Position/ status
Full Professor / Senior Researcher
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(+34) 950.214.460
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Department of Philology/ English Studies
Humanities Building II, 2.72, University of Almería
José Francisco Fernández Sánchez is Full Professor in English Literature at the University of Almería and senior researcher of Lindisfarne Research Group (HUM 807 Literature and Culture of the English Speaking Countries). He has published widely in the field of the contemporary short story in English and was the first coordinator of the Short Story panel (2005-2009) at the annual conferences of AEDEAN, the Spanish Association for English and American Studies. His publications include the collective volumes Contemporary Debates on the Short Story (Peter Lang, 2007) and Distancias cortas. El relato breve en Gran Bretaña, Irlanda y Estados Unidos (1995-2005) (Septem, 2010). He has edited the collected stories by Margaret Drabble (Penguin, 2011), as well as her theatre plays (Syracuse University Press, 2018). Among his recent publications as editor and co-editor the following titles stand out: The New Puritan Generation (Gylphi, 2013); A Rich Field Full of Pleasant Surprises: Essays on Contemporary Literature in Honour of Prof. Socorro Suárez Lafuente (Cambridge Scholars, 2014); The Poetics of Bilingualism in the Work of Samuel Beckett. Samuel Beckett Today/ Samuel Beckett Aujourd'hui, 30 (2018) and Samuel Beckett en España (Editorial Universidad de Valladolid, 2020).
He specializes in the work of Samuel Beckett and has translated three of his novels into Spanish: Sueño con mujeres que ni fu ni fa (Tusquets, 2011, together with Miguel Martínez-Lage); Mercier y Camier (Confluencias, 2013) and Cómo es (JPM, 2017). His translation of Beckett's Stories and Texts for Nothing (JPM Ediciones, 2015) was awarded with the AEDEAN Translation Prize in 2016. He has also translated three individual stories by Beckett and in 2019 he published, together with Nuria Fernández-Quesada and Bernardo Santano Moreno, a critical bibliography of all Beckett’s translations in Spanish: Samuel Beckett en español: Bibliografía crítica de las traducciones de su obra (Universidad de Almería, 2019). José Francisco Fernández served as editor of Estudios Irlandeses, the journal of the Spanish Association for Irish Studies (AEDEI).

"Le Petit Sot Poems: Exploring the German Connection". Samuel Beckett Today/ Aujourd'hui (2025): 1-15.
"The Martin Amis Papes." Nexus, 2 (2024): 34-39. To view or download document, click here.
"Mairin Mitchell and the Politics of the 'London Irish' in the 1930s." Éire-Ireland, 59.3&4 (Fall/Winter 2024): 107-126. [In collaboration with Germán Asensio Peral].
"Samuel Beckett's Translations of Mexican Poetry". Samuel Beckett's Poetry. Edited by James Brophy and William Davies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. 172-188.
"'Irishmen could suffer in spirit with Spain': Mairin Mitchell's Storm Over Spain, Ireland and the Spanish Civil War." Irish University Review, 53.2 (2023): 263-278. [In collaboration with Germán Asensio Peral].
Watt, by Samuel Beckett. Edited and translated by José Francisco Fernández Sánchez. Madrid: Cátedra, 2023.
"José Emilio Pacheco, traductor de Samuel Beckett. El caso de Cómo es (1966)". Revista Alpha, 53 (2021): 149-162. To view or download document, click here.
"'Aquí donde reina la justicia’. La recepción de Cómo es de Samuel Beckett en España”. Samuel Beckett en España. Edited by José Francisco Fernández. Valladolid: Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid, 2020. 159-176. To view or download document click here.
"La recepción de Samuel Beckett en España. Consideraciones generales". Samuel Beckett. Literatura y traducción. Eds. Bernardo Santano Moreno, Concepción Hermosilla Álvarez y Severina Álvarez González. Bern: Peter Lang, 2020. 15-36. To view or download document, click here.
"More than an Artist in the Making: Samuel Beckett's 'Assumption' Revisited." Anglia 137.3 (2019): 434-448. To view or download document, click here.
"Between 'Little Latitude' and a 'Discreet Liberty'. Beckett Bilingualism and the Translation of his Work into a Third Language. Samuel Beckett Today/ Samuel Beckett Aujourd'hui, 30 (2018): 127-141. To view or download document, click here.
"Translating for Nothing. A New Translation of Samuel Beckett's Texts for Nothing". Babel (2018): 1-11. To view or download document, click here.
