#: locale=es ## Tour ### Description tour.description = Universidad de Almería ### Título tour.name = ASTROFOTOGRAFÍA ## Skin ### Botón Button_03D37B27_0C7A_63B3_41A1_89572D8C8762.label = Información Button_03D37B27_0C7A_63B3_41A1_89572D8C8762_mobile.label = INFO Button_0DECFFED_12FA_D26D_419B_F907711405D7_mobile.label = BOOK NOW Button_18126A3F_1663_8BEF_41A4_B0EDA1A5F4E3.label = BOOK NOW Button_18126A3F_1663_8BEF_41A4_B0EDA1A5F4E3_mobile.label = BOOK NOW Button_1CA392FC_0C0A_2295_41A3_18DEA65FB6AD.label = Localización Button_1CA392FC_0C0A_2295_41A3_18DEA65FB6AD_mobile.label = LOCATION Button_1EBF3282_0C0A_1D6D_4190_52FC7F8C00A5.label = Obras Button_1EBF3282_0C0A_1D6D_4190_52FC7F8C00A5_mobile.label = OBRAS Button_1FDDCF4A_0C0A_23FD_417A_1C14E098FDFD_mobile.label = PANORAMAS Button_1FE4B611_0C0A_256F_418E_EA27E66F8360_mobile.label = PLAN Button_33E0F47E_11C1_A20D_419F_BB809AD89259.label = CONTACTO Button_33E0F47E_11C1_A20D_419F_BB809AD89259_mobile.label = CONTACT ### Texto Multilinea HTMLText_0DECCFED_12FA_D26D_418B_9646D02C4859.html =
Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

E-mail: Info@loremipsum.com
Web: www.loremipsum.com
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
Address: line 1
Address line 2
HTMLText_0DECCFED_12FA_D26D_418B_9646D02C4859_mobile.html =

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

E-mail: Info@loremipsum.com
Web: www.loremipsum.com
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
Address: line 1
Address line 2
HTMLText_18123A3E_1663_8BF1_419F_B7BD72D2053B.html =
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de almería
HTMLText_18127A3F_1663_8BEF_4175_B0DF8CE38BFE.html =
04120 La Cañada, Almería

Teléfono: 950 21 42 19

HTMLText_18127A3F_1663_8BEF_4175_B0DF8CE38BFE_mobile.html =

04120 La Cañada, Almería

Teléfono: 950 21 42 19
HTMLText_19F207E6_1706_8804_41B0_D4381FDBE24B.html =
Amable marín
HTMLText_19FD97E9_1706_880C_41B0_E33933EDD77B.html =
Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

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Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue.

Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula.

Integer eget pulvinar urna, et tincidunt sem. Suspendisse imperdiet tincidunt risus id mollis. Vivamus suscipit dui sit amet tortor pellentesque, ac laoreet tortor finibus. Nulla maximus urna id sagittis ultricies. Suspendisse in mi sit amet nisi rutrum sodales non eu elit. Integer cursus, odio nec efficitur fermentum.

Ut sed mattis ipsum. Curabitur blandit hendrerit nisi ac feugiat.
HTMLText_43A9D979_171E_B80D_416B_F4B8B99602FB.html =

Proin sit amet pharetra magna. Donec varius eu nisi at facilisis. Vivamus nibh magna, fermentum ac nibh sit amet, euismod efficitur sem. Fusce blandit, purus sed gravida vulputate, justo quam laoreet quam, et dictum mauris arcu vitae justo.

Vivamus euismod condimentum ligula quis feugiat. Cras imperdiet tortor mi, a posuere velit tempus et. Maecenas et scelerisque turpis. Quisque in gravida leo, sed dapibus nibh. Ut at consequat turpis. Curabitur et tempor ex, aliquet interdum quam. Aliquam erat volutpat.
HTMLText_89914A59_9D2D_FC8D_41C7_034A8DCD02BE.html =
Almería, un viaje de cercanía



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Almería, un viaje de cercanía


