to assess the flow of water, N losses and N balances in a highly concentrated intensive vegetable production system. In previous work, I have worked on measurement of gaseous N losses from manure applied to land (USDA, USA; IGAP, United Kingdom) and N transformations in grazed ley pasture-cereal rotations (CSIRO, Australia).

Academic degrees and previous positions

  • 1984 B.Ag.Sci (Hons) University of Melbourne, Australia

  • 1988 PhD University of Reading, England

  • 1988-1989 Researcher, Institute for Grassland and Animal Production (IGAP), Hurley, Berkshire, England

  • 1989-1993 Researcher, CSIRO, Perth, Australia

  • 1993-1996 Researcher, University of California at Davis, Davis, CA, USA

  • 1996-1997 Researcher, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD, USA

  • 1997-1998 Researcher, CSIC El Zaidin Research Station, Granada, Spain

  • 1999-2007 Researcher, Dept. Crop Production, University of Almeria, Spain

  • 2007-2016 Professor, Dept. Crop Production/Agronomy, University of Almeria, Spain

  • 2016-present Full Professor, Dept. Agronomy, University of Almeria, Spain


I have published 82 JCR articles, 58 of which have been in the first quartile, and 15 in the second quartile. The sum of citations (until May 2023) is 3014 (WOS Core Collection). My h Index = 32, meaning that of the 82 publications, 32 have been cited at least 32 times by other publications in the WOS Core Collection.

I am first or senior author in 53 of these publications. Since 2018, I have published 30 papers, of which 24 were Q1, and four were Q2 articles.

92. Gallardo, M., Cedeño, J.M., Magán, J.J., Fernández, M.D., Thompson, R.B. 2025. Adaptation of VegSyst-DSS for N, P and K recommendations for grafted tomato grown in perlite in Mediterranean greenhouses. Agricultural Water Management 310: 109351.

JCR Publications

92. Gallardo, M., Cedeño, J.M., Magán, J.J., Fernández, M.D., Thompson, R.B. 2025. Adaptation of VegSyst-DSS for N, P and K recommendations for grafted tomato grown in perlite in Mediterranean greenhouses. Agricultural Water Management 310: 109351.

91. Padilla, F.M., Karaca, C., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Gallardo, M., Rodríguez, A., Thompson, R.B. 2024. Cultivar effect on proximal optical sensor measurements and estimation of leaf N content in muskmelon and sweet pepper. European Journal of Agronomy 159: 127249.

90. Cedeño, J., Magán, J.J., Thompson, R.B., Fernández, M.D., Gallardo, M. 2024. Comparison of methods to determine nutrient uptake of tomato grown in free-draining perlite substrate—Key information for optimal fertigation management. Horticulturae 10(3): 232.

89. Salinas, J., Padilla, F.M., Thompson, R.B., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., López-Martín, M., Gallardo, M.. 2023. Responses of yield, fruit quality and water relations of sweet pepper in Mediterranean greenhouses to increasing salinity. Agricultural Water Management 290: 108578.

88. Gallardo, M., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Padilla, F.M., Cedeño, J., Thompson, R.B. 2023. Prescriptive-corrective irrigation and macronutrient management in greenhouse soil-grown tomato using the VegSyst-DSS v2 decision support tool. Horticulturae 9(10): 1128.

87. Paz, A.M., Amezketa, E., Canfora, L., Castanheira, N., Falsone, N., Gonçalves, M.C., Gould, L., Hristov, B., Mastrorilli, M., Ramos, T., Thompson, R., Costantini, E.A.C. 2023. Salt-affected soils: field-scale strategies for prevention, mitigation, and adaptation to salt accumulation. Italian Journal of Agronomy 18: 2166.

86. Cedeño, J., Magán, J.J., Thompson, R.B., Fernández, M.D., Gallardo, M. 2023. Reducing nutrient loss in drainage from tomato grown in free-draining substrate in greenhouses using dynamic nutrient management. Agricultural Water Management 287: 108418.

