Mª del Mar Garre García obtained her Bachelor's Degree in English Studies at the University of Almería (Spain) in 2016 and earned her Master’s Degree in English Literature and Linguistics at the University of Granada (Spain) in 2017. She is currently working as a Graduate Research Assistant at the University of Almería (Department of Philology) and writing her Ph.D. dissertation on Samuel Beckett’s poetry: “Evolutive analysis of Samuel Beckett’s poetry. Towards a Definition of Beckettian poetics.” Her research focuses on an evolutive definition of Beckett’s poetry finding similarities between his life, personal interests and literary sources of inspiration.


“The Translation of Samuel Beckett's mirlitonnades by Three Spanish Authors." Complutense Journal of English Studies, vol. 28 (2020): 83-92. To view or download document, click here.

"'Asylum under my tread:' Silences and Voices in Samuel Beckett's Echos Bones and Other Precipitates." Verbeia. Journal of English Studies, 5 (2020): 29-49  To view or download document, click here.


Mar Garre García

Position/ status

Gerty Cori Fellow/ Ph.D. student

Email address


Phone no.

(+34) 950.21.54.36

Academic institution address

Department of Philology/ English Studies

Humanities II Building, office no. 1.18, University of Almería

Recent publications

"The Poetics of Silence in the Translation of Samuel Beckett's 'Comment Dire'/ 'What Is the Word' into Spanish." Babel-Afial, 29 (2020): 27-50. To view or download document, click here.

"5th International Conference of the Samuel Beckett Society (2019). Samuel Beckett and Translation". Beckettiana, 17 (2020): 70-72. To view or download document, click here.

"Bibliografía de publicaciones académicas sobre Samuel Beckett en España." Samuel Beckett en España. Ed. José Francisco Fernández. Valladolid: Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid, 2020. 193-206.

"Catálogo de publicaciones académicas sobre Samuel Beckett en España." Samuel Beckett en España. Ed. José Francisco Fernández. Valladolid: Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid, 2020. 207-227.