German Asensio obtained both his Bachelor's degree and his Master's degree in English Studies at the University of Almería (Spain), both with honorary distinctions. He completed his Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Almeria (2020) on Irish writer Brian O'Nolan (1911-1966), also known as Flann O'Brien and Myles na gCopaleen, and mid-twentieth century Irish politics in his Cruiskeen Lawn column (1940-1966). He is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Almería (Department of Philology/ English Division) and has published articles and delivered papers on O'Nolan's novels, short stories and columns. His research focuses on the field of Irish literature with a particular interest


"'The eminent English writer:' Aldous Huxley's Point Counter Point and Flann O'Brien's At Swim-Two-Birds." Complutense Journal of English Studies, vol. 26 (2018): 95-109. To view or download document, click here.

"'One does not take sides in these neutral latitudes:'  Myles na gCopaleen and The Emergency." International Journal of English Studies,18.1 (2018): 1-16. To view or download document, click here.

"Selection of Poems by David McLoghlin Translated into Spanish." Estudios Irlandeses, vol. 10 (2017): 179-189. [In collaboration with John Liddy]. To view or download document, click here.

"'Madrid', poem by John Liddy. Translated into Spanish." Estudios Irlandeses, vol. 10 (2017): 190-196. [In collaboration with Beatriz Villacañas]. To view or download document, click here.

“Myles na gCopaleen’s Cruiskeen Lawn and the Politics of Revival.” Nordic Irish Studies, vol. 15 (2016): 133-148. To view or download document, click here.

"Flann O’Brien’s Creative Loophole." Estudios Irlandeses, 10 (2015): 1-13.

"The Origins of Flann O'Brien's At Swim-Two-Birds." ES: Revista de Filología Inglesa, vol. 36 (2015): 47-62.

"Elementos metaficcionales en At Swim-Two-Birds, de Flann O’Brien." Philologica Urcitana Revista de Iniciación a la Investigación en Filología 9 (2013): 1-16.


"Mairin Mitchell and the Politics of the 'London Irish' in the 1930s." Éire-Ireland, 59.3&4 (Fall/Winter 2024): 107-126. [In collaboration with José Francisco Fernández].

"'Irishmen could suffer in spirit with Spain': Mairin Mitchell's Storm Over Spain, Ireland and the Spanish Civil War." Irish University Review, 53.2 (2023): 263-278. [In collaboration with José Francisco Fernández].

"Myles na gCopaleen and the Fate of 'Devocracy': Cruiskeen Lawn and Irish Electoral Politics in the Late 1950s." Irish Studies Review, 30.1 (2022): 49-64.

"'This bugger thinks is a saint now.' Flann O'Brien and Samuel Beckett." Proceedings of the 43rd AEDEAN International Conference Alicante (2019): 59-68.

“Margaret Drabble and British Drama of the Late 1950s and the 1960s”. The Plays of Margaret Drabble. A Critical Edition. Ed. José Francisco Fernández. New York: Syracuse UP, 2018. 133-147. 


Germán Asensio Peral

Position/ status

University Lecturer

Email address

Phone no.

(+34) 950.21.54.36

Academic institution address

Department of Philology/ English Studies

Humanities Building II, 2.18, University of Almería