“Samuel Beckett’s Irish Voice in Not I.” Voice and Discourse in the Irish Context. Eds. Diana Villanueva Romero, Carolina P. Amador-Moreno and Manuel Sánchez García. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 169-186. To view or download document, click here.
“Beckett, Lewis, Joyce: Reading Dream of Fair to Middling Women through The Apes of God and Ulysses.” Beckett and Modernism. Eds. Olga Beloborodova, Kirk Van Hulle and Pim Verhulst. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 81-94. To view or download document, click here.
"'The same blinding void as before:' Irish Neutrality in Samuel Beckett's Nouvelles". Arcadia, 52.2 (2017): 346-360. To view or download document, click here.
“A Politically Committed Kind of Silence. Ireland in Samuel Beckett’s Catastrophe”. Studi Irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies, 7 (2017): 165-184. To view or download document, click here.
"Ireland, Spain and Galicia in the Work of Honor Tracy." Ex-Sistere. Women's Mobility in Contemporary Irish, Welsh and Galician Literatures. Ed. María Jesús Lorenzo-Modia. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. 96-110.
"'Minister of Horses': Samuel Beckett according to Fernando Arrabal." Journal of Beckett Studies 24, 2 (2015): 223-241.
"Surrounding the Void. Samuel Beckett and Spain." Estudios irlandeses, 9 (2014): 44-53.
The New Puritan Generation. Edited by José Francisco Fernández. Canterbury: Gylphi Ltd., 2013.
Mercier y Camier, by Samuel Beckett. Edited and translated by José Francisco Fernández Sánchez. Almería: Confluencias, 2013.
“A Move Against the Dinosaurs: The New Puritans and the Short Story.” Modernism, Postmodernism, and the Short Story in English. Ed. Jorge Sacido. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2012. 299-251.
“‘So It Goes in the World’: The Politics of Samuel Beckett’s More Pricks than Kicks.” At a Time of Crisis: English and American Studies in Spain. Eds. Sara Martín Alegre, Melissa Moyer, Elisabet Pladevall & Susagna Tubau. Barcelona: AEDEAN 2012. 94-99. To view or download document, click here.
Sueño con mujeres que ni fu ni fa, by Samuel Beckett. Edited and translated with notes and afterword by José Francisco Fernández Sánchez and Miguel Martínez-Lage. Barcelona: Tusquets, 2011. To view or download a book review appeared on “El Cultural” (El Mundo) (November 25, 2011), click here.
A View from the South: Contemporary English and American Studies. Proceedings of the 34th International AEDEAN Conference Almeria 2010. Almería: Editorial Universidad de Almería, 2011. [In collaboration with José R. Ibáñez]
“Samuel Beckett and Aidan Higgins: No Intrusion Involved” Glocal Ireland: Current Perspectives on Literature and the Visual Arts. Eds. Marisol Morales Ladrón and Juan F. Felices Agudo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. 127-138.
“Spanish Beckett.” Dreaming the Future: New Horizons/ Old Barriers in 21st Century Ireland. Irish Studies in Europe 3. Eds. María Losada Friend et al. Trier: Wissenschaft Verlag Trier, 2011. 63-74. To view or download document, click here.
A Day in the Life of a Smiling Woman. The Collected Stories, by Margaret Drabble. Edited and with an introduction by José Francisco Fernández. London: Penguin Classics, 2011.
"A Complex Kind of Feminism: Margaret Drabble's 'A Success Story.'" ZAA. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik. 58.2 (2010): 131-141. To view an abstract of the document, click here.
“A Long Time Coming: The Critical Response to Samuel Beckett in Spain and Portugal”. The International Reception of Samuel Beckett. Eds. Mark Nixon and Matthew Feldman. London and New York: Continuum, 2009. 272-290.
“‘Echo’s Bones’: Samuel Beckett's Lost Story of Afterlife”. Journal of the Short Story in English, (Spring 2009): 115-124.
“John Banville: Un viejo león de la literatura irlandesa”. Quimera, 306, (Mayo 2009): 54-57.
Contemporary Debates on the Short Story. Ed. by José R. Ibáñez, José Francisco Fernández and Carmen Mª Bretones. Bern: Peter Lang, 2007.
Grupo de Investigación ‘Hum-807’: "La angustia y el gozo de traducir. Entrevista a Miguel Martínez Lage". Odisea. Revista de Estudios Ingleses, 8 (2007): 215-221. To view or download document, click here.

José Francisco Fernández Sánchez