### Etiqueta Label_14F82305_1BED_F1EE_41AD_7A6E6AD00A22.text = Exposición Astrofotografía Label_14F82305_1BED_F1EE_41AD_7A6E6AD00A22_mobile.text = Exposición Astrofotografía Label_14FBC305_1BED_F1EE_41B3_DAC14B1EE44E.text = Universidad de Almería Label_14FBC305_1BED_F1EE_41B3_DAC14B1EE44E_mobile.text = UNIVERSIDAD DE ALMERÍA ## Media ### Título album_C4D40B45_DE71_5FD7_41E0_929B2C165F83.label = Exposición album_C4D40B45_DE71_5FD7_41E0_929B2C165F83_0.label = mw_pano2_amc panorama_D24101B5_DE13_EAB7_41DB_CEF3BA4B9FCB.label = Mediana4 panorama_D249EDFA_DE13_5ABC_41E5_06C28F4C36BB.label = Mediana2 panorama_D24AEF56_DE13_57F5_41CD_67A445B310D1.label = Mediana3 panorama_D25044B6_DE10_EAB4_41D3_3E15C81B2516.label = Mediana1 panorama_D250B499_DE13_297C_41E3_91CF3067F5D6.label = Frontal4 panorama_D263BB69_DE13_7FDF_41CA_61040B92239E.label = Frontal3 panorama_D2779D7E_DE13_3BB5_41D9_7DC3BB33AF46.label = Frontal2 panorama_D28C4E1B_DE10_F973_41AB_E41AE2F2CA00.label = Frontal1 photo_C48A560C_DE70_E955_41E3_65DA44F192F7.label = NGC6164-CA photo_C48A560C_DE70_E955_41E3_65DA44F192F7.label = NGC6164-CA photo_C48A7ABC_DE70_DEB5_41E5_FFC05CA83FF2.label = Roseta-Noroeste-RC-16bits photo_C48A7ABC_DE70_DEB5_41E5_FFC05CA83FF2.label = Roseta-Noroeste-RC-16bits photo_C48A823F_DE71_29B4_41B3_B798BA25531B.label = Luna_2018-10-05-05-29-35 photo_C48A823F_DE71_29B4_41B3_B798BA25531B.label = Luna_2018-10-05-05-29-35 photo_C48AE125_DE71_2B54_41E4_5304DCCC2C18.label = Jupiter_derrotado photo_C48AE125_DE71_2B54_41E4_5304DCCC2C18.label = Jupiter_derrotado photo_C54B7B3B_DE71_3FB3_41E1_78FEAA268733.label = ISS_Luna photo_C54B7B3B_DE71_3FB3_41E1_78FEAA268733.label = ISS_Luna photo_C5798123_DE70_EB4C_41EA_71D9D2214E90.label = IC2948-2-13-Brt-f-g-CA photo_C5798123_DE70_EB4C_41EA_71D9D2214E90.label = IC2948-2-13-Brt-f-g-CA photo_C57F8606_DE7F_2954_41B1_4C74934F6D4A.label = Luna_de_Primavera photo_C57F8606_DE7F_2954_41B1_4C74934F6D4A.label = Luna_de_Primavera photo_CC8DA4AB_DE11_695C_41DF_F2EFBC522D6D.label = NGC6164-CA photo_CD337DB3_DE13_5B4C_41DD_A6D59606F904.label = Luna_2018-10-05-05-29-35 photo_CD4558C4_DE10_DAD4_41DA_670CE9EC1954.label = mw_pano2_amc photo_CD4AD125_DE13_6B57_41D4_15BA75E48103.label = IC2948-2-13-Brt-f-g-CA photo_CD60CFB3_DE10_D6B3_41B1_59F9E62BD873.label = Jupiter_derrotado photo_CD727A51_DE17_D9CC_41C2_A602D164ED4E.label = ISS_Luna photo_CF1E80D7_DE0F_2AF3_41E2_C3FEDDD6308B.label = Luna_de_Primavera photo_CFF5C55E_DE31_2BF4_41C7_B90636DC843A.label = Roseta-Noroeste-RC-16bits ## Ventana ### Cuerpo htmlText_CA209C22_DE11_594C_41E3_33744FE12B40.html =
1ª Mención
La Luna. Región del cráter Wargentin
Alfredo Vidal Pérez
DESCRIPCION: Cráter Wargentin (85 km de diámetro) Región sudoeste de la cara visible de la Luna. Raro cráter lunar inundado de lava totalmente formando una meseta de 300 metros de altura que le confiere una personalidad única en el paisaje lunar
LUGAR: Sant Cugat de Gavadons (Barcelona)
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescopio Schmidt Cassegrain Celestron Edge HD de 11" a f:10 + Cámara ZWO ASI290MM + Filtro IR Pro 742
CARACT_TECNICAS: Resultado de un video en formato SER, de 1002 frames, utilizando en el apilado el 80% de su totalidad
PROGRAMAS: Firecapture V2.6 (para su captura) + Autostakkert 3.0.14 + Registax V6.0
FECHA_CAPTURA: 05/10/2018
htmlText_CA20EC23_DE11_594C_41E1_06024EFCFE48.html =
Primer Premio
The road to the stars
Antonio Martin Carrillo
DESCRIPCION: Within the last 60 minutes of the night, just before sunrise this March we had the opportunity of observing three planets quite close to each other: Jupiter, well within the most gaseous and dusty region of our galaxy; Saturn below the brightest part of the galaxy centre and slowly moving away from that region; and Venus, in this photo rising on top of the road very low in the horizon. An imaginary line can be drawn connecting all three planets forming what is known as the ecliptic. The ecliptic is actually defined as the apparent motion of the Sun over our sky. In other words, it represents the orbital plane of Earth in its orbit around the sun. Since all the major planets of the Solar System, and our Moon, seem to move within few degrees of our orbital plane, from the ground they also move very close the ecliptic.
LUGAR: Calar Alto observatory
INSTRUMENTAL: Canon 6D, Samyang 24mm f2.0, ISO 6400, 4x10 sec per tile
CARACT_TECNICAS: The panorama was through 10 vertical tiles. Each tile had 4 exposures of 10 seconds that were stacked before stitching the panorama
PROGRAMAS: Lightroom, Starry Landscape Stacker for stacking each tile and Photoshop for correcting the effects of the lens on the landscape.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 17/03/2019
htmlText_CA212C1E_DE11_5974_41B9_14D606271F0C.html =
1ª Mención
The Liberty Bell Nebula
Josep Drudis
DESCRIPCION: This is a fragment of the Running Chicken Nebula (IC 2948), which is a large HII emission region located in the constellation Centaurus. This image depicts a beautiful structure located on the Western rim of the Nebula. I have found that it resembles many objects, like the Philadelphian “Liberty Bell” showing even its upper “crack”…
LUGAR: Coonabarabran, Australia
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescope: Planewave CDK 20 inch (50.8cm) f/6.8, focal length 3490mm, Camera: SBIG STX 16803. Autoguider and narrow band and RGB filters
CARACT_TECNICAS: Total exposure time 12.5 hours (Halpha: 7 hours in 30 minute exposures; OIII: 4 hours in 30 minute exposures; RGB: 1.5 hours in 5 minute exposures for each filter). Own telescope remotely controlled from home.
PROGRAMAS: CCDStack for the pre-processing and Photoshop CC2018 for the processing.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 06/07/2018
htmlText_CA214C20_DE11_594C_41E5_C2642C325B90.html =
2ª Mención
Estación Espacial Internacional en tránsito lunar
Daniel Fernández Méndez
DESCRIPCION: Captura de la Estación Espacial Internacional en tránsito lunar. Distancia a la ISS 500 km, duración 0,6 segundos.
LUGAR: Alcobendas-Madrid
INSTRUMENTAL: ED80 Long Perng 550mm + Barlow x2 cámara Nikon D610 Datos para la toma Calsky
CARACT_TECNICAS: exposición 1/2000 de segundo f/12 ISO 2000
PROGRAMAS: Photoshop
FECHA_CAPTURA: 01/02/2018
htmlText_CA21CC21_DE11_594C_41A0_4A20A2FCA596.html =
3ª Mención
Salvador Ortega Saura
DESCRIPCION: Tomada de 22:45-22:57 (hora peninsular española). Un seeing aceptable.
INSTRUMENTAL: Tubo Celestron 9.25” sobre montura ecuatorial EQ6 R pro Goto Skywatcher, con cámara monocroma ZWO ASI 290MM y rueda de filtros RGB de Baader; Baader Q-Barlow 2.25x / 1.3x.
CARACT_TECNICAS: Vídeos de 120” derrotando 12 minutos.
PROGRAMAS: Winjupos,Autostakkert 3, Registax6 y Fitswork.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 27/06/2018
htmlText_CA266C1D_DE11_5974_41CC_E26444E673AF.html =
Primer Premio
La Nebulosa del Encaje Azul
Josep Drudis
DESCRIPCION: This image shows more than strictly NGC 6164 and 6165. NGC 6164 is the bright bar located in the lower (North) part of the central red nebulosity. NGC 6165 is the bright bar located in the upper (South) part of it. This nebula is the result of the mass ejection by an unfrequent star type, O6.5f (only five such stars are known, three in our own galaxy and two in the Small Magellanic Cloud). This nebulosity is the result of a two-step fierce mass ejection from the central star. HD 148937 is a massive, very hot star, with a mass about 40 times that of our Sun. This kind of stars live fast and last short. Its age has been calculated in about four million years and still has about two to three million years to go. At its end, it will most probably explode as supernova. This kind of stars (O6.5f) burn hydrogen through the CNO cycle.
