As students at the university, we usually get up in the mornings to be at class at eight or nine o’clock. The university is not very far from the city centre so we can get there by our own car or motorbike or, if not, we have an excellent bus line with buses available every five or seven minutes.

Once at the university, we usually take lessons from Monday to Friday, and we can also take some exam on Saturday. Each lesson lasts one hour approximately, and then, we take a little break before the following one.

When we have a free hour, we can go to the different cafés that are in the campus or to the restaurant to have some coffee or snack. We can also go to the library or reading room if we have to prepare some homework or need some book.

Around two or three o’clock we finish our lessons and take the bus again to come back home to lunch. It can happen sometimes that we have classes in the afternoon, be them at the university or in the School of Languages. In that cases we usually eat at the university, in the restaurant, or in the café of Humanidades, which have also menu.

The majority of us live in the capital or in one village which have a well-connected bus line, so do not need to hire a flat.

For those who come from other city or some village which is further, there is a building with rooms that are thought to be hired by students, and is located in the campus. They can also hire a shared flat in the city centre with other students.

As I have said before, in the afternoons we can have some lesson, but if not, we can also go to the university and study in the afternoon, because the library and reading room are opened until nine at night. We cannot forget that, although most of us take our lessons in the morning, there are many degrees that have their lessons timetable set in the afternoon.

The library is not the only place in the university in which we can find the information necessary for our studies, we also have a free entrance room of computers with Internet, and we can research as information as we want with a maximum of four hours of connection per day and person.

Moreover, there are also people that work in the afternoons in a mid-time work so they can afford their studies.

At weekends, those who live in villages usually come back to their homes in order to spend that time with their families; but sometimes, they stay in the flat in the city so they can go out with their friends to the city centre. We usually go out on Friday and Saturday, from eleven to three o’clock and, for those who does not like the pubs or discos, there are also some alternatives activities in Saturday night called "Abierto hasta el amanecer" in which you can make hand-work or play sports.