85. Rodríguez, A., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Padilla, F.M., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B. 2023. Effect of cultivar on measurements of nitrate concentration in petiole sap and leaf N content in greenhouse soil-grown cucumber, melon, and sweetpepper crops. Scientia Horticulturae 320: 112200.

84. Berrueta, C., Grasso, R., García, C., Thompson, R.B., Gallardo, M. 2023. Use of the VegSyst model to simulate seasonal dry matter production, N and K uptake and evapotranspiration in greenhouse soil-grown tomato in Uruguay. Agricultural Water Management 286: 108395.

83. Usero, F.M., Morillo, J.A., Armas, C., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B., Pugnaire, F.I. 2023. Influence of organic matter management on the activity and structure of soil microbial community in intensive tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) greenhouse farming. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 21 (2): e1101.

82. Karaca, C., Thompson, R.B., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Gallardo, M., Padilla, F.M. 2023. Evaluation of absolute measurements and normalized indices of proximal optical sensors as estimators of yield in muskmelon and sweet pepper. Remote Sensing 15 (8): 2174.

81. Gallardo, M., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Giménez, C., Padilla, F.M., Thompson, R.B. 2023. Adaptation of VegSyst-DSS for macronutrient recommendations of fertigated, soil-grown, greenhouse vegetable crops. Agricultural Water Management 278: 107973.

80. Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Grasso, R., Gallardo, M., Padilla, F.M., de Souza, R., Rodríguez, A., Thompson, R.B. 2022. Sample temperature affects measurement of nitrate with a rapid analysis ion selective electrode system used for N management of vegetable crops. Agronomy 12(12): 3031.

79. Grasso, R., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., de Souza, R., Rodríguez, A., Thompson, R.B., Gallardo, M., Padilla, F.M. 2022. Nitrogen effect on fruit quality and yield of muskmelon and sweet pepper cultivars. Agronomy 12(9): 2230.

78. Li, C., Li, Y., Cui, D., Li, Y.,  Zou, G., Thompson, R.B., Wang, J.,  Yang, J. 2022. Integrated crop-nitrogen management improves tomato yield and root architecture and minimizes soil residual N. Agronomy 12(7): 1617.

77.  de Souza, R., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Thompson, R.B., Gallardo, M., Grasso, R., Padilla, F.M. 2022. Use of fluorescence indices as predictors of crop N status and yield for greenhouse sweet pepper crops. Precision Agriculture 23(1): 278-299.

76. Sun, N., Thompson, R.B., Xu, J., Liao, S., Suo, L., Peng, Y., Chen, Q., Yang, J., Li, Y., Zou, G., Sun, Y. 2021. Arsenic and Cadmiun accumulation in soil as affected by continuous organic fertilizer application: implications for clean production. Agronomy 11(11): 2272.

75. Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Gallardo, M., Padilla, F.M., Rodríguez, A., Thompson, R.B. 2021. Use of a portable rapid analysis system to measure nitrate concentration of nutrient and soil solution, and plant sap in greenhouse vegetable production. Agronomy 11(5): 819.

74. Rodríguez, A., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Padilla, F.M., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B. 2021. Petiole sap nitrate concentration to assess crop nitrogen status of greenhouse sweet pepper. Scientia Horticulturae 285: 110157.

73. Grasso, R., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B., Padilla, F.M. 2021. Tillage effects on soil properties, crop responses and rooting pattern of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum) grown in soil in greenhouse. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 19(2): e0902.

72. Usero, F.M., Armas, C., Morillo, J.A., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B., Pugnaire, F.I. 2021. Effects of soil microbial communities associated to different soil fertilization practices on tomato growth in intensive greenhouse agriculture. Applied Soil Ecology 162: 103896.

71. Gallardo, M., Cuartero, J., Andújar de la Torre, L., Padilla, F.M., Segura, M.L., Thompson, R.B. 2021. Modelling nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium uptake, and uptake concentration, of grenhouse tomato with the VegSyst model. Scientia Horticulturae 279: 109862.

70.  Rodríguez, A., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Padilla, F.M., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B. 2020. Soil monitoring methods to assess immediately available soil N for fertigated sweet pepper. Agronomy 10(12): 2000.

