Compartici’on de Ficheros (File Sharing)

Vicente González Ruiz

December 14, 2014


1 El FTP (File Transfer Program)
2 NFS (Network File System)
 2.1 Caracter’isticas
 2.2 El NFSP
3 The Server Message Block (SMB) protocol
4 Aplicaciones P2P (Peer-to-peer)
 4.1 B’usqueda usando un directorio centralizado
 4.2 B’usqueda usando un directorio descentralizado
 4.3 B’usqueda mediante inundaci’on
5 Acerca de la tasa de descarga

1 El FTP (File Transfer Program)

2 NFS (Network File System)

2.1 Caracter’isticas

2.2 El NFSP

3 The Server Message Block (SMB) protocol

4 Aplicaciones P2P (Peer-to-peer)

4.1 B’usqueda usando un directorio centralizado

4.2 B’usqueda usando un directorio descentralizado

4.3 B’usqueda mediante inundaci’on

5 Acerca de la tasa de descarga


[1]   Graham Glass. Unix for Programmers and Users. Prentice Hall, 1993.

[2]   R. Sandberg, D. Goldberg, S. Kleiman, D. Walsh, and B. Lyon. Design and implementation of the sun network file system. In Proceedings of the Summer 1985 Usenix Conference, pages 119 – 131, June 1985.

[3]   Sun Microsystems, Inc., RFC 1094. NFS: Network File System Protocol Specification Version 2, 1989.

[4]   Sun Microsystems, Inc., RFC 1813. NFS Version 3 Protocol Specification, 1995.

[5]    Sun Microsystems, Inc., RFC1832. XDR: External Data Representation Standard, 1995.

[6]   Sun Microsystems, Inc., RFC 3010. Network File System (NFS) version 4 Protocol, 2003.