LUGAR: Coonabarabran, Australia
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescope: Planewave CDK 20 inch (50.8cm) f/6.8, focal length 3490mm, Camera: SBIG STX 16803. Autoguider and narrow band and RGB filters
CARACT_TECNICAS: Total exposure time 17.5 hours (Halpha: 8 hours in 30 minute exposures; OIII: 8 hours in 30 minute exposures; RGB: 1.5 hours in 5 minute exposures for each filter). Own telescope, remotely controlled from home.
PROGRAMAS: CCDStack for the pre-processing and Photoshop CC2018 for the processing.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 28/03/2018
htmlText_CA27FC1C_DE11_5974_41C1_128539D4A570.html =
3ª Mención
North west zone of Rosette nebula
Juan Ignacio Jiménez
DESCRIPCION: This is an image of north west zone of rosette nebula at 2000mm focal length
LUGAR: Villanueva de la Torre (Guadalajara, Spain)
INSTRUMENTAL: RC10" Truss GSO + Atik16200 + Mesu200
CARACT_TECNICAS: Ha 27*900" to Bin2 and OIII and SII to Bin2
PROGRAMAS: Pixinsight
FECHA_CAPTURA: 05/01/2019
htmlText_CC07321E_DE0F_2975_41E9_6825A2BABB98.html =
Primer Premio
La Nebulosa del Encaje Azul
Josep Drudis
DESCRIPCION: This image shows more than strictly NGC 6164 and 6165. NGC 6164 is the bright bar located in the lower (North) part of the central red nebulosity. NGC 6165 is the bright bar located in the upper (South) part of it. This nebula is the result of the mass ejection by an unfrequent star type, O6.5f (only five such stars are known, three in our own galaxy and two in the Small Magellanic Cloud). This nebulosity is the result of a two-step fierce mass ejection from the central star. HD 148937 is a massive, very hot star, with a mass about 40 times that of our Sun. This kind of stars live fast and last short. Its age has been calculated in about four million years and still has about two to three million years to go. At its end, it will most probably explode as supernova. This kind of stars (O6.5f) burn hydrogen through the CNO cycle.
LUGAR: Coonabarabran, Australia
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescope: Planewave CDK 20 inch (50.8cm) f/6.8, focal length 3490mm, Camera: SBIG STX 16803. Autoguider and narrow band and RGB filters
CARACT_TECNICAS: Total exposure time 17.5 hours (Halpha: 8 hours in 30 minute exposures; OIII: 8 hours in 30 minute exposures; RGB: 1.5 hours in 5 minute exposures for each filter). Own telescope, remotely controlled from home.
PROGRAMAS: CCDStack for the pre-processing and Photoshop CC2018 for the processing.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 28/03/2018
htmlText_CC3BC05B_DE37_29F3_41AE_416D7A3EAD30.html =
1ª Mención
Luna_de_Primavera.tif - Luna de Primavera
Jesús Salado Castro
DESCRIPCION: Dibujo de la luna en su 19 día lunar
LUGAR: Chiclana de la Frontera
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescopio 485mm, 2018mm f. ocular 21mm Ethos
CARACT_TECNICAS: dibujo realizado en dos sesiones; en el 28 del febrero del 2019 y en el 24 de marzo del 2019.
técnica: estarcido de acuarelas sobre material Gesso en el fondo sobre tabla de 61x61cm. Grafito de distintas durezas y tizas pastel negro para la luna con esgrafiado a base de grabado con buril.
PROGRAMAS: Photoshop
htmlText_CC436719_DE17_F77C_41C3_D62154DFB7A4.html =
Primer Premio
La Nebulosa del Encaje Azul
Josep Drudis
DESCRIPCION: This image shows more than strictly NGC 6164 and 6165. NGC 6164 is the bright bar located in the lower (North) part of the central red nebulosity. NGC 6165 is the bright bar located in the upper (South) part of it. This nebula is the result of the mass ejection by an unfrequent star type, O6.5f (only five such stars are known, three in our own galaxy and two in the Small Magellanic Cloud). This nebulosity is the result of a two-step fierce mass ejection from the central star. HD 148937 is a massive, very hot star, with a mass about 40 times that of our Sun. This kind of stars live fast and last short. Its age has been calculated in about four million years and still has about two to three million years to go. At its end, it will most probably explode as supernova. This kind of stars (O6.5f) burn hydrogen through the CNO cycle.
LUGAR: Coonabarabran, Australia
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescope: Planewave CDK 20 inch (50.8cm) f/6.8, focal length 3490mm, Camera: SBIG STX 16803. Autoguider and narrow band and RGB filters
CARACT_TECNICAS: Total exposure time 17.5 hours (Halpha: 8 hours in 30 minute exposures; OIII: 8 hours in 30 minute exposures; RGB: 1.5 hours in 5 minute exposures for each filter). Own telescope, remotely controlled from home.
PROGRAMAS: CCDStack for the pre-processing and Photoshop CC2018 for the processing.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 28/03/2018
htmlText_CC43D71A_DE17_F77C_41C6_D5C0CEC9DC5F.html =
1ª Mención
The Liberty Bell Nebula
Josep Drudis
DESCRIPCION: This is a fragment of the Running Chicken Nebula (IC 2948), which is a large HII emission region located in the constellation Centaurus. This image depicts a beautiful structure located on the Western rim of the Nebula. I have found that it resembles many objects, like the Philadelphian “Liberty Bell” showing even its upper “crack”…
LUGAR: Coonabarabran, Australia
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescope: Planewave CDK 20 inch (50.8cm) f/6.8, focal length 3490mm, Camera: SBIG STX 16803. Autoguider and narrow band and RGB filters
CARACT_TECNICAS: Total exposure time 12.5 hours (Halpha: 7 hours in 30 minute exposures; OIII: 4 hours in 30 minute exposures; RGB: 1.5 hours in 5 minute exposures for each filter). Own telescope remotely controlled from home.
PROGRAMAS: CCDStack for the pre-processing and Photoshop CC2018 for the processing.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 06/07/2018
htmlText_CC477717_DE17_F774_41D6_CF12C7BC9E8E.html =
3ª Mención
North west zone of Rosette nebula
Juan Ignacio Jiménez
DESCRIPCION: This is an image of north west zone of rosette nebula at 2000mm focal length
LUGAR: Villanueva de la Torre (Guadalajara, Spain)
INSTRUMENTAL: RC10" Truss GSO + Atik16200 + Mesu200
CARACT_TECNICAS: Ha 27*900" to Bin2 and OIII and SII to Bin2
PROGRAMAS: Pixinsight
FECHA_CAPTURA: 05/01/2019
htmlText_CC5CF71E_DE17_F774_41DF_2B5F90658A34.html =
1ª Mención
La Luna. Región del cráter Wargentin
Alfredo Vidal Pérez
DESCRIPCION: Cráter Wargentin (85 km de diámetro) Región sudoeste de la cara visible de la Luna. Raro cráter lunar inundado de lava totalmente formando una meseta de 300 metros de altura que le confiere una personalidad única en el paisaje lunar
LUGAR: Sant Cugat de Gavadons (Barcelona)
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescopio Schmidt Cassegrain Celestron Edge HD de 11" a f:10 + Cámara ZWO ASI290MM + Filtro IR Pro 742
CARACT_TECNICAS: Resultado de un video en formato SER, de 1002 frames, utilizando en el apilado el 80% de su totalidad
PROGRAMAS: Firecapture V2.6 (para su captura) + Autostakkert 3.0.14 + Registax V6.0
FECHA_CAPTURA: 05/10/2018
htmlText_CC5D271F_DE17_F774_41DE_0FB429490047.html =
Primer Premio
The road to the stars
Antonio Martin Carrillo
