PhD theses
Alejandra Cristina Rodríguez Chaves. 2021. Herramientas
agronómicas para optimizar la gestión del N en cultivos hortícolas en
invernadero con fertirriego (Agronomic tools to optimize N management
of vegetable crops in greenhouse under fertigation). University of Almeria, Spain. Director: R.B. Thompson (in Spanish)
Rafael Gillson Grasso Rodríguez. 2021. Efecto
del N sobre la producción y calidad de cultivos hortícolas en
invernadero, y prácticas para mejorar el uso de nutrientes (Effect of N
on fruit production and quality of greenhouse horticultural crops, and
practices to improve the use of nutrients). University of Almeria, Spain. Directors: F.M. Padilla, M. Gallardo (in Spanish)
Stefani Romina de Souza Ibarra. 2020. Monitorización
con sensores ópticos proximales para optimizar el manejo del N en
cultivos hortícolas bajo invernadero (Monitoring with proximal optical
sensors to optimize N management ofgreenhouse vegetable crops). University of Almeria, Spain. Directors: F.M. Padilla, R.B. Thompson (in Spanish)
María Teresa Peña Fleitas. 2014. Sistemas
de monitorización del estado de nitrógeno en cultivos hortícolas
(Monitoring systems of crop nitrogen status in horticultural
crops). University of Almeria, Spain. Directors: R.B. Thompson, F.M. Padilla (in Spanish)
Freddy Soto Bravo. 2013. Evaluación de la
productividad y la dinámica del agua y el nitrógeno en cultivos
hortícolas bajo inverandero, con el modelo EU-Rotate_N (Evaluation
of the productivity and dynamics of water and nitrogen in vegetable
crops in greenhouses, with the EU-Rotate_N model).
University of Almeria, Spain. Directors: M. Gallardo, R.B. Thompson (in Spanish)
Carolina Clara Martínez Gaitán. 2013. Tools for improving nitrogen and
irrigation management practices of vegetable crops grown in greenhouses.
University of Almeria, Spain. Directors: R.B. Thompson, M. Gallardo, C.
Giménez (in English)
María Rosa Granados García. 2011. Nitrate
leaching from soil-grown vegetable crops under greenhouse conditions in
Almería: magnitude, determining factors and development of an improved
management system. University of Almeria, Spain. Directors:
R.B. Thompson, M. Gallardo, M.D. Fernández (in English)
J. Santos Rodríguez. 2008. Quantification of nitrate leaching loss
from crops grown in soil-less culture in south-east Spain. University
of Almeria, Spain. Directors: M. Gallardo, R.B. Thompson, J.J. Magán (in Spanish)
Javier Brañas Lasala. 2006. Response of soil-less grown tomato
to fertigation with diluted nutrient solutions in south-east Spain.
University of Almeria, Spain. Directors: M. Gallardo, P. Lorenzo (in Spanish)
Juan José Magán Cañadas. 2005. Response to salinity of long-life tomato
grown in soil-less culture with recirculation in south-east Spain.
University of Almeria, Spain. Directors: M. Gallardo, P. Lorenzo (in Spanish)
Luís Carlos Valdez Torres. 2005. Continuous measurement of the water status
of plant and soil for irrigation programming of vegetable crops in
greenhouses. University of Almeria, Spain. Directors: M.
Gallardo, R.B. Thompson, M.D. Fernández (in Spanish)
Herminia Puerto Molina. 2001. Production response of Dutch cucumber in
greenhouse production to heating with hot air. University of
Almeria, Spain. Directors: M. Gallardo, E. Fereres (In Spanish)
María Dolores Fernández Fernández.
2000. Water requirements and
production response to water of protected crops of most economic
interest in Almeria. University of Almeria, Spain.
Directors: M. Gallardo, S. Bonachela (in