69. Grasso, R., de Souza, R., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B., Padilla, F.M. 2020. Root and crop responses of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum) to increasing N fertilization. Scientia Horticulturae 273: 109645.

68. Incrocci, L., Thompson, R.B., Fernandez-Fernandez, M.D., De Pascale, S., Pardossi, A., Stanghellini, C., Rouphael, Y., Gallardo, M. 2020. Irrigation management of European greenhouse vegetable crops. Agricultural Water Management 242: 106393.

67. Padilla, F.M., Farneselli, M., Gianquinto, G., Tei, F., Thompson, R.B. 2020. Monitoring nitrogen status of vegetable crops and soils for optimal nitrogen management. Agricultural Water Management 241: 106356.

66. Gallardo, M., Elia, A., Thompson, R.B. 2020. Decision support systems and models for aiding irrigation and nutrient management of vegetable crops. Agricultural Water Management 240: 106209.

65. Thompson, R.B., Incrocci, L., van Ruijven, J., Massa, D. 2020. Reducing contamination of water bodies from European vegetable production systems. Agricultural Water Management 240: 106258.

64. Martínez-Gaitán, C., Granados, M.R., Fernández, M.D., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B. 2020. Recovery of 15N labeled nitrogen fertilizer by fertigated and drip irrigated greenhouse vegetable crops. Agronomy 10(5): 741.

63. Rodríguez, A., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Gallardo, M., de Souza, R., Padilla, F.M., Thompson, R.B. 2020. Sweet pepper and nitrogen supply in greenhouse production: Critical nitrogen curve, agronomic responses and risk of nitrogen loss. European Journal of Agronomy 117: 126046.

62. de Souza, R., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Thompson, R.B., Gallardo, M., Padilla, F.M. 2020. Assessing performance of vegetation indices to estimate nitrogen nutrition index in pepper. Remote Sensing 12(5): 763.

61. de Souza, R., Grasso, R., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B.Padilla, F.M. 2020. Effect of cultivar on chlorophyll meter and canopy reflectance measurements in cucumber. Sensors 20(2): 509.

60. Gallardo, M., Padilla, F.M., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., de Souza, R., Rodríguez, A., Thompson, R.B.  2020. Crop response of greenhouse soil-grown cucumber to total available N in a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone. European Journal of Agronomy 114: 125993.

59. de Souza, R., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Thompson, R.B., Gallardo, M., Grasso, R., Padilla, F.M. 2019. The use of chlorophyll meters to assess crop N status and derivation of sufficiency values for sweet pepper. Sensors 19(13): 2949.

58. Padilla, F.M., de Souza, R., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Grasso, R., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B. 2019. Influence of time of day on measurement with chlorophyll meters and canopy reflectance sensors of different crop N status. Precision Agriculture 20(6): 1087-1106.

57. Giménez, C., Thompson, R.B.Prieto, M.H., Suárez-Rey, E., Padilla, F.M., Gallardo, M.,  2019. Adaptation of the VegSyst model to outdoor conditions for leafy vegetables and processing tomato. Agricultural Systems 171: 51-64.

56. De Pascale, S., Rouphael, Y., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B. 2018. Water and fertilization management of vegetables: state of the art and future challenges. European Journal of Horticultural Science 83(5): 306-318.

55. Padilla, F.M., de Souza, R., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Gallardo, M., Giménez, C., Thompson, R.B. 2018. Different responses of various chlorophyll meters to increasing nitrogen supply in sweet pepper. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 1752.

54. Padilla, F.M., Gallardo, M., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., de Souza, R., Thompson, R.B. 2018. Proximal optical sensors for nitrogen management of vegetable crops: A review. Sensors 18(7): 2083

53. Hafner, S.D., Pacholski, A., Bittman, S., Burchill, W., Bussink, W., Chantigny, M., Carozzi, M., Génermont, S., Häni, C., Hansen, M.N., Huijsmans, J., Hunt, D., Kupper, T., Lanigan, G., Loubet, B., Misselbrook, T., Meisinger, J.J., Neftel, A., Nyord, T., Pedersen, S.V., Sintermann, J., Thompson, R.B. 2018. The ALFAM2 database on ammonia emission from field-applied manure: Description and illustrative analysis. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 258: 66-79.