DESCRIPCION: Within the last 60 minutes of the night, just before sunrise this March we had the opportunity of observing three planets quite close to each other: Jupiter, well within the most gaseous and dusty region of our galaxy; Saturn below the brightest part of the galaxy centre and slowly moving away from that region; and Venus, in this photo rising on top of the road very low in the horizon. An imaginary line can be drawn connecting all three planets forming what is known as the ecliptic. The ecliptic is actually defined as the apparent motion of the Sun over our sky. In other words, it represents the orbital plane of Earth in its orbit around the sun. Since all the major planets of the Solar System, and our Moon, seem to move within few degrees of our orbital plane, from the ground they also move very close the ecliptic.
LUGAR: Calar Alto observatory
INSTRUMENTAL: Canon 6D, Samyang 24mm f2.0, ISO 6400, 4x10 sec per tile
CARACT_TECNICAS: The panorama was through 10 vertical tiles. Each tile had 4 exposures of 10 seconds that were stacked before stitching the panorama
PROGRAMAS: Lightroom, Starry Landscape Stacker for stacking each tile and Photoshop for correcting the effects of the lens on the landscape.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 17/03/2019
htmlText_CC83CD52_DE11_3BCC_41E9_CA982903F61B.html =
3ª Mención
Salvador Ortega Saura
DESCRIPCION: Tomada de 22:45-22:57 (hora peninsular española). Un seeing aceptable.
INSTRUMENTAL: Tubo Celestron 9.25” sobre montura ecuatorial EQ6 R pro Goto Skywatcher, con cámara monocroma ZWO ASI 290MM y rueda de filtros RGB de Baader; Baader Q-Barlow 2.25x / 1.3x.
CARACT_TECNICAS: Vídeos de 120” derrotando 12 minutos.
PROGRAMAS: Winjupos,Autostakkert 3, Registax6 y Fitswork.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 27/06/2018
htmlText_CC8812F8_DE11_2EBC_41EA_F546F1BE33B5.html =
3ª Mención
Salvador Ortega Saura
DESCRIPCION: Tomada de 22:45-22:57 (hora peninsular española). Un seeing aceptable.
INSTRUMENTAL: Tubo Celestron 9.25” sobre montura ecuatorial EQ6 R pro Goto Skywatcher, con cámara monocroma ZWO ASI 290MM y rueda de filtros RGB de Baader; Baader Q-Barlow 2.25x / 1.3x.
CARACT_TECNICAS: Vídeos de 120” derrotando 12 minutos.
PROGRAMAS: Winjupos,Autostakkert 3, Registax6 y Fitswork.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 27/06/2018
htmlText_CC8872F9_DE11_2EBC_41CD_FA6075FFD37E.html =
1ª Mención
La Luna. Región del cráter Wargentin
Alfredo Vidal Pérez
DESCRIPCION: Cráter Wargentin (85 km de diámetro) Región sudoeste de la cara visible de la Luna. Raro cráter lunar inundado de lava totalmente formando una meseta de 300 metros de altura que le confiere una personalidad única en el paisaje lunar
LUGAR: Sant Cugat de Gavadons (Barcelona)
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescopio Schmidt Cassegrain Celestron Edge HD de 11" a f:10 + Cámara ZWO ASI290MM + Filtro IR Pro 742
CARACT_TECNICAS: Resultado de un video en formato SER, de 1002 frames, utilizando en el apilado el 80% de su totalidad
PROGRAMAS: Firecapture V2.6 (para su captura) + Autostakkert 3.0.14 + Registax V6.0
FECHA_CAPTURA: 05/10/2018
htmlText_CC88ED4C_DE11_3BD4_41D9_1D694296BEB1.html =
3ª Mención
North west zone of Rosette nebula
Juan Ignacio Jiménez
DESCRIPCION: This is an image of north west zone of rosette nebula at 2000mm focal length
LUGAR: Villanueva de la Torre (Guadalajara, Spain)
INSTRUMENTAL: RC10" Truss GSO + Atik16200 + Mesu200
CARACT_TECNICAS: Ha 27*900" to Bin2 and OIII and SII to Bin2
PROGRAMAS: Pixinsight
FECHA_CAPTURA: 05/01/2019
htmlText_CC88F4E9_DE10_EADC_41E8_88D2A1332100.html =
3ª Mención
North west zone of Rosette nebula
Juan Ignacio Jiménez
DESCRIPCION: This is an image of north west zone of rosette nebula at 2000mm focal length
LUGAR: Villanueva de la Torre (Guadalajara, Spain)
INSTRUMENTAL: RC10" Truss GSO + Atik16200 + Mesu200
CARACT_TECNICAS: Ha 27*900" to Bin2 and OIII and SII to Bin2
PROGRAMAS: Pixinsight
FECHA_CAPTURA: 05/01/2019
htmlText_CC8992F5_DE11_2EB4_41D9_0235A878512B.html =
1ª Mención
The Liberty Bell Nebula
Josep Drudis
DESCRIPCION: This is a fragment of the Running Chicken Nebula (IC 2948), which is a large HII emission region located in the constellation Centaurus. This image depicts a beautiful structure located on the Western rim of the Nebula. I have found that it resembles many objects, like the Philadelphian “Liberty Bell” showing even its upper “crack”…
LUGAR: Coonabarabran, Australia
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescope: Planewave CDK 20 inch (50.8cm) f/6.8, focal length 3490mm, Camera: SBIG STX 16803. Autoguider and narrow band and RGB filters
CARACT_TECNICAS: Total exposure time 12.5 hours (Halpha: 7 hours in 30 minute exposures; OIII: 4 hours in 30 minute exposures; RGB: 1.5 hours in 5 minute exposures for each filter). Own telescope remotely controlled from home.
PROGRAMAS: CCDStack for the pre-processing and Photoshop CC2018 for the processing.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 06/07/2018
htmlText_CC89C2F6_DE11_2EB4_41D2_69943CDA9736.html =
2ª Mención
Estación Espacial Internacional en tránsito lunar
Daniel Fernández Méndez
DESCRIPCION: Captura de la Estación Espacial Internacional en tránsito lunar. Distancia a la ISS 500 km, duración 0,6 segundos.
LUGAR: Alcobendas-Madrid
INSTRUMENTAL: ED80 Long Perng 550mm + Barlow x2 cámara Nikon D610 Datos para la toma Calsky
CARACT_TECNICAS: exposición 1/2000 de segundo f/12 ISO 2000
PROGRAMAS: Photoshop
FECHA_CAPTURA: 01/02/2018
htmlText_CC8B22FA_DE11_2EBC_41D6_96B9878CE62D.html =
Primer Premio
The road to the stars
Antonio Martin Carrillo
DESCRIPCION: Within the last 60 minutes of the night, just before sunrise this March we had the opportunity of observing three planets quite close to each other: Jupiter, well within the most gaseous and dusty region of our galaxy; Saturn below the brightest part of the galaxy centre and slowly moving away from that region; and Venus, in this photo rising on top of the road very low in the horizon. An imaginary line can be drawn connecting all three planets forming what is known as the ecliptic. The ecliptic is actually defined as the apparent motion of the Sun over our sky. In other words, it represents the orbital plane of Earth in its orbit around the sun. Since all the major planets of the Solar System, and our Moon, seem to move within few degrees of our orbital plane, from the ground they also move very close the ecliptic.
LUGAR: Calar Alto observatory
INSTRUMENTAL: Canon 6D, Samyang 24mm f2.0, ISO 6400, 4x10 sec per tile
CARACT_TECNICAS: The panorama was through 10 vertical tiles. Each tile had 4 exposures of 10 seconds that were stacked before stitching the panorama
PROGRAMAS: Lightroom, Starry Landscape Stacker for stacking each tile and Photoshop for correcting the effects of the lens on the landscape.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 17/03/2019
htmlText_CC8C04EF_DE10_EAD4_41BE_9B03AD9DA8E3.html =
3ª Mención
Salvador Ortega Saura
DESCRIPCION: Tomada de 22:45-22:57 (hora peninsular española). Un seeing aceptable.
INSTRUMENTAL: Tubo Celestron 9.25” sobre montura ecuatorial EQ6 R pro Goto Skywatcher, con cámara monocroma ZWO ASI 290MM y rueda de filtros RGB de Baader; Baader Q-Barlow 2.25x / 1.3x.
CARACT_TECNICAS: Vídeos de 120” derrotando 12 minutos.
PROGRAMAS: Winjupos,Autostakkert 3, Registax6 y Fitswork.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 27/06/2018
htmlText_CC8C14F0_DE10_EACC_4193_986EE75F523A.html =
1ª Mención
La Luna. Región del cráter Wargentin
Alfredo Vidal Pérez
DESCRIPCION: Cráter Wargentin (85 km de diámetro) Región sudoeste de la cara visible de la Luna. Raro cráter lunar inundado de lava totalmente formando una meseta de 300 metros de altura que le confiere una personalidad única en el paisaje lunar
LUGAR: Sant Cugat de Gavadons (Barcelona)
