María Dolores Roldán Tapia
About Me
Professor of Neuropsychology since 2012 in the area of Psycholobiology at the University of Almeria, she has focused her training and interests since her beginnings as a research fellow in training and research in the field of neuropsychological assessment in different areas: from the application to the field of toxicology (neuropsychological deficits due to pesticide poisoning), to the evaluation of neuropsychological sequelae of premature children and children in disadvantaged environments (moderate malnutrition). She has participated in two international projects (Calypsos and ReculM, as researcher) and in several cooperation projects in Senegal and Ethiopia (also as researcher). In recent years she has focused her research mainly in the field of measuring cognitive reserve and its relationship with different cognitive domains. As a result of this area of work, she has directed a doctoral thesis, published 7 articles (2 of them Q1), a book chapter, the adaptation and validation of the scale in 8 countries. Given the applied nature of the discipline, she has collaborated with private and public entities and companies as a consultant and evaluator. She has participated as a researcher in different projects, has three sexenios of research, 4 theses directed, director of 25 master's theses, several research stays in centers all of them with regional or national funding (the last one, 2017 Salvador de Madariaga program). She has directed a prematurity project of the FiBAO Foundation and two research projects in development with AECID. She has coordinated an intervention project related to neurodevelopment and malnutrition in the Afar region Ethiopia, with ONGd Amigos de Silva. Author of 23 indexed articles and 8 book chapters.
University of Almeria
Health Sciences Building
Neuroscience Pavilion, Office 2.01
La Cañada de San Urbano s/n
Almería, Spain 04120
Education & Training
Recent Publications
CALYPSOSSupport for Social inclusion, Specific Educational Needs and Improvement of Basic Skills for prisoners in Europe. Role of expertise: Co-responsible the Intellectual Output 2& 3. FUNDING FROM: Erasmus + (European Union) DURATION FROM: 01/01/2017 TO -10/12/2018 Countries: Spain, Italy, Portugal UNESCO CODE: 611202/610601/320105
RECULMThe refugee crisis’ training needs for cultural mediators) (Role of the applicant: Development the Module 2 of MOOC. Role of expertise: Co-responsible the Intellectual Output 2& 3. FUNDING FROM: Erasmus + DURATION FROM: 2016 TO 2018 Countries: Greece, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom UNESCO CODE: 611202/610601/
Impact analysis of microcredits system in socioeconomic, health and educational context in women of SenegalRole of the applicant: Expertise: Impact analysis of Health. FUNDING FROM: AECID (Spanish Agency of Cooperation and Development) DURATION FROM: 01/01/2010 TO 2012 MAIN RESEARCHER: Jose Angel Aznar UNESCO CODE:611202/610601/
Visuoperceptive and executive syndrome in preterm childrenFUNDING FROM: Spanish Ministry of Science and Education DURATION FROM: 01/01/2007 TO 01/01/2009 MAIN RESEARCHER: María Dolores Roldán UNESCO CODE: 610202/ 32010
Neurodevelopmental deficit in malnourished Ethiopian childrenFUNDING FROM: Foundation Cajamar DURATION FROM: 01/01/2012 TO 01/01/2014 MAIN RESEARCHER: María Dolores Roldán UNESCO CODE: 610202/ 320105
Memory and hippocampus: analysis by means technics of virtual reality and strategies of spatial orientationRole of the applicant: Analysis of different patients with hippocampal lesions FUNDING FROM: Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Education DURATION FROM: 1/01/2012 TO 30/06/2015 MAIN RESEARCHER: Cimadevilla Redondo, Jose Manuel UNESCO CODE: 3211/6101.04/6103.07
Immediate inferences in children and adults: influence of true and false in the deductionRole of the applicant: Analysis of children’s reasoning ability FUNDING FROM: Research and Development Plan. Spanish Goverment DURATION FROM: 01/01/2011 TO 31/12/2014 MAIN RESEARCHER: Sergio Moreno Ríos UNESCO CODE: 320105/610202
Music is my passion, I don't know if I define myself more as a
neuroscientist or as a singer and musician. I studied music at the
Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Almería. Flute and Lyrical Singing.
I also like sports, varied but never in a team. I like to practice aikido,
play tennis, water sports... and always ready for any challenge.
My heart is in Africa. I have travelled to different countries, Burkina Faso,
Mozambique, Senegal, the Maghreb, but one year I went to Ethiopia, to Addis Adeba.
And I fell in love with AdS, an NGO specialised in nutrition and
access to drinking water in the heart of Ethiopia.
I have generated different projects where I have mixed science
and cooperation (Malnutrition and Neurodevelopment).