52. Soto, F., Thompson, R.B., Granados, M.R., Martínez-Gaitán, C., Gallardo, M. 2018. Simulation of agronomic and nitrate pollution related parameters in vegetable cropping sequences in Mediterranean greenhouses using the EU-Rotate_N model. Agricultural Water Management 199: 175-189.

51. Padilla, F.M., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Fernández, M.D., del Moral, F., Thompson, R.B., Gallardo, M. 2017. Responses of soil properties, crop yield and root growth to improved irrigation and N fertilization, soil tillage and compost addition in a pepper crop. Scientia Horticulturae 225: 422-430.

50. Padilla, F.M., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Gallardo, M., Giménez, C., Thompson, R.B. 2017. Derivation of sufficiency values of a chlorophyll meter to estimate cucumber nitrogen status and yield. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 141: 54-64.

49. Padilla, F.M., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B. 2017. Determination of sufficiency values of canopy reflectance indices for maximum growth and yield of cucumber. European Journal of Agronomy 84: 1-15.

48. Suárez-Rey, E.M., Romero-Gámez, M., Giménez, C., Thompson, R.B., Gallardo, M. 2016. Use of EU-Rotate_N and CropSyst models to predict yield, growth and water and N dynamics of fertigated leafy vegetables in a Mediterranean climate and to determine N fertilizer requirements. Agricultural Systems 149: 150-164.

47. Gallardo, M., Fernández, M.D., Giménez, C., Padilla, F.M., Thompson, R.B. 2016. Revised VegSyst model to calculate dry matter production, critical N uptake and ETc of several vegetable species grown in Mediterranean greenhouses. Agricultural Systems 146: 30-43.

46. Padilla, F.M., Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B. 2016. Proximal optical sensing of cucumber crop N status using chlorophyll fluorescence indices. European Journal of Agronomy 73: 83-97.

45. Peña-Fleitas, M.T., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B., Farneselli, M., Padilla, F.M. 2015.  Assessing crop N status of fertigated vegetable crops using plant and soil monitoring techniques. Annals of Applied Biology 167: 387-405. (Open Access)

44. Soto, F., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B., Peña-Fleitas, T., Padilla, F.M. 2015. Consideration of total available N supply reduces N fertilizer requirement and potential for nitrate leaching loss in tomato production. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 200: 62-70.

43. Padilla, F.M., Peña-Fleitas, T., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B. 2015. Threshold values of canopy reflectance indices and chlorophyll meter readings for optimal nitrogen nutrition of tomato. Annals of Applied Biology 166: 271-285.

42. Padilla, F.M., Peña-Fleitas, T., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B. 2014. Evaluation of optical sensor measurements of canopy reflectance and of leaf flavonols and chlorophyll contents to assess crop nitrogen status of muskmelon. European Journal of Agronomy 58: 39-52.

41. Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B., Giménez, C., Padilla, F.M., Stöckle, C. 2014. Prototype decision support system based on the VegSyst simulation model to calculate crop N and water requirements for tomato under plastic cover. Irrigation Science 32: 237-253.

40. Soto, F., Gallardo, M., Giménez, C., Peña-Fleitas, T., Thompson, R.B. 2014. Simulation of tomato growth, water and N dynamics using the EU-Rotate_N model in Mediterranean greenhouses with drip irrigation and fertigation. Agricultural Water Management 132: 56-59.

39. Granados, R., Thompson, R.B., Fernández, M.D., Martínez-Gaitán, C., Gallardo, M. 2013. Prescriptive-corrective nitrogen and irrigation management of fertigated and drip-irrigated vegetable crops using modeling and monitoring approaches. Agricultural Water Management 119: 121-134.

