Ángeles Jordán obtained her Bachelor's Degree in English Studies at the University of Almería in 2019 and earned her Master's Degree in English Studies at the University of Almería in 2020. She is currently working on her Ph.D. dissertation on the influence of politics in culture during the 1960s in Great Britain. Her research focuses on the artistic production during Harold Wilson's first government (1964-1970).

Recent publications
“Review of Us and Them: Women Writers' Discourses on Foreigness. Odisea: Revista de Estudios Ingleses, vol. 24 (2023): 141-143. To view or download document, click here.
"An Interview with Peter Stanfield. The Who and the 'White Heat' Generation: Politics, Influences and Modernity in the 1960s”. Complutense Journal of English Studies, vol. 31 (2023): 1-8. To view or download document, click here.
“Culture and Politics in the Nineteen Sixties in Great Britain: The First Government of Harold Wilson (1964-70). Nexus, no 1 (2023): 140.
“Preface: New Contexts, New Ways?” New Perspectives in Teaching and Learning With ICTs in Global Higher Education Systems. [In collaboration with Madalina Armie, Germán Asensio and María Enriqueta Cortés de los Ríos]. IGI Global, 2023.

Ángeles Jordán Soriano
Position/ status
Predoctoral Fellow/ Ph.D. student
Email address
Phone no.
(+34) 950.21.54.36
Academic institution address
Department of Philology/ English Studies
Humanities Building II, 1.18, University of Almería
“Chapter 9 Using PBL to Teach English Language and Culture at the Tertiary Level”, New Perspectives in Teaching and Learning With ICTs in Global Higher Education Systems [In collaboration with Madalina Armie, María Enriqueta Cortés de los Ríos, Nuria del Mar Torres and María del Mar Sánchez Pérez]. IGI Global, 2023, p. 152-164.
New Perspectives in Teaching and Learning With ICTs in Global Higher Education Systems.[Edited in collaboration with Madalina Armie, GermáM Asensio, María Enriqueta Cortés de los Ríos, Nuria del Marn Torres and María del Mar Sánchez Pérez]. IGI Global, 2023. To view or download document, click here.
“Reality and its Aftermath: Nell Dunn Revisits Up the Junction (1963) and Poor Cow (1967). Alicante Journal of English Studies / Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, vol. 39 (July 2023): 109-128. To view or download document, click here.
“Toward the Archetype of a Working-class Woman in the 1960s: Nell Dunn The Muse (2020) and her Early Writings.” Moving Beyond the Pandemic: English and American Studies in Spain. Ed. Francisco Gallardo del Puerto, et al., Editorial de la Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, 2022. 189-194.
“Reimagining Roald Dahl's Fantastic Mr Fox (1970) in the 21st Century: Wes Anderson's Film Adaptation (2009)”. GAUDEAMUS, Journal of the Association of Young Researchers of Anglophone Studies (ISSN: 2697-2166), vol. 2, (Spring 2022): 145-156. To view or download document, click here.
"'What you though you have forgotten' The Mersey Sound Revisited. Babel A.F.I.A.L. Aspectos de Filología Inglesa y Alemana, vol. 30 (2021): 5-26. To view or download document, click here.
“Lost in the Wild(e)rness. The Translations of De Profundis into Spanish." Thresholds and Ways Forward in English Studies (Proceedings of the 43rd AEDEAN International Conference), Alicante: University of Alicante, 2020. 202-210. To view or download document, click here.