HV-Inv is a computer code for forward calculation and inversion of H/V spectral ratios of ambient noise (HVSRN) based on the diffuse field assumption (DFA). It takes advantage of the recently stated connection between the HVSRN and the elastodynamic Green’s function which arises from the ambient noise interferometry theory. The software support joint inversion of HVSRN and dispersion curves by using several local and global algorithms: Monte Carlo sampling, simulated annealing, downhill simplex and interior-point.







Main authors

Antonio García-Jerez

University of Almería, Spain

José Piña Flores

UNAM, Mexico



Francisco J. Sánchez-Sesma

UNAM, Mexico

Francisco Luzón

University of Almería, Spain

Mathieu Perton

UNAM, Mexico

Maik Neukirch




Helena Seivane (Univ. Almería)

Carolina Aranda (Univ. Granada)

Hiroshi Kawase (Kyoto Univ.)

Enrique Carmona (Univ. Granada)







Release 2.5 (September 1, 2018)

-         Bugs fixed: Issues when frequencies in the datafile need sorting (thanks Maik!). Bug in the option Maximum Vs for halfspace; it can be now used together with Allow low-velocity Vs zones. Problems with legend updating in Forward HVInv GUI. Issues saving output text files in folders synchronized by File Stream.

Release 2.4 (February 16, 2018)

-         Some bugs fixed: Save best model button saving invalid model files. Issues plotting multiple modes of surface waves in Forward HVInv GUI.

Release 2.3 (October 3, 2017)

-         Some bugs fixed: Issues with Save model button in Forward HVInv GUI. Local inversion methods were crashing when using depths instead of thickness.

Release 2.2.1 (August 8, 2017)

-         Some bugs related with the behavior of the inversion algorithm when intermediate low-Vs layers exist have been fixed.

Release 2.1 (July 13, 2017)

-         Some bugs related with checking values in the Model Parameters table have been fixed.

-         The possibility of working with interface depths instead of layer thicknesses has been included. This feature could be useful to invert the depths of some shallow interfaces while the position of a deeper impedance contrast (which could be known from an independent method) is preserved.

Release 2.0 (June 1, 2017)

-         We add forward computation of dispersion curves in the secondary GUI (Forward HV & DC button).


The latest version of HV-Inv is available upon request for Windows, Linux and MAC. Please fill in this browser form or the e-mail form (this one requires a configured email client). If you have any questions write to .

Before using HV-Inv, you have to install Matlab Runtime R2015a (8.5). These libraries can be downloaded from here: win64 Linux64 MAC64.

To update from a previous version, simply extract the new version in a new folder and delete the older one.







García-Jerez A., Piña-Flores J., Sánchez-Sesma F.J., Luzón F., Perton M. (2016). A computer code for forward calculation and inversion of the H/V spectral ratio under the diffuse field assumption, Computers & Geosciences 97, 67–78. [doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2016.06.016] [preprint].


Piña-Flores J., Perton M., García-Jerez A., Carmona E., Luzón F., Molina-Villegas J.C., Sánchez-Sesma F.J. (2017). The inversion of spectral ratio H/V in a layered system using the diffuse field assumption (DFA), Geophysical Journal International 208, 577-588. [doi:10.1093/gji/ggw416]


Sánchez-Sesma F.J., Rodríguez M., Iturrarán-Viveros U., Luzón F., Campillo M., Margerin L., García-Jerez A., Suarez M., Santoyo M.A., Rodríguez-Castellanos A. (2011) A theory for microtremor H/V spectral ratio: application for a layered medium, Geophysical Journal International 186, 221–225. [doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05064.x]

García-Jerez A., Luzón F., Sánchez-Sesma F. J., Lunedei E., Albarello D., Santoyo M. A., Almendros J. (2013) Diffuse elastic wavefield within a simple crustal model. Some consequences for low and high frequencies. Journal of Geophysical Research 118(10), 5577–5595. [doi:10.1002/2013JB010107]







The current version of the User Manual can be accessed here.







Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grants CGL2014-59908 and CGL2010-16250 and the European Union with FEDER.

DGAPA-UNAM under Project IN104712.

AXA Research Fund under the 2012 AXA Project: "the use of historical seismic records as realizations of a diffuse field for tomography of alluvial basins: application for the valley of Mexico City".