38. Thompson, R.B., Gallardo, M.,  Rodríguez, J. S. , Magán, J.J., Sánchez, J..A. 2013. Effect of N uptake concentration on nitrate leaching from tomato grown in free-draining soilless culture under Mediterranean conditions. Scientia Horticulturae 150: 387-398.

37. Giménez, C., Gallardo, M., Martínez-Gaitán, C., Stöckle, C.O., Thompson, R.B., Granados, M.R. 2013. VegSyst, a simulation model of daily crop growth, nitrogen uptake and evapotranspiration for pepper crops for use in an on-farm decision support system. Irrigation Science 31: 465-477.

36. Gallardo, M., Giménez, C., Martínez-Gaitán, C., Stöckle, C.O., Thompson, R.B., Granados, M.R. 2011. Evaluation of the VegSyst model with muskmelon to simulate crop growth, nitrogen uptake and evapotranspiration. Agricultural Water Management 101: 107-117.

35. Fernández, M.D., Bonachela, S., Orgaz, F., Thompson, R.B., López, J.C., Granados, M.R., Gallardo, M., Fereres, E. 2010. Measurement and estimation of plastic greenhouse reference evapotranspiration in a Mediterranean climate. Irrigation Science 28: 497-509.

34. Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B., Rodríguez, J.S., Rodríguez, F., Fernández, M.D. Sánchez, J.A., Magán, J.J. 2009. Simulation of transpiration, drainage, N uptake, nitrate leaching, and N uptake concentration in tomato grown in open substrate. Agricultural Water Management 96: 1773-1784.

33. Thompson, R.B., Gallardo, M., Joya, M., Segovia, C., Martínez-Gaitán, C., Granados, M.R. 2009. Evaluation of rapid analysis systems for on-farm nitrate analysis in vegetable cropping. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 7: 200-211.

32. Magan, J.J., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B., Lorenzo, P. 2008. Effects of salinity on fruit yield and quality of tomato grown in soil-less culture in greenhouses in Mediterranean climatic conditions. Agricultural Water Management 95: 1041–1055.

31. Thompson, R.B., Gallardo, M., Fernández, M.D., Valdez, L.C., Martínez-Gaitán, C. 2007. Effect of salinity on soil moisture measurements made with a capacitance sensor under vegetable production conditions. Soil Science Society of America Journal 71: 1647–1657.

30. Thompson, R.B., Gallardo, M., Valdez, L.C., Fernández, M.D. 2007. Establishing lower limits for on-farm irrigation management with volumetric soil water content sensors by using in-situ assessments of apparent crop water uptake. Agricultural Water Management 92: 13–28.

29. Thompson, R.B., Martínez-Gaitán, C., Gallardo, M., Giménez, C., Fernández, M.D. 2007. Identification of irrigation and N management practices that contribute to nitrate leaching loss from an intensive vegetable production system by use of a comprehensive survey. Agricultural Water Management 89: 261–274.

28. Thompson, R.B., Gallardo, M., Valdez, L.C., Fernández, M.D. 2007. Using plant water status to define soil water thresholds for irrigation management of vegetable crops using soil moisture sensors. Agricultural Water Management 88: 147–158.

27. Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B., Valdez, L.C., Fernández, M.D. 2006. Response of stem diameter variations to water stress in greenhouse-grown vegetable crops. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 81: 483–495.

26. Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B., Valdez, L.C., Fernández, M.D. 2006. Use of stem diameter variations to detect plant water stress in tomato. Irrigation Science 24: 241–255.

25. Thompson, R.B., Gallardo, M., Agüera, T., Valdez, L.C., Fernández, M.D. 2006. Evaluation of the Watermark sensor for use with drip irrigated vegetable crops. Irrigation Science 24: 185–202.

24. Fernández, M.D., Gallardo, M., Bonachela, S., Orgaz, F., Thompson, R.B., Fereres, E. 2005. Water use and production of a greenhouse pepper crop under optimum and limited water supply. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 80: 87–96.

