farm strategies that integrate sustainable N fertilization, water
management and pest control to reduce water and soil pollution and
salinization in the Mediterranean (Safe-H2O-Farm). PRIMA Section 2 2022- Multi-topic 2.1.1-2023 (RIA). Proyectos
de Cooperación Internacional (PCI2023-143356). Ministerio de Ciencia e
Innovación. PI: Francisco Manuel Padilla Ruiz. 01/06/2023-31/05/2026.
concepts and technologies for ECOlogically sustainable NUTRIent
management in agriculture aiming to prevent, mitigate and eliminate
pollution in soils, water and air (ECONUTRI). European Union Horizon Europe Innovation Programme. Grant 101081858. PI: Rodney B. Thompson. 01/11/2022-30/04/2026.
salinity, irrigation and nitrogen management to ensure yield and
minimise nitrate leaching from vegetables grown with moderately saline
water (P18-RT-2516). "Proyectos de Excelencia", Consejería de Transformación
Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades. Junta de Andalucía.
Proyectos de investigación orientados a los retos de la sociedad
andaluza. Call 2018. PI: Luisa Gallardo Pino. 01/01/2020-31/12/2022.
Greenhouse Support System in the Mediterranean Region: efficient
fertigation and pest management through IoT based climate control
(iGUESS-MED). Grant Agreement Number 1916- iGUESSMED.
Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area
Programme (PRIMA) Call 2019 Section 1 Farming IA. EU H2020. Duration:
2020-2024. PI at UAL: M. Gallardo 180.000 €.
Demonstration and implementation of the VegSyst-DSS tool for sustainable fertigation management. Financed by CEIA3. Call 2019. PI: Luisa Gallardo Pino.
Efecto del cultivar sobre la monitorización en planta del estado nutricional en nitrógeno de cultivos (RTI2018-099429-B-100). Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad 2018. PI: Rodney B. Thompson. co-PI: Francisco Manuel Padilla Ruiz. 01/01/2019-31/12/2022.
of the VegSyst-DSS web-based decision support system for vegetable
crops to manage irrigation and N fertilization and to calculate the C
and N footprints (VS-DSS). Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y
Universidades. Programa Estatal de I+D+i orientada a los Retos de la
Sociedad 2018. Proyecto INIA. Convocatoria 2018. 2019-2021. PI: Luisa
Gallardo Pino.
Networking european farms to enhance cross fertilisation and innovation uptake through demonstration (NEFERTITI),
call: RUR-12-2017, H2020. Project PI: M. Adrien Guichaoua - ACTA
(Association de Coordination Technique Agricole), France; UAL coordinator: Dr. Cynthia Giagnocavo. 01/01/2018-31/12/2022.
Spanish initiative research in efficiency of N in Agroecosystems (Sirena Network). AGL2015-68881-REDT.
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Plan Estatal de Investigación
Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016. Redes de Excelencia
2015. PI: Miguel Quemada Saenz-Badillos (UPM). 01/12/2015-30/11/2018.
Monitoring with proximal optical sensors and agronomic techniques to optimize N management and yield of sweet pepper.
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. National Plan for
Research, Development and Innovation (Retos 2015). PI: Dr. Rodney B.
Thompson. 2016-2018.
Transfer of INNOvative
techniques for sustainable WAter use in FERtigated crops (FERTINNOWA),
call : WATER-4B-2015, H2020. Project PI: Raf de Vis, Proefstation Voor
de Groenteteelt, Mechelen, Belgium; UAL coordinator: Rodney B.
Thompson. 2016-2018.
Proximal optical sensors to evaluate the nitrogen status of a sweet
pepper crop. Zeraim Gedera (Syngenta Group). PI: Dr.
Rodney B. Thompson. 2014-2015.
Use of optical sensors and simulation models to optimize the management
of nitrogen in vegetable crops
(Ref. AGL2012-39036). Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation. PI: Dr. Marisa
Gallardo. 2013-2015.
of a combined modelling and monitoring approach to optimise management
of fertiliser N for vegetable production in greenhouses
AGL2008-03774/AGR). Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science,
National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation. PI: Dr. Rodney
B. Thompson. 2009-2011.
Drainage and nitrate leaching
from intensive horticultural systems to aquifers: Extrapolation from
plots to the regional level (Ref.
P06-AGR-02419). Government of the Autonomous Region of Andalucía,
Research Projects of Excellence. PI: Dr. Marisa Gallardo. 2007-2010.
The efficient use of nitrogen in
agricultural rotations (Coordinated
Project, subproject 4- Ref. RTA2008-00081-C5-04). Instituto Nacional de
Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA). IP of
subproject: Carmen Giménez Padilla. 2008-2011.
nitrate contamination of aquifers in the zones of intensive
horticultural production on the Spanish Mediterranean coast (Ref.
AGL2004-07399). Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, National
Plan for Research, Development and Innovation. PI: Dr. Rodney B.
Thompson. 2005-2008.
Vegetable production
systems in greenhouses and their environmental impact
(Ref. UNAM05-23-012). Combined Spanish Ministry of Education and
Science, and FEDER Funding for Scientific and Technological
Infrastructure. PI: Dr. Marisa Gallardo. 2005-2006.
Irrigation scheduling in
vegetable crop in greenhouses with continuous monitoring of the
moisture status of the plant and soil
(Ref. AGL2001-2068). Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology,
National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation. PI: Dr. Marisa
Gallardo. 2002-2004.
Contamination of
aquifers from greenhouses in Almeria
(Ref. UALM03-23-022). Combined Funding by Spanish Ministry of Education
and Science, and FEDER Funds for Scientific and Technological
Infrastructure. PI: Dr. Marisa Gallardo. 2003.
irrigation in vegetable crops and “enarenado” soils with continuous
measurement of soil moisture with a new sensor based on electrical
impedance. FIAPA (Fundación para la Investigación Agraria
de la Provincia de Almería). PI: Dr. Albert Solé Benet. 2001-2003.
Development and distribution of
software for irrigation scheduling of vegetable crops in greenhouses
and “enarenado” soils (Ref. 2000/27). FIAPA (Fundación
para la Investigación Agraria de la Provincia de Almería). PI: Mª
Dolores Fernández Fernández. 2001-2003.
Irrigation scheduling
using real and historical climatic data in vegetable crops in
greenhouses with "enarenado" soils. Contract
R&D, Cajamar Bank. PI: Dr. Santiago Bonachela. 2000-2002.
Action Plan in the zones of the
Mediterranean Coast that are vulnerable to nitrate contamination from
agricultural sources. Government of the Autonomous Region
of Andalucía, Spain. PI: Dr. Alfonso García Ferrer. 1999-2000.
Improved management of fertigation in horticultural crop in greenhouses
in Almeria: Incorporation of new methods for the control of irrigation,
nutrients and salinity, and their transfer to the local industry. FEDER
Funds and CYCIT (Spain). PI: Dr. Marisa Gallardo. 1999-2001.
International collaboration
on Efficient utilization in fertilizer and water
resources in vegetable production, with Institute of Plant Nutrition
Resources, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,
China. Starting in