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescopio Schmidt Cassegrain Celestron Edge HD de 11" a f:10 + Cámara ZWO ASI290MM + Filtro IR Pro 742
CARACT_TECNICAS: Resultado de un video en formato SER, de 1002 frames, utilizando en el apilado el 80% de su totalidad
PROGRAMAS: Firecapture V2.6 (para su captura) + Autostakkert 3.0.14 + Registax V6.0
FECHA_CAPTURA: 05/10/2018
htmlText_CC8C8D51_DE11_3BCC_41C4_F0344FFAFA57.html =
2ª Mención
Estación Espacial Internacional en tránsito lunar
Daniel Fernández Méndez
DESCRIPCION: Captura de la Estación Espacial Internacional en tránsito lunar. Distancia a la ISS 500 km, duración 0,6 segundos.
LUGAR: Alcobendas-Madrid
INSTRUMENTAL: ED80 Long Perng 550mm + Barlow x2 cámara Nikon D610 Datos para la toma Calsky
CARACT_TECNICAS: exposición 1/2000 de segundo f/12 ISO 2000
PROGRAMAS: Photoshop
FECHA_CAPTURA: 01/02/2018
htmlText_CC8CD4ED_DE10_EAD4_41CD_B9900B417E40.html =
2ª Mención
Estación Espacial Internacional en tránsito lunar
Daniel Fernández Méndez
DESCRIPCION: Captura de la Estación Espacial Internacional en tránsito lunar. Distancia a la ISS 500 km, duración 0,6 segundos.
LUGAR: Alcobendas-Madrid
INSTRUMENTAL: ED80 Long Perng 550mm + Barlow x2 cámara Nikon D610 Datos para la toma Calsky
CARACT_TECNICAS: exposición 1/2000 de segundo f/12 ISO 2000
PROGRAMAS: Photoshop
FECHA_CAPTURA: 01/02/2018
htmlText_CC8D0D4F_DE11_3BD4_41E5_737DEB870C7D.html =
1ª Mención
The Liberty Bell Nebula
Josep Drudis
DESCRIPCION: This is a fragment of the Running Chicken Nebula (IC 2948), which is a large HII emission region located in the constellation Centaurus. This image depicts a beautiful structure located on the Western rim of the Nebula. I have found that it resembles many objects, like the Philadelphian “Liberty Bell” showing even its upper “crack”…
LUGAR: Coonabarabran, Australia
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescope: Planewave CDK 20 inch (50.8cm) f/6.8, focal length 3490mm, Camera: SBIG STX 16803. Autoguider and narrow band and RGB filters
CARACT_TECNICAS: Total exposure time 12.5 hours (Halpha: 7 hours in 30 minute exposures; OIII: 4 hours in 30 minute exposures; RGB: 1.5 hours in 5 minute exposures for each filter). Own telescope remotely controlled from home.
PROGRAMAS: CCDStack for the pre-processing and Photoshop CC2018 for the processing.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 06/07/2018
htmlText_CC8D5D4E_DE11_3BD4_41A1_3A264737F83C.html =
Primer Premio
La Nebulosa del Encaje Azul
Josep Drudis
DESCRIPCION: This image shows more than strictly NGC 6164 and 6165. NGC 6164 is the bright bar located in the lower (North) part of the central red nebulosity. NGC 6165 is the bright bar located in the upper (South) part of it. This nebula is the result of the mass ejection by an unfrequent star type, O6.5f (only five such stars are known, three in our own galaxy and two in the Small Magellanic Cloud). This nebulosity is the result of a two-step fierce mass ejection from the central star. HD 148937 is a massive, very hot star, with a mass about 40 times that of our Sun. This kind of stars live fast and last short. Its age has been calculated in about four million years and still has about two to three million years to go. At its end, it will most probably explode as supernova. This kind of stars (O6.5f) burn hydrogen through the CNO cycle.
LUGAR: Coonabarabran, Australia
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescope: Planewave CDK 20 inch (50.8cm) f/6.8, focal length 3490mm, Camera: SBIG STX 16803. Autoguider and narrow band and RGB filters
CARACT_TECNICAS: Total exposure time 17.5 hours (Halpha: 8 hours in 30 minute exposures; OIII: 8 hours in 30 minute exposures; RGB: 1.5 hours in 5 minute exposures for each filter). Own telescope, remotely controlled from home.
PROGRAMAS: CCDStack for the pre-processing and Photoshop CC2018 for the processing.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 28/03/2018
htmlText_CC8F24EC_DE10_EAD4_41DC_AC8BD489C586.html =
1ª Mención
The Liberty Bell Nebula
Josep Drudis
DESCRIPCION: This is a fragment of the Running Chicken Nebula (IC 2948), which is a large HII emission region located in the constellation Centaurus. This image depicts a beautiful structure located on the Western rim of the Nebula. I have found that it resembles many objects, like the Philadelphian “Liberty Bell” showing even its upper “crack”…
LUGAR: Coonabarabran, Australia
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescope: Planewave CDK 20 inch (50.8cm) f/6.8, focal length 3490mm, Camera: SBIG STX 16803. Autoguider and narrow band and RGB filters
CARACT_TECNICAS: Total exposure time 12.5 hours (Halpha: 7 hours in 30 minute exposures; OIII: 4 hours in 30 minute exposures; RGB: 1.5 hours in 5 minute exposures for each filter). Own telescope remotely controlled from home.
PROGRAMAS: CCDStack for the pre-processing and Photoshop CC2018 for the processing.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 06/07/2018
htmlText_CC8F24F1_DE10_EACC_4195_3D69D4AE4E89.html =
Primer Premio
The road to the stars
Antonio Martin Carrillo
DESCRIPCION: Within the last 60 minutes of the night, just before sunrise this March we had the opportunity of observing three planets quite close to each other: Jupiter, well within the most gaseous and dusty region of our galaxy; Saturn below the brightest part of the galaxy centre and slowly moving away from that region; and Venus, in this photo rising on top of the road very low in the horizon. An imaginary line can be drawn connecting all three planets forming what is known as the ecliptic. The ecliptic is actually defined as the apparent motion of the Sun over our sky. In other words, it represents the orbital plane of Earth in its orbit around the sun. Since all the major planets of the Solar System, and our Moon, seem to move within few degrees of our orbital plane, from the ground they also move very close the ecliptic.
LUGAR: Calar Alto observatory
INSTRUMENTAL: Canon 6D, Samyang 24mm f2.0, ISO 6400, 4x10 sec per tile
CARACT_TECNICAS: The panorama was through 10 vertical tiles. Each tile had 4 exposures of 10 seconds that were stacked before stitching the panorama
PROGRAMAS: Lightroom, Starry Landscape Stacker for stacking each tile and Photoshop for correcting the effects of the lens on the landscape.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 17/03/2019
htmlText_CC8F84EB_DE10_EADC_41CA_2FB41D23E7AC.html =
Primer Premio
La Nebulosa del Encaje Azul
Josep Drudis
DESCRIPCION: This image shows more than strictly NGC 6164 and 6165. NGC 6164 is the bright bar located in the lower (North) part of the central red nebulosity. NGC 6165 is the bright bar located in the upper (South) part of it. This nebula is the result of the mass ejection by an unfrequent star type, O6.5f (only five such stars are known, three in our own galaxy and two in the Small Magellanic Cloud). This nebulosity is the result of a two-step fierce mass ejection from the central star. HD 148937 is a massive, very hot star, with a mass about 40 times that of our Sun. This kind of stars live fast and last short. Its age has been calculated in about four million years and still has about two to three million years to go. At its end, it will most probably explode as supernova. This kind of stars (O6.5f) burn hydrogen through the CNO cycle.
LUGAR: Coonabarabran, Australia
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescope: Planewave CDK 20 inch (50.8cm) f/6.8, focal length 3490mm, Camera: SBIG STX 16803. Autoguider and narrow band and RGB filters