23. Thompson, R.B., Meisinger, J.J. 2004. Gaseous nitrogen losses and ammonia volatilization measurement following land application of cattle slurry in the Mid-Atlantic region of the USA. Plant and Soil 266: 231–246.

22. Thompson, R. B., Fillery, I.R.P. 2002. Mineralisation of nitrogen contained in mature subterranean clover, capeweed and annual ryegrass and subsequent nitrogen use by wheat in dryland farming systems. Australian Journal of Soil Research 40: 299–315.

21. Thompson, R.B., Meisinger, J.J. 2002. Management factors affecting ammonia volatilization from cattle slurry following land application in the mid-Atlantic USA. Journal of Environmental Quality 31: 1329–1338.

20. Meisinger, J.J., Lefcourt, A.M., Thompson, R.B. 2001. Construction and validation of mobile wind tunnels for studying ammonia volatilization. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 17: 375–381.

19. Van Kessel, J.S., Thompson, R.B., Reeves, J.B. 1999. Rapid on-farm analysis of manure nutrients using quick tests. Journal of Production Agriculture 12: 215–224.

18. Nogales, R. Melgar, R., Guerrero, A., Lozada, G., Elvira, C., Thompson, R.B., Gomez, M. 1999. Growth and reproduction of Eisenia andrei in dry olive cake mixed with other organic wastes. Pedobiologia 43: 1–9.

17. Thompson, R.B., Nogales, R. 1999. Nitrogen and carbon mineralization in soil of vermi-composted and unprocessed dry olive cake (“orujo seco”) produced from two-stage centrifugation for olive oil extraction. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B - Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes 34: 917–928.

16. Nogales, R., Elvira, C., Benítez, E., Thompson, R.B., Gomez, M. 1999. Feasibility of vermicomposting dairy biosolids using a new system to avoid earthworm toxicity. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B - Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes 34: 151–169.

15. Nogales, R., Thompson, R.B., Calmet, A., Benítez, E., Gomez, M., Elvira, C. 1998. Feasibility of vermicomposting residues from olive oil production obtained using two-stage centrifugation. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A - Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering 33: 1491–1506.

14. Thompson, R.B., Fillery, I.R.P. 1998. Fate of urea-N in urine deposited on pasture in south Western Australia at different times of the year. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 49: 495–510.

13. Thompson, R.B., Fillery, I.R.P. 1997. Transformation in soil and turnover to wheat of nitrogen from components of grazed pasture in south Western Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 48: 1033–1047.

12. Thompson, R.B., Morse, D., Kelling, K., Lanyon, L. 1997. Computer programs that calculate manure application rates. Journal of Production Agriculture 10: 58–69.

11. Thompson, R.B. 1996. Pulse-labelling a cover crop with 13C to follow its decomposition in soil. Plant and Soil 18: 49–55.

10. Thompson, R.B. 1996. Using calcium carbide with the acetylene inhibition technique to measure denitrification in a sprinkler irrigated vegetable crop. Plant and Soil 179: 1–16.

9. Gallardo, M. Jackson, L.E., Schulbach , K, Snyder, R.L., Thompson, R.B., Wyland, L.J. 1996. Production and water use in lettuce under a variable water supply. Irrigation Science 122: 354–361.

8. Gallardo, M., Jackson, L.E., Thompson, R.B. 1996. Shoot and root physiological responses to localized zones of soil moisture in cultivated and wild lettuce (Lactuca spp.). Plant, Cell and Environment 19: 1169–1178.

7. Sparling, G., Murphy, D.V., Thompson, R.B., Fillery, I.R.P. 1996. Nitrogen mineralisation of pasture residues and soil organic N after summer rain in south Western Australia. Australian Journal of Soil Research 33: 961–973.

6. Thompson, R.B., Pain, B.F., Rees Y.J. 1990. Ammonia volatilisation from cattle slurry following surface application to grassland. 2. Influence of application rate, wind speed and applying slurry in narrow bands. Plant and Soil 125: 119–128.

5. Thompson, R.B., Pain, B.F., Lockyer, D.R. 1990. Ammonia volatilisation from cattle slurry following surface application to grassland. 1. Influence of mechanical separation, changes in chemical composition during volatilisation and the presence of the grass sward. Plant and Soil 125: 1909–117.

