Leticia de la Paz holds a Bachelor's degree in English Philology by the University of Almería (2005) and a Bachelor's degree in Translation and Interpreting by the University of Granada (2009). She also obtained a Master's degree in Translation and Interpreting (2014) and a Master's degree in Spanish studies (2017) at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, where she later started her teaching career. She recently completed her Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Granada about the translations of American poet Adrienne Rich's work into Spanish, analyzing them with a gender perspective. She has also taught in the department of English Philology both at the University of Almería (up until September 2021) and the University of Jaén (academic year 2019-2020). She is the Vicepresident of the Literary Association PANDORA. Asociación de estudios literarios feministas y pensamiento contemporáneo, which will organize its first Annual Conference in Salamanca in May 2022.


"The Lesbian Body in Translation: Gender Identity and Erotism in Adrienne Rich's Poetry". Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana de Traducción, vol. 16, nº 1 (Febrero 2023): 52-72. To view or download document, click here.


"Challenging Female Roles and Spaces: Adrienne Rich's Of Woman Born. Motherhood as Experience and Institution". Reescribiendo la historia. Sobre los espacios femeninos y las nuevas masculinidades en la literatura actual. Eds. María Ayete Gil & Nuria Torres López. Revista Internacional de Culturas y Literaturas, nº 25 (noviembre 2022): 317-327. To view or download document, click here.

"La representación de la mujer en la literatura hispanoamericana: El caso de Mariana en Las batallas en el desierto, de José Emilio Pacheco". Narradoras, actantes y arquetipos: La evolución de la figura femenina en la literatura. Eds. Fernando Candón, Nuria Torres López y Leticia de la Paz. Valladolid: Universitas Castellae, 2022. 79-89.

“La rabia femenina en Papeles de Pandora, de Rosario Ferré”. Discurso e ideología: La violencia contra la mujer en la literatura. Eds. María Ayete Gil, Fernando Candón y Leticia de la Paz. Valladolid: Universitas Castellae, 2021.

El relato corto, by Sean O'Faolain. Translated by Leticia de la Paz. Edited by José Francisco Fernández. Almería: Edual, 2020.

“La traducción del deseo femenino: la poesía lésbica de Adrienne Rich”. Translatum Nostrum. La traducción y la interpretación en el ámbito humanístico. Eds. Carla Botella, Javier Franco and Catalina Iliescu. Granada: Editorial Comares, 2020.

Me gusta cuando gritas porque no estás ausente...el silencio y la rabia femeninas a través de la literatura universal”. Raudem: Revista de estudios de las mujeres, nº 6 (2018): 74-86. To view or download document, click here.

Leche y miel, by Rupi Kaur. Translated by Leticia de la Paz. California: Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2014.


Leticia de la Paz de Dios

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Department of Philology/ English Studies

Humanities Building II, 1.18, University of Almería