CARACT_TECNICAS: Total exposure time 17.5 hours (Halpha: 8 hours in 30 minute exposures; OIII: 8 hours in 30 minute exposures; RGB: 1.5 hours in 5 minute exposures for each filter). Own telescope, remotely controlled from home.
PROGRAMAS: CCDStack for the pre-processing and Photoshop CC2018 for the processing.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 28/03/2018
htmlText_CC95783E_DE1F_59B4_41C0_46859A24360A.html =
Primer Premio
La Nebulosa del Encaje Azul
Josep Drudis
DESCRIPCION: This image shows more than strictly NGC 6164 and 6165. NGC 6164 is the bright bar located in the lower (North) part of the central red nebulosity. NGC 6165 is the bright bar located in the upper (South) part of it. This nebula is the result of the mass ejection by an unfrequent star type, O6.5f (only five such stars are known, three in our own galaxy and two in the Small Magellanic Cloud). This nebulosity is the result of a two-step fierce mass ejection from the central star. HD 148937 is a massive, very hot star, with a mass about 40 times that of our Sun. This kind of stars live fast and last short. Its age has been calculated in about four million years and still has about two to three million years to go. At its end, it will most probably explode as supernova. This kind of stars (O6.5f) burn hydrogen through the CNO cycle.
LUGAR: Coonabarabran, Australia
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescope: Planewave CDK 20 inch (50.8cm) f/6.8, focal length 3490mm, Camera: SBIG STX 16803. Autoguider and narrow band and RGB filters
CARACT_TECNICAS: Total exposure time 17.5 hours (Halpha: 8 hours in 30 minute exposures; OIII: 8 hours in 30 minute exposures; RGB: 1.5 hours in 5 minute exposures for each filter). Own telescope, remotely controlled from home.
PROGRAMAS: CCDStack for the pre-processing and Photoshop CC2018 for the processing.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 28/03/2018
htmlText_CC96383F_DE1F_59B4_41E2_D86E8DDE16E1.html =
1ª Mención
The Liberty Bell Nebula
Josep Drudis
DESCRIPCION: This is a fragment of the Running Chicken Nebula (IC 2948), which is a large HII emission region located in the constellation Centaurus. This image depicts a beautiful structure located on the Western rim of the Nebula. I have found that it resembles many objects, like the Philadelphian “Liberty Bell” showing even its upper “crack”…
LUGAR: Coonabarabran, Australia
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescope: Planewave CDK 20 inch (50.8cm) f/6.8, focal length 3490mm, Camera: SBIG STX 16803. Autoguider and narrow band and RGB filters
CARACT_TECNICAS: Total exposure time 12.5 hours (Halpha: 7 hours in 30 minute exposures; OIII: 4 hours in 30 minute exposures; RGB: 1.5 hours in 5 minute exposures for each filter). Own telescope remotely controlled from home.
PROGRAMAS: CCDStack for the pre-processing and Photoshop CC2018 for the processing.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 06/07/2018
htmlText_CC964842_DE1F_59CC_41C4_31C1C96A5B4B.html =
3ª Mención
Salvador Ortega Saura
DESCRIPCION: Tomada de 22:45-22:57 (hora peninsular española). Un seeing aceptable.
INSTRUMENTAL: Tubo Celestron 9.25” sobre montura ecuatorial EQ6 R pro Goto Skywatcher, con cámara monocroma ZWO ASI 290MM y rueda de filtros RGB de Baader; Baader Q-Barlow 2.25x / 1.3x.
CARACT_TECNICAS: Vídeos de 120” derrotando 12 minutos.
PROGRAMAS: Winjupos,Autostakkert 3, Registax6 y Fitswork.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 27/06/2018
htmlText_CC967841_DE1F_59CC_41CE_0D5C59609E3B.html =
2ª Mención
Estación Espacial Internacional en tránsito lunar
Daniel Fernández Méndez
DESCRIPCION: Captura de la Estación Espacial Internacional en tránsito lunar. Distancia a la ISS 500 km, duración 0,6 segundos.
LUGAR: Alcobendas-Madrid
INSTRUMENTAL: ED80 Long Perng 550mm + Barlow x2 cámara Nikon D610 Datos para la toma Calsky
CARACT_TECNICAS: exposición 1/2000 de segundo f/12 ISO 2000
PROGRAMAS: Photoshop
FECHA_CAPTURA: 01/02/2018
htmlText_CC96E843_DE1F_59CC_418A_87ACE4E24551.html =
1ª Mención
La Luna. Región del cráter Wargentin
Alfredo Vidal Pérez
DESCRIPCION: Cráter Wargentin (85 km de diámetro) Región sudoeste de la cara visible de la Luna. Raro cráter lunar inundado de lava totalmente formando una meseta de 300 metros de altura que le confiere una personalidad única en el paisaje lunar
LUGAR: Sant Cugat de Gavadons (Barcelona)
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescopio Schmidt Cassegrain Celestron Edge HD de 11" a f:10 + Cámara ZWO ASI290MM + Filtro IR Pro 742
CARACT_TECNICAS: Resultado de un video en formato SER, de 1002 frames, utilizando en el apilado el 80% de su totalidad
PROGRAMAS: Firecapture V2.6 (para su captura) + Autostakkert 3.0.14 + Registax V6.0
FECHA_CAPTURA: 05/10/2018
htmlText_CC97B844_DE1F_59D4_41CB_FEE4751871F5.html =
Primer Premio
The road to the stars
Antonio Martin Carrillo
DESCRIPCION: Within the last 60 minutes of the night, just before sunrise this March we had the opportunity of observing three planets quite close to each other: Jupiter, well within the most gaseous and dusty region of our galaxy; Saturn below the brightest part of the galaxy centre and slowly moving away from that region; and Venus, in this photo rising on top of the road very low in the horizon. An imaginary line can be drawn connecting all three planets forming what is known as the ecliptic. The ecliptic is actually defined as the apparent motion of the Sun over our sky. In other words, it represents the orbital plane of Earth in its orbit around the sun. Since all the major planets of the Solar System, and our Moon, seem to move within few degrees of our orbital plane, from the ground they also move very close the ecliptic.
LUGAR: Calar Alto observatory
INSTRUMENTAL: Canon 6D, Samyang 24mm f2.0, ISO 6400, 4x10 sec per tile
CARACT_TECNICAS: The panorama was through 10 vertical tiles. Each tile had 4 exposures of 10 seconds that were stacked before stitching the panorama
PROGRAMAS: Lightroom, Starry Landscape Stacker for stacking each tile and Photoshop for correcting the effects of the lens on the landscape.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 17/03/2019
htmlText_CCB592F3_DE11_2ECC_41D5_C51409AB3D46.html =
3ª Mención
North west zone of Rosette nebula
Juan Ignacio Jiménez
DESCRIPCION: This is an image of north west zone of rosette nebula at 2000mm focal length
LUGAR: Villanueva de la Torre (Guadalajara, Spain)
INSTRUMENTAL: RC10" Truss GSO + Atik16200 + Mesu200
CARACT_TECNICAS: Ha 27*900" to Bin2 and OIII and SII to Bin2
PROGRAMAS: Pixinsight
FECHA_CAPTURA: 05/01/2019
htmlText_CCB6E2F4_DE11_2EB4_41A4_AA58AB587866.html =
Primer Premio
La Nebulosa del Encaje Azul
Josep Drudis
DESCRIPCION: This image shows more than strictly NGC 6164 and 6165. NGC 6164 is the bright bar located in the lower (North) part of the central red nebulosity. NGC 6165 is the bright bar located in the upper (South) part of it. This nebula is the result of the mass ejection by an unfrequent star type, O6.5f (only five such stars are known, three in our own galaxy and two in the Small Magellanic Cloud). This nebulosity is the result of a two-step fierce mass ejection from the central star. HD 148937 is a massive, very hot star, with a mass about 40 times that of our Sun. This kind of stars live fast and last short. Its age has been calculated in about four million years and still has about two to three million years to go. At its end, it will most probably explode as supernova. This kind of stars (O6.5f) burn hydrogen through the CNO cycle.
LUGAR: Coonabarabran, Australia