4. Pain, B.F., Thompson, R.B., Rees, Y.R., Skinner, J.H. 1990. Reducing gaseous losses of nitrogen from cattle slurry applied to grassland by the use of additives. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 50: 141–153.

3. Thompson, R.B. 1989. Denitrification in slurry-treated soil: occurrence at low temperatures, relationship with soil nitrate and reduction by nitrification inhibitors. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 21: 875–882.

2. Ryden, J.C., Whitehead, D.C., Lockyer, D.R., Thompson R.B., Skinner J.H., Garwood E.A. 1987. Ammonia emissions from grassland and livestock production systems in the UK. Environmental Pollution 48: 173–184.

1. Thompson, R.B., Ryden, J.C. Lockyer, D.R. 1987. Fate of nitrogen in cattle slurry following surface application or injection to grassland. Journal of Soil Science 38: 689–700.

Book chapters

12. Thompson, R.B., Tremblay, N., Fink, M., Gallardo, M., Padilla, F.M. 2017. Tools and strategies for sustainable nitrogen fertilisation of vegetable crops. In: Advances in research on fertilization management of vegetable crops (Tei, F., Nicola, S., Benincasa, P., Eds). Springer, Cham, Switzerland. pp. 11-63.

11. Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B. 2013. Water requirements and irrigation management in Mediterranean greenhouses: the case of the southeast coast of Spain.  In: FAO-AGP and ISHS-CMPC (eds) Good Agricultural Practices for Greenhouse Vegetable Crops: Principles for Mediterranean Climate Areas. FAO, Rome, Italy. pp. 109-136.

10. Ramos C., Intrigliolo D., Thompson, R.B. 2011. Global change challenges for horticultural systems. In: J.L. Araus and G.A. Slafer (Eds) Agriculture in Times of Global Change: A Crop-Ecophysiological Perspective of Risks and Opportunities. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon., UK. pp. 58-84..

9. Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B. 2005. Soil-plant water relations. In: Improvement of water use efficiency in protected crops, (Eds M. Fernández-Fernández, P. Lorenzo-Minguez & Mª I. Cuadrado Gómez).  Dirección General de Investigación y Formación Agraria de la Junta de Andalucía, Hortimed, F.I.A.P.A., Cajamar, Almeria, Spain, pp. 67–89.

8. Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B. 2005. Irrigation scheduling based on the use of plant sensors. In: Improvement of water use efficiency in protected crops, (Eds M. Fernández-Fernández, P. Lorenzo-Minguez & Mª I. Cuadrado Gómez).  Dirección General de Investigación y Formación Agraria de la Junta de Andalucía, Hortimed, F.I.A.P.A., Cajamar, Almería, Spain, pp. 331–350.

7. Thompson, R.B., Gallardo, M. 2005. Use of soil sensors for irrigation scheduling. In: Improvement of water use efficiency in protected crops, (Eds M. Fernández-Fernández, P. Lorenzo-Minguez & Mª I. Cuadrado Gómez).  Dirección General de Investigación y Formación Agraria de la Junta de Andalucía, Hortimed, F.I.A.P.A., Cajamar, Almería, Spain, pp. 351–376.

6. Giménez, C., Gallardo, M., Thompson, R.B. 2005. Plant water relations. In: Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, (Editor in chief D. Hillel). Elsevier Ltd. Oxford, UK, Vol. 3, pp. 231–238.   

5. Thompson, R.B., Pain, B.F. 1989. The significance of gaseous N losses from animal manures applied to agricultural land. In: Fertilization and the Environment, (Eds. R. Merkx & J. Vlassak). Leuven University Press, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 184–192.

4. Thompson, R.B., Pain B.F. 1988. Denitrification from cattle slurry applied to grassland. In: Nitrogen in organic wastes applied to soil, (Eds. J.H. Hansen & K. Henricksen). Academic Press, London, pp. 230–240.

