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- B.S. in Mathematics (1986), Havana University, Cuba
- Ph. D. in Mathematics (1991) State Moscow University "M.V. Lomonosov", Russia
- Assistant Professor, 1986-1994, Havana University, Cuba
- Visiting Professor, 1993, University Autonoma of Madrid, Spain
- Visiting Professor, 1994, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
- Adjunct Professor, 1994-June 1998, University of Almería, Spain
- Associate Professor (tenure-track position), June 1998-April 1999, University of Almería, Spain
- Adjunct Professor, January-May, 2000, Department of Mathematics, University of South Florida, USA
- Associate Professor, April 1999-November 2007, University of Almería, Spain
- Visiting Professor, August-December, 2003, Department of Mathematics, Vanderbilt University, USA
- Visiting Professor, August-December, 2014, Department of Mathematics, Vanderbilt University, USA
- Full Professor, November 2007 - present, University of Almería, Spain.
- Visiting Researcher, 2014-2016, Instituto de Biociências, Letras e Ciências Exatas (IBILCE), UNESP, Brazil.
- Visiting Professor, 2014-2016, Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.
- Professor of Mathematics, since 2018, Baylor University, USA.
- Associated Member of "Carlos I" Institute for Theoretical and Computational Physics of Granada University (Quantum Physics and Mathematics Group)
- Member of the American Mathematical Society since 1993
- Member of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), since 1998, and of the SIAM Activity Group "Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions" (vice-chair of SIAG January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019; Program Director, January 1, 2020-present).
- Member of the Spanish Society for History of Science and Technology since 1997
- Member of the Real Sociedad Matemática Española since 1999
- Member of the Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics (SEMA) since 2006
- Member of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) since 2009
- Member of the Asociación Española de Tecnología y Cirugía de Implantes, Refractiva y Córnea (ASETCIRC), 2009-2015
- Chairman of the research workgroup "Approximation Theory and Orthogonal Polynomials", code FQM 0229 of Junta de Andalucía, 1995-2012.
- Coordinator of the Area of Mathematics at the Spanish Grant National Agency of Assessment (ANEP), and later, of the Division of Coordination, Assessment and Scientific and Technical Monitoring of the Spanish Research Agency (2015-2019).
- Founder and Director of R&D at Neurobia Research (2015-2018).
- Approximation Theory, Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions
- Numerical Analysis
- Complex Analysis
- Applications, in particular in human vision
- Juan José Moreno Balcázar, "Analytic properties of sontinuous Sobolev orthogonal polynomials" (coadvised with Miguel Piñar), October 6, 1997.
- Pedro Martínez Gonzalez, "Methods of study of the zero asymptotics of special functions" (coadvised with Alejandro Zarzo), July 4, 2001.
- Pedro Lopez Artés, "Entropies, potentials and linearization of hypergeometric polynomials" (coadvised with Jesús Sánchez Dehesa), April 9, 2002.
- Joaquín Sánchez Lara, "Entropies of orthogonal polynomials", July 2005.
- Vítor Luís Sousa, "The Riemann–Hilbert Method Applied to the Theory of Orthogonal Polynomials" (coadvised with Ana Foulquié), University of Aveiro, January 17, 2011.
- Darío Ramos López, "Mathematical modelling in biomedical optics and ophthalmology", University of Almería, May 12, 2014.
- Ana B. Castaño Fernández, "Some mathematical problems from the biomedical optics and ophthalmology", University of Almería, November 27, 017.
- Taylor Poe (Baylor University) , "Poncelet Polygons Through the Lenses of Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle, Finite Blaschke Products, and Numerical Ranges", June 17, 2021.
- "New trends in Constructive Approximation: Theory and Applications", research project PID2021-124472NB-I00 from Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). PI: Juan J. Moreno Balcázar and Luis Velázquez (University of Almería) (9/1/2022-5/31/2026).
- "Asymptotic methods for non-standard orthogonality", Simons Foundation Collaboration Grants for Mathematicians (grant 710499), 9/1/2021–8/31/2025. Principal Investigator: Andrei Martínez-Finkelshtein.
Member of the Editorial Board (present):
Member of the Editorial Board or Advice Committee (past):
de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas
(1997-2013) Random Matrices:
Theory and Applications
(2011-2022) Journal of Mathematical Analysis
and Applications