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescope: Planewave CDK 20 inch (50.8cm) f/6.8, focal length 3490mm, Camera: SBIG STX 16803. Autoguider and narrow band and RGB filters
CARACT_TECNICAS: Total exposure time 17.5 hours (Halpha: 8 hours in 30 minute exposures; OIII: 8 hours in 30 minute exposures; RGB: 1.5 hours in 5 minute exposures for each filter). Own telescope, remotely controlled from home.
PROGRAMAS: CCDStack for the pre-processing and Photoshop CC2018 for the processing.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 28/03/2018
htmlText_CCBC9936_DE13_5BB4_41E7_15CC11B20CE4.html =
1ª Mención
La Luna. Región del cráter Wargentin
Alfredo Vidal Pérez
DESCRIPCION: Cráter Wargentin (85 km de diámetro) Región sudoeste de la cara visible de la Luna. Raro cráter lunar inundado de lava totalmente formando una meseta de 300 metros de altura que le confiere una personalidad única en el paisaje lunar
LUGAR: Sant Cugat de Gavadons (Barcelona)
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescopio Schmidt Cassegrain Celestron Edge HD de 11" a f:10 + Cámara ZWO ASI290MM + Filtro IR Pro 742
CARACT_TECNICAS: Resultado de un video en formato SER, de 1002 frames, utilizando en el apilado el 80% de su totalidad
PROGRAMAS: Firecapture V2.6 (para su captura) + Autostakkert 3.0.14 + Registax V6.0
FECHA_CAPTURA: 05/10/2018
htmlText_CCE21BB2_DE10_FF4C_41EB_57AAF05BFC77.html =
2ª Mención
Estación Espacial Internacional en tránsito lunar
Daniel Fernández Méndez
DESCRIPCION: Captura de la Estación Espacial Internacional en tránsito lunar. Distancia a la ISS 500 km, duración 0,6 segundos.
LUGAR: Alcobendas-Madrid
INSTRUMENTAL: ED80 Long Perng 550mm + Barlow x2 cámara Nikon D610 Datos para la toma Calsky
CARACT_TECNICAS: exposición 1/2000 de segundo f/12 ISO 2000
PROGRAMAS: Photoshop
FECHA_CAPTURA: 01/02/2018
htmlText_CCE28BB1_DE10_FF4C_41EB_4401B72A077C.html =
1ª Mención
The Liberty Bell Nebula
Josep Drudis
DESCRIPCION: This is a fragment of the Running Chicken Nebula (IC 2948), which is a large HII emission region located in the constellation Centaurus. This image depicts a beautiful structure located on the Western rim of the Nebula. I have found that it resembles many objects, like the Philadelphian “Liberty Bell” showing even its upper “crack”…
LUGAR: Coonabarabran, Australia
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescope: Planewave CDK 20 inch (50.8cm) f/6.8, focal length 3490mm, Camera: SBIG STX 16803. Autoguider and narrow band and RGB filters
CARACT_TECNICAS: Total exposure time 12.5 hours (Halpha: 7 hours in 30 minute exposures; OIII: 4 hours in 30 minute exposures; RGB: 1.5 hours in 5 minute exposures for each filter). Own telescope remotely controlled from home.
PROGRAMAS: CCDStack for the pre-processing and Photoshop CC2018 for the processing.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 06/07/2018
htmlText_CCE35BB0_DE10_FF4C_41C9_28FDBBE64DF4.html =
Primer Premio
La Nebulosa del Encaje Azul
Josep Drudis
DESCRIPCION: This image shows more than strictly NGC 6164 and 6165. NGC 6164 is the bright bar located in the lower (North) part of the central red nebulosity. NGC 6165 is the bright bar located in the upper (South) part of it. This nebula is the result of the mass ejection by an unfrequent star type, O6.5f (only five such stars are known, three in our own galaxy and two in the Small Magellanic Cloud). This nebulosity is the result of a two-step fierce mass ejection from the central star. HD 148937 is a massive, very hot star, with a mass about 40 times that of our Sun. This kind of stars live fast and last short. Its age has been calculated in about four million years and still has about two to three million years to go. At its end, it will most probably explode as supernova. This kind of stars (O6.5f) burn hydrogen through the CNO cycle.
LUGAR: Coonabarabran, Australia
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescope: Planewave CDK 20 inch (50.8cm) f/6.8, focal length 3490mm, Camera: SBIG STX 16803. Autoguider and narrow band and RGB filters
CARACT_TECNICAS: Total exposure time 17.5 hours (Halpha: 8 hours in 30 minute exposures; OIII: 8 hours in 30 minute exposures; RGB: 1.5 hours in 5 minute exposures for each filter). Own telescope, remotely controlled from home.
PROGRAMAS: CCDStack for the pre-processing and Photoshop CC2018 for the processing.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 28/03/2018
htmlText_CCE4BBB6_DE10_FEB4_41E6_15CF6293DFD6.html =
Primer Premio
The road to the stars
Antonio Martin Carrillo
DESCRIPCION: Within the last 60 minutes of the night, just before sunrise this March we had the opportunity of observing three planets quite close to each other: Jupiter, well within the most gaseous and dusty region of our galaxy; Saturn below the brightest part of the galaxy centre and slowly moving away from that region; and Venus, in this photo rising on top of the road very low in the horizon. An imaginary line can be drawn connecting all three planets forming what is known as the ecliptic. The ecliptic is actually defined as the apparent motion of the Sun over our sky. In other words, it represents the orbital plane of Earth in its orbit around the sun. Since all the major planets of the Solar System, and our Moon, seem to move within few degrees of our orbital plane, from the ground they also move very close the ecliptic.
LUGAR: Calar Alto observatory
INSTRUMENTAL: Canon 6D, Samyang 24mm f2.0, ISO 6400, 4x10 sec per tile
CARACT_TECNICAS: The panorama was through 10 vertical tiles. Each tile had 4 exposures of 10 seconds that were stacked before stitching the panorama
PROGRAMAS: Lightroom, Starry Landscape Stacker for stacking each tile and Photoshop for correcting the effects of the lens on the landscape.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 17/03/2019
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1ª Mención
La Luna. Región del cráter Wargentin
Alfredo Vidal Pérez
DESCRIPCION: Cráter Wargentin (85 km de diámetro) Región sudoeste de la cara visible de la Luna. Raro cráter lunar inundado de lava totalmente formando una meseta de 300 metros de altura que le confiere una personalidad única en el paisaje lunar
LUGAR: Sant Cugat de Gavadons (Barcelona)
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescopio Schmidt Cassegrain Celestron Edge HD de 11" a f:10 + Cámara ZWO ASI290MM + Filtro IR Pro 742
CARACT_TECNICAS: Resultado de un video en formato SER, de 1002 frames, utilizando en el apilado el 80% de su totalidad
PROGRAMAS: Firecapture V2.6 (para su captura) + Autostakkert 3.0.14 + Registax V6.0
FECHA_CAPTURA: 05/10/2018
htmlText_CCE5ABB4_DE10_FEB4_41DA_2890E04EBFD5.html =
3ª Mención
Salvador Ortega Saura
DESCRIPCION: Tomada de 22:45-22:57 (hora peninsular española). Un seeing aceptable.
INSTRUMENTAL: Tubo Celestron 9.25” sobre montura ecuatorial EQ6 R pro Goto Skywatcher, con cámara monocroma ZWO ASI 290MM y rueda de filtros RGB de Baader; Baader Q-Barlow 2.25x / 1.3x.
CARACT_TECNICAS: Vídeos de 120” derrotando 12 minutos.
PROGRAMAS: Winjupos,Autostakkert 3, Registax6 y Fitswork.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 27/06/2018
htmlText_CCEEDBAE_DE10_FF54_41B9_86454BB30034.html =
3ª Mención
North west zone of Rosette nebula
Juan Ignacio Jiménez
DESCRIPCION: This is an image of north west zone of rosette nebula at 2000mm focal length
LUGAR: Villanueva de la Torre (Guadalajara, Spain)
INSTRUMENTAL: RC10" Truss GSO + Atik16200 + Mesu200
CARACT_TECNICAS: Ha 27*900" to Bin2 and OIII and SII to Bin2
PROGRAMAS: Pixinsight
FECHA_CAPTURA: 05/01/2019
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1ª Mención
