Abstract Submission

All the abstracts should be submitted electronically. The deadline for abstract submission is 15th June, 2017.
Notification of abstract acceptance will be announced by 14th July, 2017.


When submitting an abstract please follow the guidelines below:

- The abstract must be limited to one A4 page.

- Abstracts need to be typed into the abstract template according to the instructions given therein and submitted as pdf files.

- The file name must be as follows: “Oral_Name_Surname.pdf” or “Poster_Name_Surname.pdf” depending of your preferred way of presentation.

Please send your abstract to the following e-mail address: ause@iem.cfmac.csic.es indicating in the subject your preferred way of presentation (oral, poster) and if you are interested in participating for the poster awards.

Abstract template

Maximum poster dimensions: 75 cm wide and 120 cm long



