Verónica Membrive completed her Ph.D. at the University of Almería (2017). Her field of research is Irish literature with a special focus on Hiberno-Spanish cultural relations. She has published research papers and chapters on Walter Starkie, Kate O’Brien or Pearse Hutchison among others, and their travels in Spain. She is currently teaching English at the University of Almería. She has been awarded the International George Campbell Award for her research on Hiberno-Spanish cultural relations (University of Málaga, 2018).

"Deconstructing Stereotypes and Othering through Humour in Lisa McGee's Derry Girls”. Stage Irish: Performance, Identity, Cultural Circulation, 10, 193-208.
"Escape room as a motivating tool in the English Literature Classroom at tertiary education."Ed. by M. Carmo. Education and New Developments 2020 Conference Proceedings. Science Press, 2021. 270-274. [In collaboration with Verónica Membrive and José Francisco Fernández]
"Nomadism and Equality: The Irish Traveller and Gypsy Women." Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, edited by Walter Leal Filho et al., vol. 5, Springer International Publishing, 2021. [In collaboration with Madalina Armie]
"Pearse Hutchinson's Ecopoetics on Spain (1950s-1960s)." Estudios Irlandeses, 15 (2020): 65-77. To view or download document, click here.
"Reescribiendo el pasado: The League of Volunteers como construcción del superhéroe irlandés." Coordinated by Francisco Pomares. Delta Publicaciones, 2020. 381-390.
Using Literature to Teach English as a Second Language. IGI Global, 2020. [In collaboration with Madalina Armie]
“Story-Telling and Gamification: Classcraft as a Tool to Teach English as a Second Language.” Using Literature to Teach English as a Second Language. Edited by Madalina Armie and Verónica Membrive, IGI Global, 2020. 122-141.
“Between Tradition and Innovation. The Short Story and Its Storytelling and Their Role in Teaching ESL/ EFL to Children.” Using Literature to Teach English as a Second Language, edited by Verónica Membrive and Madalina Armie, IGI Global, 2020. 1-33.
"Exiles at home, neither in exile nor at home". New Insights in Pearse Hutchinson's Image of Spanish Regionalism in the 1950s-1970s". Studi Irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies, vol. 9 (2019): 67-90.
"Kate O'Brien and Spanish Literary Culture by Jane Davison." Estudios Irlandeses, 14 (2019): 263-264.
"Margaret Drabble's Laura and Television in Britain in the 1960s." The Plays of Margaret Drabble: A Critical Edition. Ed. José Francisco Fernández Sánchez. New York: Syracuse University Press, 2018. 148-161.
"Beyond Balcony of Europe: Aidan Higgins’s Knowing Look at Spain in the 1960s and 1970s." Nordic Irish Studies, 17, 2 (2018): 93-110.
“‘The Cultural Links between Galicia and Ireland Continue to Flourish Today’: An Interview with the Director of the Irish Centre for Galician Studies (UCC) Martín Veiga.” Estudios Irlandeses 12 (2017): 167-173.
"Walter Starkie and the Easter Rising: Facing History with Humour." Words of Crisis, Crisis of Words: Ireland and the Representation of Critical Times. Eds. María Losada-Friend, Auxiliadora Pérez-Vides, Pilar Ron-Vaz. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. 157-170.
“Echoes of Walter Starkie’s Voice from The Road to Santiago in Luis Buñuel’s The Milky Way”. Babel Afial 23 (2014): 121-136.
"Walter Starkie: An Oddyssey by Jacqueline Hurtley”. Estudios Irlandeses 9 (2014): 159- 160. To view or download document, click here.

"'More at Home Here than in Her Native Land': FD Sheridan's Image of Spain." ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries 21.2 (2024): 49-67. To view or download document, click here.
“Mairin Mitchell and Walter Starkie's Divergent(?) Literary Image of Pre-War Spain (1934-1936)”. Atlantis, Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies, 48, 1. [Forthcoming]
“A pictorial Paradise: Aidan Higgins's Spain in Balcony of Europe”. Las artes como expresión vital. Peter Lang. [Forthcoming]
Practices and Implementation of Gamification in Higher Education. Edited by Verónica Membrive. IGI Global, 2024.
Trauma, Memory, and Silence of the Irish Woman in Contemporary Literature: Wounds of the Body and the Soul. Edited by Madalina Armie and Verónica Membrive. Routledge, 2023.
“'The Spanish Civil War has undoubtedly exacerbated the longing of the exiles, and made the resemblances between the Spanish and the Irish temperament more marked'. Walter Starkie's Knowing Look at Spain in the 1930s”. Edited by Daniel Marías and Álvaro Ribagorda Esteban. Viajes en la década de 1930: prácticas culturales y experiencias intelectuales durante la Segunda República española. Dykinson, 2023. 135-154.
“Orientalism in Kate O'Brien's Travel Writing on Ireland and Spain.” El mundo árabe e islámico y occidente. Retos de construcción del conocimiento sobre el otro. Dykinson, 2022. 438-456.
Escaping Boredom in the Classroom: Breakouts, Breakout Boxes and Escape Rooms. Edited by Madalina Armie and Verónica Membrive. Cambridge Scholars Publishings, 2022.
“Banalising Evil?: Humour in Lisa McGee's Derry Girls.” International Perspective on Rethinking Evil in Film and Television. IGI Global, 2021. 164-175.

Verónica Membrive Pérez
Position/ status
University Lecturer
Email address
Phone no.
(+34) 950.21.42.82
Academic institution address
Department of Philology/ English Studies
Humanities Building II, 2.96, University of Almería