The Liberty Bell Nebula
Josep Drudis
DESCRIPCION: This is a fragment of the Running Chicken Nebula (IC 2948), which is a large HII emission region located in the constellation Centaurus. This image depicts a beautiful structure located on the Western rim of the Nebula. I have found that it resembles many objects, like the Philadelphian “Liberty Bell” showing even its upper “crack”…
LUGAR: Coonabarabran, Australia
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescope: Planewave CDK 20 inch (50.8cm) f/6.8, focal length 3490mm, Camera: SBIG STX 16803. Autoguider and narrow band and RGB filters
CARACT_TECNICAS: Total exposure time 12.5 hours (Halpha: 7 hours in 30 minute exposures; OIII: 4 hours in 30 minute exposures; RGB: 1.5 hours in 5 minute exposures for each filter). Own telescope remotely controlled from home.
PROGRAMAS: CCDStack for the pre-processing and Photoshop CC2018 for the processing.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 06/07/2018
htmlText_CD4F9F6F_DE11_F7D4_41E2_BB940B3BBB53.html =
Primer Premio
The road to the stars
Antonio Martin Carrillo
DESCRIPCION: Within the last 60 minutes of the night, just before sunrise this March we had the opportunity of observing three planets quite close to each other: Jupiter, well within the most gaseous and dusty region of our galaxy; Saturn below the brightest part of the galaxy centre and slowly moving away from that region; and Venus, in this photo rising on top of the road very low in the horizon. An imaginary line can be drawn connecting all three planets forming what is known as the ecliptic. The ecliptic is actually defined as the apparent motion of the Sun over our sky. In other words, it represents the orbital plane of Earth in its orbit around the sun. Since all the major planets of the Solar System, and our Moon, seem to move within few degrees of our orbital plane, from the ground they also move very close the ecliptic.
LUGAR: Calar Alto observatory
INSTRUMENTAL: Canon 6D, Samyang 24mm f2.0, ISO 6400, 4x10 sec per tile
CARACT_TECNICAS: The panorama was through 10 vertical tiles. Each tile had 4 exposures of 10 seconds that were stacked before stitching the panorama
PROGRAMAS: Lightroom, Starry Landscape Stacker for stacking each tile and Photoshop for correcting the effects of the lens on the landscape.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 17/03/2019
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2ª Mención
Estación Espacial Internacional en tránsito lunar
Daniel Fernández Méndez
DESCRIPCION: Captura de la Estación Espacial Internacional en tránsito lunar. Distancia a la ISS 500 km, duración 0,6 segundos.
LUGAR: Alcobendas-Madrid
INSTRUMENTAL: ED80 Long Perng 550mm + Barlow x2 cámara Nikon D610 Datos para la toma Calsky
CARACT_TECNICAS: exposición 1/2000 de segundo f/12 ISO 2000
PROGRAMAS: Photoshop
FECHA_CAPTURA: 01/02/2018
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3ª Mención
Salvador Ortega Saura
DESCRIPCION: Tomada de 22:45-22:57 (hora peninsular española). Un seeing aceptable.
INSTRUMENTAL: Tubo Celestron 9.25” sobre montura ecuatorial EQ6 R pro Goto Skywatcher, con cámara monocroma ZWO ASI 290MM y rueda de filtros RGB de Baader; Baader Q-Barlow 2.25x / 1.3x.
CARACT_TECNICAS: Vídeos de 120” derrotando 12 minutos.
PROGRAMAS: Winjupos,Autostakkert 3, Registax6 y Fitswork.
FECHA_CAPTURA: 27/06/2018
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1ª Mención
Luna_de_Primavera.tif - Luna de Primavera
Jesús Salado Castro
DESCRIPCION: Dibujo de la luna en su 19 día lunar
LUGAR: Chiclana de la Frontera
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescopio 485mm, 2018mm f. ocular 21mm Ethos
CARACT_TECNICAS: dibujo realizado en dos sesiones; en el 28 del febrero del 2019 y en el 24 de marzo del 2019.
técnica: estarcido de acuarelas sobre material Gesso en el fondo sobre tabla de 61x61cm. Grafito de distintas durezas y tizas pastel negro para la luna con esgrafiado a base de grabado con buril.
PROGRAMAS: Photoshop
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1ª Mención
Luna_de_Primavera.tif - Luna de Primavera
Jesús Salado Castro
DESCRIPCION: Dibujo de la luna en su 19 día lunar
LUGAR: Chiclana de la Frontera
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescopio 485mm, 2018mm f. ocular 21mm Ethos
CARACT_TECNICAS: dibujo realizado en dos sesiones; en el 28 del febrero del 2019 y en el 24 de marzo del 2019.
técnica: estarcido de acuarelas sobre material Gesso en el fondo sobre tabla de 61x61cm. Grafito de distintas durezas y tizas pastel negro para la luna con esgrafiado a base de grabado con buril.
PROGRAMAS: Photoshop
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1ª Mención
Luna_de_Primavera.tif - Luna de Primavera
Jesús Salado Castro
DESCRIPCION: Dibujo de la luna en su 19 día lunar
LUGAR: Chiclana de la Frontera
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescopio 485mm, 2018mm f. ocular 21mm Ethos
CARACT_TECNICAS: dibujo realizado en dos sesiones; en el 28 del febrero del 2019 y en el 24 de marzo del 2019.
técnica: estarcido de acuarelas sobre material Gesso en el fondo sobre tabla de 61x61cm. Grafito de distintas durezas y tizas pastel negro para la luna con esgrafiado a base de grabado con buril.
PROGRAMAS: Photoshop
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1ª Mención
Luna_de_Primavera.tif - Luna de Primavera
Jesús Salado Castro
DESCRIPCION: Dibujo de la luna en su 19 día lunar
LUGAR: Chiclana de la Frontera
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescopio 485mm, 2018mm f. ocular 21mm Ethos
CARACT_TECNICAS: dibujo realizado en dos sesiones; en el 28 del febrero del 2019 y en el 24 de marzo del 2019.
técnica: estarcido de acuarelas sobre material Gesso en el fondo sobre tabla de 61x61cm. Grafito de distintas durezas y tizas pastel negro para la luna con esgrafiado a base de grabado con buril.
PROGRAMAS: Photoshop
htmlText_CFD36A3F_DE33_79B3_41C0_79A3FECC7214.html =
3ª Mención
North west zone of Rosette nebula
Juan Ignacio Jiménez
DESCRIPCION: This is an image of north west zone of rosette nebula at 2000mm focal length
LUGAR: Villanueva de la Torre (Guadalajara, Spain)
INSTRUMENTAL: RC10" Truss GSO + Atik16200 + Mesu200
CARACT_TECNICAS: Ha 27*900" to Bin2 and OIII and SII to Bin2
PROGRAMAS: Pixinsight
FECHA_CAPTURA: 05/01/2019
htmlText_CFD3AB8B_DE0F_7F53_41E4_FFC7C430DCD4.html =
3ª Mención
North west zone of Rosette nebula
Juan Ignacio Jiménez
DESCRIPCION: This is an image of north west zone of rosette nebula at 2000mm focal length
LUGAR: Villanueva de la Torre (Guadalajara, Spain)
INSTRUMENTAL: RC10" Truss GSO + Atik16200 + Mesu200
CARACT_TECNICAS: Ha 27*900" to Bin2 and OIII and SII to Bin2
PROGRAMAS: Pixinsight
FECHA_CAPTURA: 05/01/2019
htmlText_D1ECA71D_DE0F_7777_41C9_79B6714CB201.html =
1ª Mención
Luna_de_Primavera.tif - Luna de Primavera
Jesús Salado Castro
DESCRIPCION: Dibujo de la luna en su 19 día lunar
LUGAR: Chiclana de la Frontera
INSTRUMENTAL: Telescopio 485mm, 2018mm f. ocular 21mm Ethos
CARACT_TECNICAS: dibujo realizado en dos sesiones; en el 28 del febrero del 2019 y en el 24 de marzo del 2019.
técnica: estarcido de acuarelas sobre material Gesso en el fondo sobre tabla de 61x61cm. Grafito de distintas durezas y tizas pastel negro para la luna con esgrafiado a base de grabado con buril.
PROGRAMAS: Photoshop
## Acción ### URL LinkBehaviour_A7A81127_B5A5_8653_41E0_8B30D8640EDC.source = http://www.loremipsum.com LinkBehaviour_A7A89127_B5A5_8653_41D8_7EB33349D0E1.source = http://www.loremipsum.com LinkBehaviour_A7A8D127_B5A5_8653_41E2_9D38C546B92E.source = http://www.loremipsum.com