Madalina Armie earned a Master's Degree in English language and literature (2014) from the University of Almería. She completed her PhD on the contemporary Irish short story at the turn of the twenty-first century at the University of Almería (2019), for which she obtained the EIDUAL Dissertation Award 2019 for Best Doctoral Dissertation (2021) and the honorary second prize for the Best Doctoral Dissertation in Studies for Equality and the Fight against Gender Violence of the University of Almeria (2022). Her current areas of research include the contemporary Irish short story and Irish women's writing. She has published articles and reviews in international journals, such as Irish Studies Review, Estudios Irlandeses, Review of Irish Studies in Europe (RISE) and Studi Irlandesi. Armie is the author of the monograph The Irish Short Story at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century: Tradition, Society and Modernity and one of the editors of Trauma, Memory and Silence of the Irish Woman in Contemporary Literature Wounds of the Body and the Soul published both by Routledge. She is currently teaching at the University of Almeria, Spain.

"Being an Insider and an Outsider at Home at Evelyn Conlon's Escaping the Celtic Tiger, World Music and the Millenium (2000)". Ed. by Catarina Duraccio. Escritoras y fronteras geosimbólicas. Dykinson, S.L., 2021. 423-434.
"Beyond Gamification: Classcraft as an engagement tool in the teaching of English as a second language." Ed. M. Carmo. Education and New Developments 2020 Conference Proceedings. Science Press, 2021. 73-76.
"Escape room as a motivating tool in the English Literature Classroom at tertiary education."Ed. by M. Carmo. Education and New Developments 2020 Conference Proceedings. Science Press, 2021. 270-274. [In collaboration with Verónica Membrive and José Francisco Fernández]
Review of Trauma and Identity In Contemporary Irish Culture, by Melania Terrazas Gallego. Oxford: Peter Lang AG, 2020. Studi Irlandesi: A Journal of Irish Studies (2021): 475-483.
"Nomadism and Equality: The Irish Traveller and Gypsy Women." Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, edited by Walter Leal Filho et al., vol. 5, Springer International Publishing, 2021. [In collaboration with Verónica Membrive]
“Eco-Politics.” Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, edited by Walter Leal Filho et al., vol. 9, Springer International Publishing, 2021. [In collaboration with Verónica Membrive]
Using Literature to Teach English as a Second Language. IGI Global, 2020. [In collaboration with Verónica Membrive]
“Story-Telling and Gamification: Classcraft as a Tool to Teach English as a Second Language.” Using Literature to Teach English as a Second Language. Edited by Madalina Armie and Verónica Membrive, IGI Global, 2020. 122-141.
“Between Tradition and Innovation. The Short Story and Its Storytelling and Their Role in Teaching ESL/ EFL to Children.” Using Literature to Teach English as a Second Language, edited by Verónica Membrive and Madalina Armie, IGI Global, 2020. 1-33.
"What made them leave?: Myths and realities of the Irish woman emigrant in the contemporary Irish short story." Immigrant Women's Voices and Integrating Feminism Into Migration Theory, edited by Florence Nyemba y Rufaro Chitiyo, IGI Global, 2020. 177-194.
“Deconstructing stereotypes in the discourse of the Irish Republic: The Irish woman through the lens of the Celtic Tiger and Post-Celtic Tiger short story.” Handbook of Research on Translating Myth and Reality in Women Imagery Across Disciplines, edited by Roxana Ciolăneanu y Roxana Marinescu, IGI Global, 2020. 262-284.
Using Literature to Teach English as a Second Language. Edited by Verónica Membrive and Madalina Armie. IGI Global, 2020.
“What is Irish Studies?”. PhilUr 12. 2015, pp.1-12. To view or download document, click here.

Trauma, Memory, and Silence of the Irish Woman in Contemporary Literature: Wounds of the Body and the Soul. Edited by Madalina Armie and Verónica Membrive. Routledge, 2023.
The Irish Short Story at the Turn of the 21st. Century: Tradition, Society, and Modernity. Routledge. [Forthcoming]
"Change, Stasis, and the Celtic Tiger Ireland in the Short Stories of There Are Little Kingdoms by Kevin Barry." Estudios irlandeses-Journal of Irish Studies, 2022. [Forthcoming]
Escaping Boredom in the Classroom: Breakouts, Breakout Boxes and Escape Rooms. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Edited by Madalina Armie and Verónica Membrive. Cambridge Scholars Publishings, 2022.
Review of Look! It is a Woman Writer: Irish Literary Feminism Between 1970 and 2020, by Éilís Ní Dhuibhne. Dublin: Arlen House, 2021. Irish Studies Review, vol. 30.1 (2022): 119-120.

Madalina Armie
Position/ status
University Lecturer
Email address
Phone no.
(+34) 950.214.282
Academic institution address
Department of Philology/ English Studies
Humanities Building II, 2.96, University of Almería