3. Pain, B.F., Thompson, R.B. 1988. Ammonia volatilisation from livestock slurries applied to land. In: Nitrogen in Organic Wastes Applied to Soil, (Eds. J.H. Hansen & K. Henricksen). Academic Press, London, pp. 202-212.

2. Pain, B.F., Thompson, R.B., de La Lande Cremer, L.C.N, ten Holte, L. 1987. The use of additives in livestock slurries to improve their flow properties, conserve nitrogen and reduce odours. In: Animal manure on Grassland and Fodder Crops, Fertiliser or Waste?, (Eds. H.G. van der Meer, R.J. Unwin, T.A van Dijk & G.C. Ennik). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 229–246.

1. Van der Meer, H.G., Thompson, R.B., Snijders, P.M., Geurink, J.H. 1987. Utilisation of nitrogen from injected and surface-spread cattle slurry applied to grassland. In: Animal manure on Grassland and Fodder Crops, Fertiliser or Waste?, (Eds. H.G. van der Meer, R.J. Unwin, T.A van Dijk & G.C. Ennik). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 47–71.

Publications related to Teaching

Ana Belén Ruiz Muelle, Rodney B. Thompson, and Ignacio Fernández. 2015. Elemental Analysis: Incorporating a Classic Analytical Technique into The Undergraduate Curricula. The Chemical Educator, 20, 242-245. doi: 10.1333/s00897152653a

Editorial responsibilities

Scientific evaluation responsibilities

  • National coordinator for evaluation in the area of agriculture (Crop Production, Horticulture, Forestry, Crop Breeding) for the national Spanish evaluation agency ANEP (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva) (Jan 2014 - Mar 2015)
  • Evaluator for EU Research Executive Agency (REA)  (2020).

Scientific advisory responsibilities

  • Coordinator of working group for Fertilisation and Irrigation of the European Vegetable Institutes Network (EURVIN). February 2016-January 2019.
  • Deputy coordinator  of working group for Fertilisation and Irrigation of European Vegetable Institutes Network (EURVIN). January 2019 - present.
  • Member EIP focus group  on Fertiliser efficiency - focus on  horticulture in open field.
  • Member EIP focus group on "Soil salinisation".
  • Member of Technical Working Group on Best Environmental Management Practice for the Agriculture (Crop and Animal Production) Sector, organised by European Comission's Joint Research Centre.
  • Co-convenor (with Professor Guoyuan Zou, BAAFS) of the International Workshop of “Precise Irrigation and Fertigation Strategy for Northern China, From Greenhouse to Large-scale”, held in Beijing, China. 2-6 September 2019.
  • Member of organising committee FERTINNOWA (EU project) conference, “Sharing fertigation best practices across Europe”, Almeria, Spain. 3-5 October 2018
  • Member of organising committee of “2017 Annual Meeting of EUVRIN (European Vegetable Institutes Network) Working Group on Fertilisation and Irrigation”, Almeria, Spain. 9-11 May 2017.
  • Member of organising committee of FERTINNOWA (EU project) conference, “Meeting growers needs: optimal management of irrigation and fertigation”, Saint –Pol-de-Léon, Brittany, France. 12-13 October 2016.


Ad-hoc reviewer

I have reviewed approximately 150 articles for JCR scientific journals, including:

Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, European Journal of Agronomy, Agricultural Systems,
Science of the Total Environment, Plant and Soil, Agricultural Water Management, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Frontiers in Plant Science, Sensors, Agronomy, Soil Science Society America Journal, Journal of Environmental Quality, Vadose Zone Journal, Biosystems Engineering, , Irrigation Science, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Science, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, Sciencia Horticulturae, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, Australian Journal of Soil Research, Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, Bioresource Technology, Canadian Journal of Soil Science, Chemospehere, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, Pedosphere, Journal of Production Agriculture.


Department of Agronomy, University of Almería

Escuela Politécnica Superior (2.37), Carretera de Sacramento s/n, 04120 La Cañada, Almería, Spain

Tl. +34 950214192               Fax +34 950015939 


ResearcherID: G-8950-2013

ScopusAuthorID: 7406368099

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9323-5911